900字范文 > 接触放电 contact discharge英语短句 例句大全

接触放电 contact discharge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-08 23:54:04


接触放电 contact discharge英语短句 例句大全

接触放电,contact discharge

1)contact discharge接触放电

1.this paper presented a research method to study the radiation field produced from thecontact discharge of ESD through the radiation route.本文对ESD接触放电通过辐射途径产生的场强进行了初步研究,利用暗室对其产生的辐射频率和场强进行了分析和实验。

2)electro-arc contact machine接触放电加

3)Contact ESD接触式静电放电

4)contact glow discharge接触辉光放电

1.Degradation of methylene blue by coupling system of nano-TiO_2 film andcontact glow discharge electrolysis;纳米二氧化钛薄膜协同接触辉光放电技术降解亚甲基蓝


1.Degradation of Fuchsin Acid in Aqueous Solution by Contact Glow Discharge Electrolysis接触辉光放电等离子体降解水体中的酸性品红

2.Synthesis of Starch-Graft-Acrylic Acid Superabsorbing Resin Using Contact Glow Discharge Electrolysis Plasma接触辉光放电等离子体引发合成淀粉接枝丙烯酸超强吸水树脂

3.The Application of Contact Glow Discharge Electrolysis in the Treatment of Organic Dyes Wastewater and the Selection of the Optimum Reaction Conditions;接触辉光放电电解技术在有机印染废水处理中的应用及其条件优化

4.contact with electricity or electric discharge触电或接触放出的电流

5.power grid-glow tube强信号栅控辉光放电管

6.hot-cathode grid glow tube热阴极栅控辉光放电管

7.high-voltage glow-discharge ion source高压辉光放电离子源

8.glow discharge lubricant辉光放电合成润滑剂

9.Does the fluorescent lamp discharge in the form of glow or arc日光灯气体放电是辉光放电还是弧光放电

10.The simplest discharge to produce is the glow discharge.最简单的放电产生方法是辉光放电。

11.Study on Founding an Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge Reactor and Induce Grafting Reaction on PE Fiber;常压辉光放电等离子装置的建立和引发接枝改性PE纤维的研究

12.Researches on Sustain High-Pressure Glow Discharge and its the Switching Power Supply;高气压辉光放电及其开关电源的研究

13.Methods of measurement for glow discharge display tubesGB/T15648-1995辉光放电显示管测试方法

14.Numerical Simulation of Ar/SiH_4/H_2 RF Glow Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure大气压射频Ar/SiH_4/H_2辉光放电数值模拟

15.Electric discharge characterized by a cathode fall that is small compared with that in a glow discharge.与辉光放电相比,阴极位降相对较低的放电形式。

16.Simultaneous Determination of Eleven Elements in Silicon Steel by Direct Current Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry直流辉光放电光谱法同时测定硅钢中11种元素

17.Application of Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometer to Material Analysis辉光放电发射光谱法在材料分析中的应用

18.The Spectroscopy Diagnosis of OH Radicals and Active Species Produced in Pulsed Corona Discharge and DC Glow Discharge;脉冲电晕放电与直流辉光放电中OH自由基等活性物种的光谱诊断


electro-arc contact machine接触放电加

3)Contact ESD接触式静电放电

4)contact glow discharge接触辉光放电

1.Degradation of methylene blue by coupling system of nano-TiO_2 film andcontact glow discharge electrolysis;纳米二氧化钛薄膜协同接触辉光放电技术降解亚甲基蓝

5)contact glow discharge electrolysis接触辉光放电

1.Degradation of o-chlorophenol in aqueous solution bycontact glow discharge electrolysis;接触辉光放电等离子体降解水体中的邻氯苯酚

2.Degradation of p-chloronitrobenzene in aqueous solution bycontact glow discharge electrolysis;接触辉光放电等离子体降解水体中的对氯硝基苯

3.The degradation of Fuchsin acid in aqueous solution bycontact glow discharge electrolysis is investigated.研究了接触辉光放电等离子体降解水体中的酸性品红。

6)electro-contact discharge dressing接触放电修锐

1.Therefore, we developed a new dressing method, namelyelectro-contact discharge dressing.针对微细金刚石磨粒很难从金属结合剂砂轮的胎体中出刃的问题 ,开发出一种新修锐方法 -接触放电修锐。


