900字范文 > 施工预算 construction budget英语短句 例句大全

施工预算 construction budget英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-16 12:24:15


施工预算 construction budget英语短句 例句大全

施工预算,construction budget

1)construction budget施工预算

1.This paper provided good thought for construction enterprise to improve economic efficiency and increase competitiveness by analyzing systematically onconstruction budget management.从搞好施工预算管理的角度进行了系统的分析,为建筑企业提高经济效益、增强市场竞争力提供了有益的思路。

2.Though compiling highwayconstruction budget is very flexible,it is not combination with bill of quantities quotation rightly to meet the need of project cost management and get the aim of effective controlling and reducing project cost.尽管公路施工预算的编制较为灵活,但目前并没能真正与工程量清单报价结合起来,顺应项目成本管理改革的需要,达到有效控制并降低项目成本的目的。

2)working drawing estimate施工图预算

1.At the same time discussion is carried out according toworking drawing estimate, unit price analysis, price determination and quotation skills.介绍了投标报价的过程 ,从施工图预算和单价分析、投标报价的确定、投标报价技巧等方面进行了论述 ,指出投标报价是建筑企业取得经济效益的重要组成部

2.Aiming at the main factors ofworking drawing estimate,analyzing the factors which influence the establishment quality ofworking drawing estimate conduces to improve the establishment quality ofworking drawing estimate.针对施工图预算的主要构成要素,分析影响施工图预算编制质量的原因,有助于提高施工图预算的编制质量。


1.Control the discussion of the fabrication cost of the project by working drawing budget采用施工图预算控制工程造价的探讨

2.Correct Quantity Determination in Making the Road Construction Drawing Estimate编制公路工程施工图预算 正确摘取工程量

3.Budget Auditing Controlling of Working Plan for Make Sure the Construction Cost Reasonable把握施工图预算审核合理确定工程造价

4.The Study of Controlling Engineering Cost Through the Construction Drawing Budget and Engineering Volume List Valuation;采用施工图预算和工程量清单计价控制工程造价的研究

5.A probe into auditing methods of working plan budget of civil worksfor Shenzhen Metro Phase 1;关于深圳地铁一期土建工程施工图预算审计方法的探讨

6.Controlling Project Cost by Combining Construction Drawing Budget of Party A with Quantity List Accounting Cost;采用甲方施工图预算和工程量清单计价相结合的办法控制工程造价

7.Research on the Integration of the Architecture Drawings and Engineering Budget;建筑施工图与工程概预算的一体化研究

8.ObjectARX in the design of bridge prestressed steal cable construction plansObjectARX在桥梁预应力钢索施工图中的应用

9.Study on Engineering Work Budget Method in Computer Simulation of Arch Dam Construction计算机模拟拱坝施工中工程量预算方法研究

10.Research into CAD of the Drawing of Prestressing Cables in Long-span Prestressed Concrete Beam Bridge;大跨预应力梁桥预应力束施工图的CAD研究

11.The Application Research of the Overall Budget Management of the Road Bridge Construction Business Enterprise;路桥施工企业全面预算管理应用研究

12.Precamber Calculating and Controlling of Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge连续刚构桥施工预拱度的计算与控制

13.Probe into the Relation between the Engineering s Construction Organization Plan and the Preliminary Estimate;对工程施工组织设计与概预算关系的探讨

14.Application of quality control chart on prestressed concrete construction质量控制图在预应力混凝土施工过程中的应用

15.Large infrastructure projects almost invariably go over budget.大型基础设施工程几乎总是会超过预算。

16.The Budget Management Theory and Application Research of Construction Project Awarded the Bid;施工项目标后预算管理理论与应用研究

17.Construction characteristics and estimate & budget making of high speed railway overhead contact system (OCS);高速铁路接触网的施工特点及概预算编制

18.Design & Realization of Budget Software in Coal Ground Construction Project;煤炭地面建筑工程预算软件的设计与实施


working drawing estimate施工图预算

1.At the same time discussion is carried out according toworking drawing estimate, unit price analysis, price determination and quotation skills.介绍了投标报价的过程 ,从施工图预算和单价分析、投标报价的确定、投标报价技巧等方面进行了论述 ,指出投标报价是建筑企业取得经济效益的重要组成部

2.Aiming at the main factors ofworking drawing estimate,analyzing the factors which influence the establishment quality ofworking drawing estimate conduces to improve the establishment quality ofworking drawing estimate.针对施工图预算的主要构成要素,分析影响施工图预算编制质量的原因,有助于提高施工图预算的编制质量。

3)construction budgetary estimate施工概预算法

4)civil construction budget土建施工图预算

5)audit for working drawing estimate施工图预算审计

6)Construction Budget after Acceptance of Bid标后施工预算


施工预算施工部门为了加强施工管理,在施工图预算的控制之下,计算建筑安装工程所需要消耗的人工、材料、施工机械的数量限额,并直接用于施工生产的技术性文件。是根据施工图的工程量、施工组织设计或施工方案以及施工定额而编制的。内容 包括:①按施工定额和施工组织设计口径的分部分项、分层分段的工程量;②材料的明细用量;③分工种的用工数量;④机械的种类和需用台班数量;⑤混凝土、钢木构件及制品的加工订货数量。编制步骤 施工预算根据已会审的图纸和说明书及施工方案,按下列步骤编制:①搜集编制施工预算的基础资料,包括全套施工图纸,经过批准的单位工程施工组织设计或施工方案,平面布置图等。②计算工程实物数量。尽量摘用编制施工图预算时的各项计算成果,避免重复计算。③工程量汇总。工程量计算完毕核对无误后,根据施工定额内容和计量单位,按分部分项工程的顺序,分层分段逐项汇总。④套施工定额。在中国,由于目前没有一套全国统一的施工定额,因此,可按所在地区或企业内部自行编制的材料消耗定额及全国统一劳动定额套用,但是套用的施工定额必须与施工图纸要求的内容相适应。⑤工料分析和汇总。⑥编制说明。作用 主要表现在:①施工企业据以编制施工计划、材料需用计划、劳动力使用计划,以及对外加工定货计划,实行定额管理和计划管理。②据以签发施工任务书,限额领料、实行班组经济核算以及奖励。③据以检查和考核施工图预算编制的正确程度,以便控制成本、开展经济活动分析,督促技术节约措施的贯彻执行。
