900字范文 > 撞击能量 impact energy英语短句 例句大全

撞击能量 impact energy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-17 21:34:00


撞击能量 impact energy英语短句 例句大全

撞击能量,impact energy

1)impact energy撞击能量

1.Based on the summarization of the research onimpact energy of mooring ships under wave actions and analysis of the main factors influencing theimpact energy on wharf induced by mooring ships,this paper points out the adaptability of the existing calculation methods,and proposes some suggestions on the contents and orientation of further research.归纳和总结国内外有关系泊船舶在波浪作用下对靠船设施的撞击作用的研究,分析影响系泊船舶撞击能量的若干主要因素,指出当前国内外各类撞击能量计算公式的适用性。

2.The paper describes it is necessary to calculate theimpact energy of the vessel against the wharf before proposing the design of fender and measures of the use when renovating the old wharf.介绍老码头修复时,通过计算船舶对码头的撞击能量,提出护航的设计和使用措施。

3.It is of key importance to conclude accurately theimpact energy exerted by mooring ship under wave actions for the design of terminal and the selection and design of rubber fender.系泊船舶荷载是外海开敞式码头设计的主要依据之一,从动能定理角度分析,船舶的撞击力与船舶的撞击能量有关,如何准确确定波浪作用下系泊船舶对码头的撞击能量,对于码头设计和护舷的选取至关重要。


1.In a frontal collision, the car′s nose will deform to absorb the impact energy.在正面碰撞中,汽车前端会变形,来吸收撞击能量。

2.Model Experiment Study of Impact Energy of Mooring Ship under Wave Action;波浪作用下系泊船舶撞击能量的试验研究

3.Research for Mooring Ship Movement, Mooring Line Forces and Impact Eenergy of Open Terminal;开敞式码头系泊船舶运动量、系缆力和撞击能量研究

4.Energy balance relationship in collision between ship and moored collision-prevention system船舶撞击锚泊防撞系统的能量平衡关系分析

5.Study on Energy Absorption Structure and Collision Energy Absorption Characteristic to Improve Motor Vehicle Collision Resistance Performance提高汽车耐撞性的能量吸收结构撞击吸能特性研究

6.The impact flash may have been caused by the thermal emission from the impact itself or by the release of spacecraft volatiles, such as the small amount of hydrazine fuel remaining on board.撞击的闪光可能来自撞击本身产生的热喷发,也可能是飞船上的挥发物,如剩余的少量肼燃料。

7.The striking together of two bodies, especially when noise is produced.敲打两物体的撞击,尤指能撞出声响时

8."In the case of vehicle collisions, the frame is forced to crush and absorb a large portion of the energy of impact."在车辆受到冲撞的情况下,要能承受并吸收大部分冲击能量。

9.The instantaneous release from an impact would potentially kill off species in a few thousand years.陨石撞击是瞬间事件,理论上几千年内就能杀死大量物种。

10.The crash was the highest-energy cosmic event known to have occurred since the Big Bang.这次撞击是自大爆炸以后人们所知道的最高能量级的宇宙事件。

11.Numerical Study on Deposition Characteristics of a Droplet Impinging onto Spherical Surface with Low Impact Energy低冲击能量液滴与球面碰撞沉积特性的数值研究

12.Because shock energy attenuates rapidly in porous materials, an impact can heat the rocks bordering the deep crater very efficiently.因为冲击波的能量在多孔隙物质中快速减弱,撞击能使上述深陨石坑附近的岩石有效加热。

13.The problem of impact rebound is of great significance for the motion and design of mechanical system which transmits energy by impact.回弹问题对于以撞击方式传递能量的冲击机械系统的运行和设计具有重要意义。

14.Study on the influence of striking bow shape to the side structure during ship collision撞击船艏部形状对被撞船体舷侧结构碰撞性能影响研究

15.The force or impetus transmitted by a collision.冲击力由碰撞而传递的力量或动力

16.The impact would have equaled the detonation of 100 million of your hydrogen bombs.撞击力相当于 一亿枚氢弹的爆炸当量

17.The Determination of Impulse and Temporal Factor of Bird Impact Loads鸟撞击载荷的冲量与时间因素的确定

