900字范文 > 投资估算 investment estimation英语短句 例句大全

投资估算 investment estimation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-22 20:11:24


投资估算 investment estimation英语短句 例句大全

投资估算,investment estimation

1)investment estimation投资估算

1.How to increase the accuracy of theinvestment estimation in the design scheme;如何提高设计方案投资估算的准确性

2.Research on modeling forinvestment estimation of mid-small sized hydropower stations;中小型水电站投资估算建模研究


1.The Budgetary estimation of investment and fund-raising投资估算和资金筹措

2.Approach to Estimating the Cost of Government-invested Projects Based on FIS and BPNN;基于FIS、BPNN方法的政府投资项目投资估算方法

3.Investment Estimation of Government Projects on the Basis of BPNK,Delphi and GM(1,1);政府投资项目的BPNN、Delphi、GM(1,1)投资估算方法

4.Role of Investment Estimation,Budgetary Estimate and Budget in Engineering Design;投资估算、概算和预算在工程设计中的作用

5.Study on Fast Investment Estimation Method for Construction Projects;建设工程项目快速投资估算方法研究

6.How to increase the accuracy of the investment estimation in the design scheme;如何提高设计方案投资估算的准确性

7.Practice and Optimization of Investment Estimate Preparation and Review for Engineering Projects(Ⅱ);工程项目投资估算编、审实务与优化(下)

8.Investment Estimation Method of Construction Project in Decision Stage;建设项目工程决策阶段投资估算方法

9.An Analysis of Effective Elements of Controlling Prices of Manufacture and Investment Estimation;控制造价对投资估算的影响因素分析

10.Treatment Framework and Estimated Investment Of Dianchi Lake;滇池环境综合治理框架及其投资估算

11.Method on Evaluating andControlling Estimate Accuracyof Capital Investment;评价和控制投资估算精度的一种方法

12.Analysis of The Importance of Investment Budget in Civil Engineering浅议投资估算在建筑工程中的重要性

13.The Discussion of the Organization and Problems of Water Conservancy Project Evaluation浅谈水利工程投资估算的编制与问题

14.Increasing the Accuracy of Estimating Investment,Making Serious Cheek on the Quality of the Estimation in Credit Projct;提高投资估算精度 严把信贷项目评估质量关

15.Discussion on the calculation method of investment estimate loan of highway construction project公路工程建设项目投资估算贷款计算方法探讨

16.Briefa Analysis for Compilation of the Investment Budget Estimate of the Large Scaled Petrochemical Joint Venture Project;浅析大型石化合资项目投资估算的编制

17.Estimating Primary Cost Based on Neural Network in Government-Invested Engineering Projects;基于BP神经网络数据挖掘方法的政府投资项目投资估算方法

18.Kazakhstan,New Zhanazhol Oil & Gas Processing Plant Investment Estimation哈萨克斯坦扎那诺尔油气处理厂工程投资估算


investment estimate投资估算

1.A must trend of standardization in makinginvestment estimate;编制投资估算规范化势在必行

2.Scheme comparison andinvestment estimate during tunnel design with immersed tunneling method;沉管法隧道设计过程的方案比选及投资估算

3.Research on Investment Estimate Method of Commercial Real Estate Project;商业地产项目投资估算方法研究

3)investment evaluation投资估算

1.The discussion of theinvestment evaluation method for the commodity residence items at the stage of feasibility study;可行性研究阶段商品住宅项目投资估算的方法

2.At the same time,it makes uses of the unary linear regression method to analyze the way to realize the dynamic control of theinvestment evaluation with illustrations.分析了决策阶段投资估算动态控制方法,重点阐述指标估算法在决策阶段投资估算方面的运用,同时也运用了一元线性回归分析法分析如何实现投资估算动态控制,并辅以例证。

3.This paper emphasizes the drawing up of the reasonableinvestment evaluation,which practically reflects the project cost It also analyzes the reasonable investment decision by the scientific valuation method.强调合理投资估算的编制,并真实反映工程造价。

4)cost estimation投资估算

1.By the presentcost estimation method,the railway project to be construced is resolved into parts and items and the similarity of the parts and items are judged by men;the cost of the parts and items with points of similarity is estimated on the basis of the quota indices or the linear relationship model of the similar engineering data;the cost of the p.可行性研究决策阶段投资估算的准确与否对整个项目的投资控制起着决定性的作用,目前拟建铁路建设项目投资估算方法在类似工程数据情况下,对具有类似项目的分部分项工程,根据定额估算指标或建立类似工程数据的线性关系分析模型进行简单估算,对无类似项目的分部分项工程,也往往根据相似工程和专家经验进行比较类推和综合而成,不仅计算工作量大,而且由此造成误差和可靠性不稳定。

2.The inaccuracy ofcost estimation in the feasible research and design stage is one of the main reasons that causes investment of railway construction projects out of control in China.前期可行性研究投资估算和设计阶段概预算不准确是目前铁路工程“三超”的主要原因之一,在这两个阶段中,许多不确定因素影响着项目造价,并且这些影响因素与造价之间呈高度非线性关系,传统的投资估算和设计概预算方法难以对新建铁路项目造价进行准确计算。

5)investment assessment投资估算

1.The article described the advantage, construction scope and the technology used of Linyuan Oil Refinery s 100kt/a ethylbenzene, and made financial evaluation and analysis to the project based on the conformation ofinvestment assessment, financing, financial evaluation basis and basic data.介绍了大庆炼化公司100kt/a乙苯项目建设的有利条件、建设范围和采用的技术,在确定该项目的投资估算、资金筹措、财务评价依据及基础数据的基础上,对该项目进行了财务评价分析。

6)investment estimation of battery limit界区内投资估算


投资估算投资估算initial cost estimatetouz.gusuan投资估算(initial cost estimate)预可行性研究设计阶段预侧的工程造价.是依据预可行性研究报告框算的设计工程t,采用编制年价格水平(人工价格、材料价格、施工机械使用费价格、设备价格等),按照规定的编制办法、定顶或指标,编制形成以货币t表现的造价文件.投资估算是项目建设法人(业主)选定开发项目、政府审批项目建议书、进行续后阶段可行性研究的重要依据之一。项目划分见设计撅葬.主要项目采用工程t乘工程单价,次要工程项目采用类比或扩大指标法进行估算.投资估算的工程t阶段扩大系数和基本预备*率均大于设计棍算阶段,选用概算定额时人、材、机消耗量还应乘扩大系数。
