900字范文 > 非线性最小二乘优化 nonlinear least square optimization英语短句 例句大全

非线性最小二乘优化 nonlinear least square optimization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-02 06:03:20


非线性最小二乘优化 nonlinear least square optimization英语短句 例句大全

非线性最小二乘优化,nonlinear least square optimization

1)nonlinear least square optimization非线性最小二乘优化

2)linear least square optimization线性最小二乘优化

1.Based on fundamental circuit theory,this paper proposes alinear least square optimization model and algorithm.运用电路基本理论,提出了基于灵敏度分析的线性最小二乘优化模型及算法。

3)nonlinear least square非线性最小二乘

1.Implementation ofnonlinear least square with global convergence in Forstat全局收敛的非线性最小二乘在Forstat中的实现

2.The Gauss-Newton method is applied to solve thenonlinear least square equations and a simple and applicable iterative formula is deduced, which is locally convergent and divergent sometimes.介绍了采用非线性最小二乘方法回归乙烯深度氧化反应动力学方程。

3.Through transferring solution procedure,the problem was inverted intononlinear least square optimization process with constraint conditions in two stages using function lambertw and function lsqnonlin.对生态学领域的高精度参数确定问题提出了一种解决方案,结合实例,利用肖维奈特准则进行回归分析筛选数据,利用MATLAB工具中vpa和dlmwrite函数来保证数据传递的精度,并变换求解格式利用lambertw函数和lsqnonlin函数将问题转化为带约束条件的非线性最小二乘两级优化过程加以解决。


1.Solving Linear & Nonlinear Least Squares Problems解线性与非线性最小二乘问题

2.Genetic Algorithms Research Based on Nonlinear Least Squares Estimation;非线性最小二乘估计的遗传算法研究

3.A Least Square Nonlinear Estimation of Cumulative Reserves Model累计储量模型的非线性最小二乘估计

4.Multi-scale Nonlinear Least Squares Identification in Frame Structure框架结构多尺度非线性最小二乘识别

5.Nonlinear Least Squares Surveying and Mapping Adjustment by Parameters and Spatial Data Error Analying;非线性最小二乘测量平差与空间数据误差分析

6.Application of Genetic Simulated Annealing Algorithm in Nonlinear Least Square;遗传模拟退火算法在非线性最小二乘中的应用

7.A regularization homotopy iterative method for solving nonlinear least square problem非线性最小二乘问题的一种正则同伦迭代解法

8.A New Method of Non-linear Least Square Estimation of Rheological Parameter for Drilling Fluid钻井液流变参数的非线性最小二乘估计算法

9.The Calculation of AOF of Gas Well Based on Non-linear Least Squares Method基于非线性最小二乘法的气井无阻流量计算

10.Implementation of nonlinear least square with global convergence in Forstat全局收敛的非线性最小二乘在Forstat中的实现

11.Nonlinear Least Squares Adjustment Based on Improved Homotopy Algorithm基于改进同伦算法的非线性最小二乘平差

12.Numerical Methods for System of Singular Nonlinear Equations and Nonlinear Least Square Problems;奇异非线性方程组及非线性最小二乘问题的求解

13.Dynamic Monitoring and Simulate Prediction on LUCC Based on None-Liner Least-Sequare Method;基于非线性最小二乘法的LUCC动态监测与模拟预测

14.Adaptive Trust Region Algorithms for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Least Squares Problems;解无约束优化及非线性最小二乘问题的自适应信赖域算法

15.A Class of New Factorized Quasi-Newton Methods for Nonlinear Least Squares Problems;基于新分解拟牛顿方程的一类求解非线性最小二乘问题的算法

16.Analyzing the Relationship between the Proper Price of Purchasing Power and the Rate of Exchange with Fitting Functions by the Nonlinear Least Square Method;用非线性最小二乘法拟合函数分析购买力平价与汇率之间的关系

17.Consistency of the Least Squares Estimator in Nonlinear Regression Model;非线性回归模型中最小二乘估计量的相合性

18.Study on the Method of Nonlinear Partial Least Squares and Its Applications非线性部分最小二乘方法的研究与应用


linear least square optimization线性最小二乘优化

1.Based on fundamental circuit theory,this paper proposes alinear least square optimization model and algorithm.运用电路基本理论,提出了基于灵敏度分析的线性最小二乘优化模型及算法。

3)nonlinear least square非线性最小二乘

1.Implementation ofnonlinear least square with global convergence in Forstat全局收敛的非线性最小二乘在Forstat中的实现

2.The Gauss-Newton method is applied to solve thenonlinear least square equations and a simple and applicable iterative formula is deduced, which is locally convergent and divergent sometimes.介绍了采用非线性最小二乘方法回归乙烯深度氧化反应动力学方程。

3.Through transferring solution procedure,the problem was inverted intononlinear least square optimization process with constraint conditions in two stages using function lambertw and function lsqnonlin.对生态学领域的高精度参数确定问题提出了一种解决方案,结合实例,利用肖维奈特准则进行回归分析筛选数据,利用MATLAB工具中vpa和dlmwrite函数来保证数据传递的精度,并变换求解格式利用lambertw函数和lsqnonlin函数将问题转化为带约束条件的非线性最小二乘两级优化过程加以解决。

4)nonlinear least squares非线性最小二乘

1.Algorithm ofnonlinear least squares adjustment of any planenetworks with coordinates computed automatically;任意平面网坐标自动解算的非线性最小二乘平差算法

2.A new newton iterative algorithm for solvingnonlinear least squares problem;一种新的求解非线性最小二乘问题的牛顿迭代算法

3.Unified model and ill-posed property of numerical iterative formula for solvingnonlinear least squares problem;非线性最小二乘问题数值迭代法的统一模型及其不适定性

5)nonlinear LS非线性最小二乘

1.On the basis of the homotopy arithmetic, this paper puts forward a uniform model of nonlinear least square (LS) adjustment, which can be used not only for thenonlinear LS adjustment of the rank defect problems, but also for that of the rank full problems.基于非线性同伦思想 ,提出了非线性同伦最小二乘平差统一模型 ,该方法既可适用于满秩网非线性最小二乘平差 ,也可适用于秩亏网非线性最小二乘平差。

6)NLLS algorithm非线性最小二乘算法


