900字范文 > 最优线性检测 optimal linear detection algorithm英语短句 例句大全

最优线性检测 optimal linear detection algorithm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-01 03:47:39


最优线性检测 optimal linear detection algorithm英语短句 例句大全

最优线性检测,optimal linear detection algorithm

1)optimal linear detection algorithm最优线性检测

1.Furthermore,theoptimal linear detection algorithm would not be obtained directly by applying minimum mean square error(MMSE)criterion.接收信号符号间干扰的特殊性使分布式发射天线MIMO信号的线性检测算法更加复杂,最优线性检测算法也不能直接由最小均方误差(MMSE)准则得到。


1.Optimal Linear Detection Algorithm of MIMO with Distributed Transmit Antennas分布式发射天线MIMO信号的最优线性检测

2.Research of optimal detection order in DS-CDMA systems with nonlinear successive interference cancellation采用非线性串行干扰消除的DS-CDMA系统中最优检测顺序的研究

3.Lane Detection Based on the Optimal Threshold and Hough Transform基于最优阈值和Hough变换的车道线检测方法

4.Straight-line detection method for optimizing use rate of parameter-space一类参数空间利用率最优的直线检测方法

5.The Comparative Study on Linear and Non-linear Optimal Forecast-combination Methods;线性与非线性最优组合预测方法的比较研究

6.The experimental results show that the performance of the new detector is better than that of linear correlate detector.实验表明,该调节检测器的性能优于线性检测器的性能。

7.A fast algorithm to obtain CNOP and its preliminary tests in a target observation experiment of typhoon一种求解条件非线性最优扰动的快速算法及其在台风目标观测中的初步检验

8.Minimum-BER Linear Multiuser Detection Based on Genetic Algorithm基于遗传算法的最小误码率线性多用户检测

9.The Newest Double Linear Fast Algorithm of Image Fuzzy Enhancement Edge Detection双线性快速模糊增强图像边界检测最新算法

10.Linear Regression Analysis and Test Based on Least Square Method基于最小二乘法的测力环线性回归分析与检验

11.Nonlinear Optimal Predictive Control of Induction Motor Speeding System感应电动机调速系统非线性最优预测控制

12.Sliding-mode and Non-linear Optimal Predictive Control of Three-phase PWM Rectifier三相PWM整流器的滑模和非线性最优预测控制

13.Optimal white noise estimatorsfor linear systems with delayed measurements有观测时滞线性系统的白噪声最优估计

14.Optimal Control for a Nonlinear Population Dynamics with State Observation具状态观测的非线性种群系统的最优控制

15.t linear unbiased estimator最优线性无偏估算子

16.linearized stochastic optimal control线性化随机最优控制

17.The results based on the mechanical strength and swelling degree in water indicated that the chloroactic acid was the best crosslinking agent in those tested reagents.通过检测膜的力学性能和溶胀程度,得到氯乙酸交联膜的性能在所检测的范围内最优。

18.Establishment and optimization of line probe assay (LiPA)for identification of human papillomavirus人乳头瘤病毒线性平行杂交分型检测条件的建立及优化


optimal detection最优检测

1.Stochastic resonance in neuron andoptimal detection of noisy periodic rectangular pulse trains;神经元中的随机共振及含噪周期方波脉冲信号的最优检测

2.The performance of target detection in Weibull sea clutter based on Hough transform is analyzed through Monte Carlo simulation runs, and theoptimal detection architecture is obtained in the sense of minimum signal-to clutter ratio (SCR).给出了基于Hough变换的信号检测结构及最优门限的确立方法 ,设计了仿真流程 ,并通过仿真计算分析了Weibull海杂波环境中基于Hough变换的目标检测性能 ,得到了所需SCR最小意义下的最优检测结构 ,最后指出了实际应用中的次优检测策略。

3)optimum detection最优检测

1.This paper studies theoptimum detection model of the multiplicative spread-spectrum watermark embedded by fixed strength.对以固定强度嵌入的乘性扩频水印的最优检测模型进行了研究。

4)optimal linear prediction最优线性预测量

1.The optimal linear linear prediction experientialoptimal linear prediction and optimal linear unbiased prediction in the general growth curve model are obtained.研究了一般增长曲线模型未来观察的预测问题,在一定条件下得到了它的最优线性预测量,经验最优线性预测量,最优线性无偏预测量。

5)optimal φ-linear predictor最优φ-线性预测

6)optimal linear predication最优线性预测

1.In this paper we study theoptimal linear predication and the optimal uniform linear predication in the multivariate linear model with arbi.已有许多文献对这方面的问题进行了研究,本文研究探讨了任意秩多元线性模型中的最优线性预测量与最优齐线性预测量,带线性约束条件的任意秩多元线性模型与带线性约束条件的任意秩生长曲线模型中的条件最优线性无偏预测,多元线性模型中岭型预测与最优线性无偏预测的最优性比较问题,基于岭估计的最优预测量与经典预测量关于离差阵的最优性判别问题,任意秩生长曲线模型中最优线性无偏预测的稳健性问题,完善了多元线性模型中的最优预测的相关理论。


