900字范文 > 总等电位连接 whole equipotential bonding英语短句 例句大全

总等电位连接 whole equipotential bonding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-27 18:53:54


总等电位连接 whole equipotential bonding英语短句 例句大全

总等电位连接,whole equipotential bonding

1)whole equipotential bonding总等电位连接

2)equipotential bonding等电位连接

1.This paper briefly describes the harm way of LEMP and analyze the significance ofequipotential bonding in protecting modern structure against lightning,and table a proposal on the verification ofequipotential bonding related prevention lightning blueprint.简述了LEM P的危害方式进而分析等电位连接在现代建筑物防雷中的重要作用,并对现在的防雷图纸有关等电位连接的审核提出建议。

2.In this paper,using ATP-Draw transient simulation software,basing on the accident,establishes the model,simulates and analyzes one point earthing and multipoint earthing of theequipotential bonding copper cable in Qujiang 500 kV Substation,and verifies the simulation results through experiments.利用ATP-Draw暂态仿真软件,根据事故发生情况建立模型,对曲江变电站等电位连接铜缆一点和多点接地进行仿真分析,并通过实验对仿真结果进行验证。


1.Research on Equipotential Bonding of Copper Cable in 500 kV Substation500 kV变电站等电位连接铜缆方式研究

2.Meshed bonding enables a site to achieve a considerably lower ground resistance pathway for diverting direct lightning strikes to earth ground.网状等电位连接能使现场得到一条相对较低的地阻路径,分流直击雷入地。

3.symmetrical heterostatic circuit对称异电位差连接电路

4.Automatically change telephony location when I dock or undock接驳或断开连接时自动更改电话位置

5.The wiper of the potentiometer is connected directly to the spindle.电位计的孤刷直接与销子连接。

6.a unit for connecting 2 cables without the need for plugs.连接条电缆而不用塞子的单位。

7.Overloading of single power outlet with too many connections.在单个电源插座位上超载过多连接线。

8.Inform me that the telephony location has automatically changed as a result of docking or undocking.由于驳接或断开连接,电话位置已变动,请通知。

9.a copulative conjunction系语连接词((and 等))


11.It joins rapidly, keeps in touch with the characteristic such as being reliable, apply to the radio equipment and electron tube instrument field and join the coaxial cable of the radio frequency extensively.它具有连接迅速,接触可靠等特点,广泛应用于无线电设备和电子仪器领域连接射频同轴电缆。

12.The braided copper wire is suitable for the flexible conductor of electric installation, switch gear, electric frunace, storage battery, etc.铜编织线用于电气装置,开关电器,电炉及蓄电池等的软连接线。

13.If you want to turn off your phone"s call waiting service, while you are making this connection,如果希望在进行连接时,关闭等待电话服务,

14.A conducting object, such as a wire, that is connected to such a position of zero potential.地线一种与零电位位置相连接的传导性物体,如电线

15.Brake and electrical connection locations of semi-trailer towing vehicleGB/T7361-1987半挂牵引车的制动及电路连接位置

16.Connect battery cables positive first.连接电瓶电缆,先连接正极电缆。

17.Buses connect computer devices, such as processors, input and output devices, etc.总线连接电脑设备:如多个处理机,输入及输出设备等等。

18.interconnection and connection in electronic equipment电子设备互连与连接


equipotential bonding等电位连接

1.This paper briefly describes the harm way of LEMP and analyze the significance ofequipotential bonding in protecting modern structure against lightning,and table a proposal on the verification ofequipotential bonding related prevention lightning blueprint.简述了LEM P的危害方式进而分析等电位连接在现代建筑物防雷中的重要作用,并对现在的防雷图纸有关等电位连接的审核提出建议。

2.In this paper,using ATP-Draw transient simulation software,basing on the accident,establishes the model,simulates and analyzes one point earthing and multipoint earthing of theequipotential bonding copper cable in Qujiang 500 kV Substation,and verifies the simulation results through experiments.利用ATP-Draw暂态仿真软件,根据事故发生情况建立模型,对曲江变电站等电位连接铜缆一点和多点接地进行仿真分析,并通过实验对仿真结果进行验证。

