900字范文 > 机电综合优化 synthetic optimum design with mechanical and electromagnetic technologies英语短句 例句大全

机电综合优化 synthetic optimum design with mechanical and electromagnetic technologies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-27 09:36:46


机电综合优化 synthetic optimum design with mechanical and electromagnetic technologies英语短句 例句大全

机电综合优化,synthetic optimum design with mechanical and electromagnetic technologies

1)synthetic optimum design with mechanical and electromagnetic technologies机电综合优化

2)optimization synthesis优化综合

1.Application of partheno-genetic algorithm based on asexual reproduction to distillation separation sequenceoptimization synthesis;应用无性繁殖单亲遗传算法实现精馏分离序列优化综合

2.On the basis of error probability analysis,a mathematic model for theoptimization synthesis of accuracy probability of robotic mechanism is established.在误差概率分析的基础上 ,建立了机器人机构精度概率优化综合的数学模


1.optimum synthesis of linkage mechanism连杆机构的优化综合

2.Optimizing the Teaching of Integrated Skills of English Course to Improve Students English Comprehensive Competence;优化《综合英语》课程教学,发展学生语言综合能力

3.The Ameliorative Design of Integrated Flight/propulsion Control Computer and The Optimization of Control Parameter;飞/推综合优化计算机改进设计及控制参数优化

4.On Systematic Metods for Electric Power Cost Synthetic Optimizations-Operation Optimization;电力成本综合优化的系统学方法研究——运行优化

5.A review on design and optimization of steam power system蒸汽动力系统设计与综合优化研究综述


7.Synthetic bandwidth optimization algorithm of finite element node numbering有限元结点编号的综合带宽优化算法

prehensive optimization of joint closure temperature field and its shape for arch dam拱坝封拱温度场及体形综合优化方法

9.The kinematic synthesis of four-bar linkage with quick return motion and its optimum design急回四杆机构的运动综合和优化设计

10.The Optimization of Reservoir Seismic Attributes and the Comprehensive Interpretation of Attribute-body;储层地震属性优化及属性体综合解释

11.The Research of Fuel Injection System Optimization for 12V132 Diesel;12V132柴油机燃油系统综合优化研究

12.The Synthesis Optimization of HEN and Steam Power;换热网络与蒸汽动力系统的综合优化

13.Study on Reactive Power Optimization on Electric Power Market;电力市场条件下无功综合优化的研究

14.TD-SCDMA Integrated Network Optimization Platform Based on GIS;基于GIS的TD-SCDMA综合网络优化平台

15.The Study of Site Optimization for Wind Farm Basing on Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluation;风电场选址优化的模糊综合评价研究

16.Bus Operators Integrated Scheduling Optimization Model during the Olympic;奥运期间公交运营综合调度优化模型

17.Reinforce Comprehensive Improvement Optimize Rural Ecological Emviromnent;加强综合整治 优化农村生态环境

18.On Forming of Quantitative Appraising Mode of College Students Comprehensive Quality;大学生综合素质量化评优模型的构建


optimization synthesis优化综合

1.Application of partheno-genetic algorithm based on asexual reproduction to distillation separation sequenceoptimization synthesis;应用无性繁殖单亲遗传算法实现精馏分离序列优化综合

2.On the basis of error probability analysis,a mathematic model for theoptimization synthesis of accuracy probability of robotic mechanism is established.在误差概率分析的基础上 ,建立了机器人机构精度概率优化综合的数学模

3)comprehensive optimization综合优化

1.Aimed at the maximum longitudinal rigidity of rolling mill,thecomprehensive optimization of the mill"s main structural parameters and the shape parameters at corners of the mill housing windows is carried out.以轧机纵向刚度最大为追求目标 ,对其主要结构参数及牌坊窗口上下转角处的形状参数进行了综合优化 ,得出了较理想的结

2.The approach forcomprehensive optimization of mine field reserves, mine production rate and its service life was put forward.对矿山生产规模及其相关决策要素的国内外研究现状进行了分析,通过实例研究提出了对矿田储量、矿山生产规模及其服务年限三要素进行综合优化的思路与方法,并对煤矿设计规范中关于矿山服务年限的规定提出了修改意见,以加快我国优势资源的集中开发与利用。

3.This paper presents acomprehensive optimization algorithm based on particle swarm optimization for distribution network reconfiguration and capacitor switching.将二者融为一体,提出了一种基于PSO的综合优化算法。

4)optimal synthesis优化综合

1.The mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) models are widely used inoptimal synthesis and flexibility analysis.MINLP模型在优化综合与柔性分析中起着重要作用 ,具有两种表示方法 :代数法和逻辑法 ,后者在模型表达与求解方面有很多优点。

2.The proposedoptimal synthesis method guarantees that there are no order defect and branch defect in the solutions obtained, there are fully rotatable input side links in the linkages, and overall size of linkages meets the requirements desired.在建立了运动生成机构的优化综合模型后 ,采用改进遗传算法寻求全局最优解 。

3.The article establishes anoptimal synthesis model based on the positional error between the practical generated paths and the desired paths, gets a synthetic result by optimization toolbox of MATLAB5.基于连杆点实际生成的轨迹曲线与预期的理想轨迹曲线间的位置误差建立优化综合模型 ,为克服传统优化技术局限性 ,利用MATLAB中Optimization工具箱获得综合结果 ,得到一实现两平行直线轨迹的平面五连杆机构 综合实例结果表明了本方法的有效

5)synthesis optimization综合优化

1.In this paper, on the basis of Total Energy Systems (TES), the new idea and method-synthesis optimization of configuration and paramters for IGCC steam system-are presented through combining the energy cascade utilization principle and super-structure method.本文基于总能系统概念,把能的梯级利用原理与超结构等方法有机地结合起来,提出IGCC蒸汽系统流程与参数综合优化新思路和新方法。

2.The paper discusses thesynthesis optimization of ASIC design based on standard cells.本文讨论了基于标准单元ASIC设计的逻辑综合优化问题,总结提出了逻辑综合优化的四种方法:系统和算法级优化、代码级优化、电路级优化和部分全定制的方法,并给出了这些方法的应用场合和应用实效。

6)optimum synthesis优化综合

1.In this paper a method of optimization is used tooptimum synthesis for feed mechanism of the sewing machine.本文采用最优化方法,对工业缝纫机的连杆挑线机构进行了优化综合。

2.This paper givesoptimum synthesis examples of RC active filter of two\|order?three\|order based on Butterworth transfer function.给出了基于Butterworth传递函数的二阶、三阶RC有源滤波器的优化综合实例 ,其特点是实现电路简洁 ,网络参数易确定 ,调试方便 ,截止频率解析式明确 ,且有较好的精度。

3.Theoptimum synthesis of a driving mechanism with flexible member(DMFM) is reported in this paper.首次对一种抗性驱动机构进行了优化综合。


