900字范文 > 三次指数平滑法 cubic exponential smoothing method英语短句 例句大全

三次指数平滑法 cubic exponential smoothing method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-21 17:34:33


三次指数平滑法 cubic exponential smoothing method英语短句 例句大全

三次指数平滑法,cubic exponential smoothing method

1)cubic exponential smoothing method三次指数平滑法

1.Application ofcubic exponential smoothing method to city underground deformation prediction;三次指数平滑法在城市地铁变形预测中的应用

2.In this paper,the exponential smoothing method and the prediction process of thecubic exponential smoothing method are introduced in detail.详细介绍了指数平滑法及三次指数平滑法的预测过程,应用此方法对实测资料进行了预计和比较。

3.<Abstrcat> Based on the freight volume data of Da-qin railway between 1989 and , quantitative estimation and speculation of the development foreground, scale and level of Da-qin railway are given in the paper with thecubic exponential smoothing method.以大秦铁路1989年至的运量数据为基础,应用统计预测中的三次指数平滑法,对大秦铁路未来的发展前景、规模和水平进行定量的估计和推测,并对预测结果进行了分析和评价,为大秦铁路重载扩能项目提供了依据。


1.Prediction of City Subway Deformation Prediction by Cubic Exponential Smoothing Method;城市地铁变形预测的三次指数平滑法

2.The Application of the Cubic Exponential Smoothing Method on VolumeForecasting of Da-Qin Railway;三次指数平滑法在大秦铁路运量预测中的应用

3.Three exponential smoothing method in Taicang Port Throughput Prediction三次指数平滑法在太仓港吞吐量预测中的应用

4.Dalian Port Throughput Capacity of Goods Forecast by Cubic Exponential Smoothing Method三次指数平滑法预测大连港货物吞吐量

5.Research and Application of Three-time Exponential Smoothing in Forecasting of Port s Handling Capacity;三次指数平滑法在港口吞吐量预测中的应用研究

6.Preditermination and Application of Linear Exponential Smoothing Model;一次指数平滑模型预测法及实际应用

7.A Study on the Multiple Exponential Smoothing Measure of Oder 3 and Its Application for Speculative Risk of Securities证券投机风险三次指数平滑测度及应用研究

8.The Application of Excel in Optimization of Parameters about Smoothing Methods;Excel在指数平滑法参数优选中的应用

9.Blending of Quadric and Cubic Implicit Algebraic Surfaces along Planar Sections;二次与三次隐式代数曲面沿平面截口光滑拼接

paring Two Forecast Models of Ports Handling Capacity;基于对数二次指数平滑的港口吞吐量预测

11.The Combined Predicton Approach of Auto-regressive and Exponential Smoothing;AR(p)与指数平滑组合预测算法

12.The Application of the Exponential Smoothing Methods on Border-control Intelligence Analysis指数平滑法在边防情报分析中的应用

13.Application of Exponential Smoothing Method to Predict the Clothing Consumption Level指数平滑法在服装消费水平预测研究中的应用

14.The Graphic Solution of Higher Smoothly Blending of Quadric and Cubicimplicit Algebriaic Surface Along Planar Sections;二次与三次隐式代数曲面沿平面截口的高光滑拼接

15.The forecasting model of exponential smoothing is a valid method in forecasting and decision-making.指数平滑技术是进行预测决策的有效方法.

16.The Application of Exponential Smoothing Model in GDP Prediction of Typical City;指数平滑法在典型城市GDP预测中的应用

17.The Application of Wenshite s Exponential Smoothing In Forecasting Water Resource;温斯特指数平滑法在水资源预测中的应用

18.Application of index smoothing procedure in forecasting sales volume of chain-like supermarket;指数平滑法在连锁超市销售额预测中的应用


single-index moving method一次指数平滑法

1.Asingle-index moving method with fuzzy set theory is studied First,an explanation of fuzzy set theory is made onsingle-index moving method,and then,a reasonable improvement on the method is put forward The results of this improved approach show that it can overcome the deficiency ofsingle-index moving method and can also improve the prediction accurac利用模糊理论对一次指数平滑法进行了研究,先从模糊数学的角度对指数平滑法作出了解释,然后提出对该法的一种合理改进算例表明这种改进方法能克服一次指数平滑法本身的不足,提高预测精度

3)quartic exponential smoothing method四次指数平滑法

1.This paper generalizes the Brown Single Parameter Exponential Smoothing from polynomial of degree 2 to polynomial of degree 3-quartic exponential smoothing method.把布朗单一参数二次多项式指数平滑法推广到三次多项式指数平滑法(即布朗单一参数四次指数平滑法),并利用计量经济学软件Eviews4。

4)second exponential smoothing method二次指数平滑法

1.The system adopts the ASP+IIS structure, the database is Microsoft SQL Server 2000 databases, the kits is Microsoft Visual InterDev, The prediction algorithm issecond exponential smoothing method.系统整体采用B/S架构设计;前台采用基于Windows 2000 Server的Webserver服务,实现方式为ASP+IIS结构;后台采用Microsoft SQL Server 2000数据库,开发工具为微软公司的Visual InterDev、预测算法采用二次指数平滑法。

5)triple exponential smoothing prediction technique三次指数平滑预测

1.By the combination oftriple exponential smoothing prediction technique and grey prediction technique,the writer makes up the forecasting model of container throughput in Shanghai Port and forecasts the container throughput of 2000-2001 years.介绍了基于误差绝对值之加权和最小的组合预测模型 ,并应用灰色预测法和三次指数平滑预测法两种单项预测法建立上海港集装箱吞吐量的组合预测模型 ,并运用此模型对 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 1年上海港集装箱吞吐量进行了预

6)smooth model SM2三次指数平滑模型

1.Meanwhile,it also analyzes the price trend according to grey-system theory GM(1,1) andsmooth model SM2.同时,依据三次指数平滑模型和灰色系统理论GM(1,1)模型,分析了杉木小径材木材价格变动趋势。


