900字范文 > 有机存储介质 Organic recording material英语短句 例句大全

有机存储介质 Organic recording material英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-26 18:34:38


有机存储介质 Organic recording material英语短句 例句大全

有机存储介质,Organic recording material

1)Organic recording material有机存储介质

2)storage medium存储介质

1.The structure of CDR disk and its writein and readout principles as well as the optical properties,the structure and the synthesizing route of cyanine dyes used asstorage medium were briafly introduced.简要介绍了CD R光盘结构、光盘读写原理以及作为光存储介质的花青染料的结构、光吸收特性及其合成路线 ,对花青染料的高技术应用做了综述。


1.The data are stored on a secondary medium such as disk.数据存放在辅助存储介质上,如磁盘。

2.(computer science) a device that writes data onto or reads data from a storage medium.从存储介质中记录或读取数据的装置。

3.Research and Implementation of the Information Eliminating Technology on Storage Medium存储介质信息消除技术的研究与实现

4.Exploration on Security Strategy for Army Mobile Storage Medium军队移动存储介质安全保密策略探讨

5.Method of Marking Removable Storage Medium Based on Partition Table基于分区表的移动存储介质标识方法

6.A device that reads and writes to mass storage disks or other storage media.读取或写入大容量存储磁盘或其他存储介质的设备。

7.Telephone speech data storage system design based on sequential access media基于顺序存储介质的电话语音数据存储系统设计

8.Parameters of focusing object lens and structure of3- D storage media are designed.设计聚焦物镜的参数和三维存储介质的结构。

9.The Application of AFM in Storage Medium Detection原子力显微镜在信息存储介质检测中的应用

10.VPN Secure Mobile Client Based on USB Mass Storage Device;基于USB大容量存储介质的VPN安全移动客户端

11.Synthesis of CD-R Storage Medium and Investigation on Its Lightfastness;可录光盘存储介质的合成及其耐光性研究

12.The Study of Azo Dyes as the Optical Information Storage Materials;偶氮染料作为光信息存储介质材料的研究

13.The Quantum Noise of Probe Light in the Medium of Quantum Memory;量子存储介质中光场的量子噪声特性研究

14.Research on Storage Medium and for Magnetically Induced Super Resolution and Blue Wavelength Magneto-optical Data Storage蓝光超分辨磁光存储介质和性能的研究

15.Research and Implementation of Removable Storage Medium Information Security System移动存储介质信息安全系统的研究与实现

16.Analysis on the Security Management of the Removable Storage Media Concerning Security Matters in the School浅析学校涉密移动存储介质的安全管理

17.Design and Implementation of Removable Storage Device Secure Monitoring System移动存储介质安全管理系统设计与实现

18.The Current Status and Future Trend of Removable Storage Security Management移动存储介质安全管理技术的现状和发展趋势


storage medium存储介质

1.The structure of CDR disk and its writein and readout principles as well as the optical properties,the structure and the synthesizing route of cyanine dyes used asstorage medium were briafly introduced.简要介绍了CD R光盘结构、光盘读写原理以及作为光存储介质的花青染料的结构、光吸收特性及其合成路线 ,对花青染料的高技术应用做了综述。

3)media storage介质存储

1.Methods The DICOMmedia storage model was based on five basic operations and the two operations were designed according to clinical requirements.方法提出DICOM介质存储的三层模型,基于五种基本操作和根据实际临床需要设计的两种操作,将介质存储方案分为两个模块即数据导入和数据导出。

2.To realize successful communication ,sharing and management without films of imaging data and related information between heterogeneous medical imaging units and systems and promote the information exchange between different operation platforms, implemented the application programs which could realize the function of the DICOMmedia storage on the platform of Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0为开发平台,研发了实现DICOM介质存储功能的应用程序。

4)memory medium存储介质

5)storage media存储介质

1.On the issue about "Could the mp3 player be heavier after loaded 100MB ",Carry out an in-depth study to the various types ofstorage media and storage principle since the 1940s.存储器是计算机的核心,围绕"向MP3播放器存储了100MB歌曲后质量是否变重"这一问题,延伸分析比较了各类存储介质及其存储原理,对上世纪四十年代以来的存储介质进行了深入的研究,得到了解决质量问题的全面回答。

6)optical recording medium光存储介质

1.This azo metal chelate dye is suitable foroptical recording medium.设计合成一类与短波长 ( 635~ 650nm)半导体激光器相匹配用于有机光盘的光存储介质的偶氮染料金属螯合物 。


有机1.原指与生物体有关的或从生物体来的(化合物)﹐现指除一氧化碳﹑二氧化碳﹑碳酸﹑碳酸盐和某些碳化物之外﹐含碳原子的(化合物)。 2.指事物构成的各部分互相关连﹐具有不可分的统一性。 3.有机会。
