900字范文 > 可变交通信息 variable traffic information英语短句 例句大全

可变交通信息 variable traffic information英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-10 15:42:34


可变交通信息 variable traffic information英语短句 例句大全

可变交通信息,variable traffic information

1)variable traffic information可变交通信息

2)variable traffic information display可变交通信息显示

1.This paper introduces avariable traffic information display system design.介绍了一种可变交通信息显示系统的设计。

3)traffic information交通信息

1.Validity analysis oftraffic information on day-to-day travel by simulating;日常出行中的交通信息有效性仿真研究

2.The modification design of roadtraffic information mobile monitoring vehicle公路交通信息移动监控车辆的改装设计

3.Analysis of Existence of and Contrast between Deterministic Equilibrium and Stochastic Equilibrium under the Condition of Traffic Information Release交通信息发布条件下确定性均衡和随机均衡的存在性分析与比较


1.Quicken the Pace of Traffic Data in Highway Transportation Trade;公路交通业要全面加快交通信息化的步伐

2.The Design and Implementation of Transportation Information Management System for Wei Cheng District Traffic Bureau潍城区交通局交通信息管理系统的设计与实现

3.Influence of Different Traffic Information on Drivers" Dynamic Route Choice Behavior in Urban Road Network Level不同交通信息下网络交通动态路径选择行为

4.A Traffic Volume Information Forecasting Approach Based on Adaptive GA in City Transportation城市交通短时交通信息自适应遗传预测方法

5.Frequency Selection Design of Radio Frequency in Receiving Traffic Information;用于交通信息获取的射频通信选频方案设计

6.Method of collecting traffic information based on inter-vehicle communication一种基于车间通信的交通信息采集方法

7.A Traffic Information Simulation System Based on Mobile Communications Data基于移动通信数据的交通信息仿真系统

8.Development of a Notify System for Traffic Peccancy Information Based on Mobile Telephone Message基于手机短信的交通信息通知系统开发

9.Transportation Informatization Project in --交通信息工程建设概况

10.Traffic Data Collection System Based on Floating Cars基于浮动车的交通信息采集系统研究

11.Study on the Key Technologies of Urban Road Traffic Information Extraction;城市道路交通信息提取关键技术研究

12.To ensure excellent communication flow through regular Team briefings.通过定期内部信息通报确保交流通畅。

13.The Research of Flow of Short Message Based on Traffic Flow Theory基于交通流理论的短消息信息流研究

14.In addition, its fault can be identified.因通信实体之间交易的信息对它保密。

15.Research on the Application of Geographical Information System for Transportation in Urban Traffic Common Information Platform;交通地理信息系统在城市交通共用信息平台中的应用研究

16.On GIS-T in the Application of Traffic Management;智能交通地理信息系统在交通管理中的应用

17.Probabilistic traffic forecast method based on comprehensive transport information platform基于交通综合信息平台的概率交通预报方法

18.Traffic Cost Information System Based on Information Life Cycle;基于信息生命周期的交通造价信息体系研究


variable traffic information display可变交通信息显示

1.This paper introduces avariable traffic information display system design.介绍了一种可变交通信息显示系统的设计。

3)traffic information交通信息

1.Validity analysis oftraffic information on day-to-day travel by simulating;日常出行中的交通信息有效性仿真研究

2.The modification design of roadtraffic information mobile monitoring vehicle公路交通信息移动监控车辆的改装设计

3.Analysis of Existence of and Contrast between Deterministic Equilibrium and Stochastic Equilibrium under the Condition of Traffic Information Release交通信息发布条件下确定性均衡和随机均衡的存在性分析与比较

4)transportation information交通信息

1.Study on the Planning of the Highway Transportation Information Platform;城市公路网交通信息平台规划研究

2.On the basis of market investigation,data analysis and marketing plan,the article discusses the application of newly developing device management in the West to the market plan of China stransportation information enterprises,and gives an example for explaining the thinking of market analysis fortransportation information industries by using industrial economy and statistical method.从市场数据收集、数据分析和营销计划3个阶段探讨了西方新兴的服务管理在我国交通信息企业市场规划中的应用,举例说明了采用产业经济和统计回归的方法进行交通信息产业市场分析的思路,提出了集成企业营销计划的具体行动指南。

3.It appliestransportation information to routing choice,an optimal routing policy is defined as to select each next decision node based on realized link travel times and the current time.在路径选择过程中引入交通信息,在随机交通网络上最优路径选择原则为下一节点的选择将依赖于已实现的路段时间及当前节点的出发时间,通过期望最小值方法,按照路径通行时间期望值最小原则,建立一种通过所获得交通信息来进行路径选择的优化模型,给出了模型的求解算法。

5)changeable message可变信息

6)traffic informationization交通信息化

1.On the basis of the guiding concept of state traffic information construction, this paper discusses the present situation oftraffic informationization and points out the target of traffic information construction.针对国家交通信息化建设的指导思想,论述了交通信息化的现状,并提出交通信息化建设的发展目标,对管理体制进行了探讨,以实现互联互通和信息共享。

2.This paper introduces the connotation oftraffic informationization,discusses the platform of Urban Traffic Informationization—urban traffic information system,and frames estimate index system of the development of Urban Traffic Informationization.介绍了交通信息化的内涵和要素,重点讨论了城市交通信息化的实现平台——城市交通信息系统,构建了评价城市交通信息化发展状况的指标体系,最后基于系统可靠性理论中的序贯思想,以某城市为例讨论了城市交通信息状况的评估算法。

3.The construction oftraffic informationization in main traffic city is the embodiment of traffic modernization,networked and intelligentization.主枢纽城市交通信息化建设是实现交通现代化、网络化、智能化的具体体现。