18.You hear the sound of the boat hitting the water.你能听到船撞击水的声音。


strike energy撞击能量

1.This paper analyzes the characteristics and modes of ferryboats′ berthing,discusses the calculation method ofstrike energy about large-scale ferryboats,and recommends reasonable calculation mode.分析轮渡工程渡轮的靠泊特点以及靠泊模式,探讨大型轮渡码头渡轮撞击能量的计算模式,并提出建议的计算模式。

2.As a considerable ingredient of wharf s secure use, thestrike energy against wharf is affected by many factors.码头撞击能量作为影响码头使用安全的一个重要因素,它受到许多因素的影响。

3)energy stroke能量撞击

1.The principled diagram of the major loop circuit and the relay circuit based on the intermediate frequency power supplyenergy stroke startup mode is presented in this paper.设计了中频电源能量撞击启动方式的主回路电路原理图、继电器电路原理图和零电压软起动方式的主回路电路原理图,对两种启动方式的起动步骤进行了详细分析,对两种启动方式的特点进行了对比和总结,提出了指导性意见,使读者能够对中频电源的起动方式有一个深入的了解和掌握。

4)impact energy equivalent method撞击能量当量法

1.Based on the analysis of the motion state of foreign objects to compressor blades, theimpact energy equivalent method is suggested for the simulation of foreign objects to compressor blades in which the potential energy of the hammer and the kinetic energy of the foreign objects to the blades is equivalent.在分析外物与叶片间的运动态势后,提出压气机叶片外物损伤模拟的撞击能量当量法,即使得摆锤的势能与外物撞击叶片时可能达到的动能相等。

5)f effective impact energy有效撞击能量

1.Calculation of effective impact energy by vessel\"s berthing and fender design are important contents of wharf engineering design.船舶靠泊有效撞击能量计算和护舷设计是码头工程设计中的重要内容。

6)shock energy撞击能


能量原理与能量法能量原理与能量法energy principles and energy methodsnengliang yuanli yu nengliangfa能量原理与能量法(energy prineiple、and energy methods)根据能量来分析结构在外来作用下的反应的力学原理和方法。能量原理是力学中的机械能守恒定律或虚功原理在变形固体力学中的具体体现,它是能量法的理论基础,也是用能量法解题时必须满足的条件。这些条件是与平衡条件或位移协调条件等价的。能量原理和能量法与先进的计算技术相结合,显示出优越性。应变能、余能和势能在单向应力状态下,弹性体的应变能密度(单位体积的应变能)怂可用一下式计算: ,‘一站O。凌它相当于图l中用阴影线表示的面积。另外,在单向应力状态下的余能(应力能)密度万可用下式计算:万一俨:而它相当于图2中阴影部分的面积。由图1.21;r知2,+万=JO‘’)。‘。~J茸祥一言一一£d£图J应变能密度图2余能密度图3线弹性情尤下的应变能密度与余能密度由图3可知,线弹性体的余能密度与应变能密度在数值上相等。在简单应力状态下的应变能密度或余能密度经过总加后,可得到复杂应力状态下的应变能密度或余能密度。把它们在整个弹性体的体积内积分就得出整个弹性体的应变能或余能。对于线弹性体,应变能或余能可表示为位移或应力(内力)的二次式。弹性体的应变能与外力势能的总和称为总势能。外力势能在数值上等于各个外力在施力点位移上所做功的总和冠以负号。能量原理在给定的外力作用下,在满足位移边界条件的所有各组位移中.实际存在的一组位移应使总势能为极值。对于稳定平衡状态,这个极值是极小值。因此,上述能量原理称为极小势能原理。它等价于平衡条件(含应力边界条件)。在满足平衡条件(含应力边界条件)的所有各组应力(内力)中,实际存在的一组应力‘内力)应使弹性体的余能为极值。对于稳定平衡状态,这个极值是极小值。因此,这个能量原理称为极小余能原理。它等价于位移协调条件。上述两个能量原理实际上就是数学中求泛函极值的变分原理,应变能和余能分别是以位移或应力(内力夕为自变函数的泛函。所以能量原理也称变分原理,是工程力学的电要组成部分。在变分原理中,位移的变分就是虚位移,应力(内力)的变分就是虚应力(虚力)。因此,能量原理中的极小势能原理又相当于虚位移原理,极小余能原理又相当于虚应力(虚力)原理。