3)equipotential connection等电位连接

1.The concept of protected zone is analyzed, corresponding protective mea sures is adopted according to different zones, the important function of shieldi ng, ground connection andequipotential connection to preventing high potential difference is emphasized, the selec.分析了保护区的概念 ,并根据不同的保护区采取相应的保护措施 ,强调了屏蔽、接地、等电位连接对防止高电位差所起的重要作用 ,简要介绍了各级电涌保护器的选择原则。

2.Take shielding,equip SPD,completeequipotential connection,and layout signal link reasonably,which measures can be much help to resolve the problems.针对河南气象信息系统雷电防护中经常遇到的一些问题,从屏蔽措施、安装电涌保护器、等电位连接和合理敷设信号线路等方面,探讨了气象信息系统雷电防护常见问题的解决技术。

4)isoelectric connection等电位连接

1.Only based on the practical requirements of thunder protection, all those technical measures, such as lightning absorb, conduction, influence, earthing, screening, andisoelectric connection are practised, a systematical and effective thunder protection can .只有根据防雷的实际要求,将接闪、传导、分流、接地、屏蔽、等电位连接等技术措施合理实施,才能构成一个系统、有效的防雷系统。

5)Overall equipotential linkage总等电位联接

6)isopotential connection等电位连接铜缆

1.In the light of relevant industrial standards and certain technical countermeasures against accidents,and based on analysis two accident cases due to lightning strikes at 500 kV Qujiang substation,Shaoguan,Guangdong province,detailed three earthing modes withisopotential connection of copper cable are .参照相应的行业标准和反事故技术措施,分析了广东韶关500kV曲江变电站二次雷害事故,提出了等电位连接铜缆的具体接地三种方法:一是所有等电位连接网络均应可靠接地;二是二次系统的金属部件与共用接地系统的等电位连接应采取"S"形或"M"形连接网络结构;三是钢或镀锌钢等电位连接排的截面不应小于50mm2。


表面电位与电动电位表面电位与电动电位surface potentials and electro- kinetic potentials匕一oom一an dianwe一丫u dlandong dl占nwei表面电位与电动电位(surfaee potentials andeleetrokinetie Potentials)矿物界面双电层的两个重要的电性参数,表示矿物一水界面荷电的程度。浮选时矿物粒子在水溶液中要和各种离子发生作用,作用的结果经常使矿物表面的电性发生变化。故研究矿物表面的电性,即测定表面电位或电动电位的变化,可以找出矿物与浮选药剂作用的一些规律,进而分析矿物与药剂作用的机理。表面电位是指固体表面与溶液内部的电位差,以申。表示。它主要取决于溶液中定位离子的浓度。表面电位与定位离子的活度之间的关系服从于能斯特方程,故表面电位的表达式为 RT,a+RT,a生 口n一.一二二In甲丁-一二丁In— n厂a千n厂a一式中R为气体常数;T为绝对温度;n为离子价数;F为法拉第常数;a+、a一为正、负定位离子的活度,在稀溶液中就等于它们的浓度;“年、a巴为表面电位为。时的正、负离子的活度。对于一些氧化矿物,H+和OH-离子是定位离子。当n一1,25C时上述表达式可以简化为必。=0.0591(pH。一pH)。式中pH。为表面电位为。时溶液的pH值,即为矿物的零电点。(见零电点与等电.点)可见,当溶液pH值大于矿物的零电点时矿物表面荷负电,反之荷正电。电动电位是指当溶液处在电场作用下,矿物粒子与溶液之间产生相对运动时,滑动界面上显示的电位,以夸表示。这一电位可用电泳法、电渗法、流动电位法或沉降电位法测出。使用得较多的方法是显微电泳法口对于一些氧化矿物,由于它不导电,理论研究上经常测定它的电动电位。 (龚焕高)
