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耦合;力耦 couple英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-27 14:41:39


耦合;力耦 couple英语短句 例句大全



2)thermal-mechanical coupling热力耦合

1.Numerical simulation on reciprocating extrusion of AZ31 alloy bythermal-mechanical coupling method;热力耦合数值模拟往复挤压AZ31成形过程

2.The temperature rise of die cavity surface during extrusion process is calculated bythermal-mechanical coupling FEM.采用热力耦合有限元法计算挤压成形过程中模具型腔表面的温升,将模拟结果与人工神经网络相结合,以有限元模拟结果作为学习样本,训练BP神经网络模型,以此模型预测模具型腔表面的温升。

3.According to the characteristics of transient solidification and rheological forming in continuous roll casting process, a set ofthermal-mechanical coupling equations had been set up.根据铝带坯连续铸轧过程瞬态凝固、流变成形的特点,同时考虑影响辊套与铸坯传热界面的接触热导问题,建立了铝带坯连续铸轧过程热力耦合有限元分析模型。


1.3-D Thermal-Mechanical Coupled Numerical Simulation of Hot Continuous Rolling;热连轧三维热力耦合的数值模拟研究

2.Coupled Thermo-Mechanical Modelling and Experimental Research for Cutting Process;切削加工热力耦合建模及其试验研究

3.Preliminary Study on Freezing-Thawing Damage Moisture-Heat-Stress Coupled of Soft Rock Mass;软岩体冻融损伤水热力耦合研究初探

4.Thermal-elastic Fracture of Hollow Cylinder with a Semi-elliptic Surface Crack含表面裂纹圆柱壳体的热力耦合效应

5.Development of Piston Heating-power Coupling Analysis Procedure Based on APDL基于APDL的活塞热力耦合程序开发

6.Thermo-Mechanical Coupling Finite Element Analysis of Blast Furnace Copper Staves高炉铜冷却壁热力耦合的有限元分析

7.Numerical Simulation on Thermo-Mechanical Coupling in Bloom Mold by Finite Element Method连铸坯凝固过程热力耦合有限元模拟

8.The Finite Element Analysis for Thermal-mechanical Coupled Field of FSW Based on ANSYS基于ANSYS的FSW热力耦合有限元分析研究

9.Research on Nonlinear Thermal-mechanical Coupling Model of Mechanical Structure under Heat Shock热冲击下机械结构非线性热力耦合模型的建立

10.Coupled Electro-thermal-mechanical Analysis and Test of Micro Gas Pressure Sensor with Micro-hotplate;微热板式微气压传感器电热力耦合分析及测试

11.Thermal Mechanical Coupled 3D Elastic-plastic Finite Element Analysis in the Whole Rolling Process of Hot Rolled Strip热轧带钢轧制全程三维热力耦合仿真分析

12.Thermal-Mechanical Coupling Numerical Simulation of Reciprocating Extrusion Processes on AZ31 Mg Alloy;AZ31镁合金往复挤压成形热力耦合模拟研究

13.The Model Analyses of the Thermal-mechanics Coupled Problem of Particle Forced Composites;颗粒增强复合材料热力耦合问题模型分析

14.Three-dimensional coupled thermo-mechanical FEM analysis of TC4 alloy during ECAPTC4合金等径角挤压三维热力耦合有限元分析

15.3D thermal couple numerical simulation of TA11 titanium alloy blade blank makingTA11钛合金叶片制坯过程三维热力耦合数值模拟

16.Adaptability and Thermodynamic Efficiency of Thermally Coupled Distillation;热耦合精馏的适应性及其热力学效率

17.Steel column dynamic analysis under heat-coupled force热-力耦合作用下钢柱的动力特性分析

18.Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling in fractured rock已破碎岩石中热—水—力学的耦合.


thermal-mechanical coupling热力耦合

1.Numerical simulation on reciprocating extrusion of AZ31 alloy bythermal-mechanical coupling method;热力耦合数值模拟往复挤压AZ31成形过程

2.The temperature rise of die cavity surface during extrusion process is calculated bythermal-mechanical coupling FEM.采用热力耦合有限元法计算挤压成形过程中模具型腔表面的温升,将模拟结果与人工神经网络相结合,以有限元模拟结果作为学习样本,训练BP神经网络模型,以此模型预测模具型腔表面的温升。

3.According to the characteristics of transient solidification and rheological forming in continuous roll casting process, a set ofthermal-mechanical coupling equations had been set up.根据铝带坯连续铸轧过程瞬态凝固、流变成形的特点,同时考虑影响辊套与铸坯传热界面的接触热导问题,建立了铝带坯连续铸轧过程热力耦合有限元分析模型。

3)thermo-mechanical couple热力耦合

1.3Dthermo-mechanical coupled numerical simulation of the Titanium alloy extrusion process;钛合金挤压三维热力耦合数值模拟技术研究

2.A two-dimensional nonlinearthermo-mechanical coupled FE model was established.建立了钛合金筒形件真空热胀形过程的二维非线性热力耦合有限元模型。

3.3-D finite element emulation model was established with theory ofthermo-mechanical couple during siding press.利用热力耦合有限元的理论,建立了板坯侧压过程的三维热力耦合有限元仿真模型。

4)thermo-mechanical coupling热力耦合

1.Numerical simulation of elastic deformation of roller based onthermo-mechanical coupling基于热力耦合的铸轧辊弹性变形数值模拟

2.Thethermo-mechanical coupling finite element mode was built to investigate the effects of temperature and back pressure type on material behavior of the pure titanium during the equal channel angular extrusion process.建立了用于分析等通道转角挤压过程的热力耦合有限元模型。

3.Athermo-mechanical coupling model was constituted for finite element analysis based on the thermo-mechanical phenomena.分析了滑移接触条件下热力耦合现象,建立了热力耦合的有限元分析连续模型,提出了系统动力学平衡方程和热力学平衡方程。

5)Thermal-mechanical coupled热力耦合

1.From the measured data for aluminum experiments on Gleeble-1500,the constitutive equation was set up and the hot rolling model was established with the aid of elastic-plastic and thermal-mechanical coupled FEM.根据弹塑性热力耦合大变形有限元理论,获得了热轧过程中的数值仿真模型,分析了压下率、轧制速度以及接触传热系数等参数对温度和流动应力变化规律的影响,并与某铝厂热轧板带生产过程中不同压下率下的力能参数变化进行了对比,计算结果表明模拟值与实测值吻合较好,误差低于15%。

6)thermo-mechanical coupled热力耦合

1.Athermo-mechanical coupled finite element model of vacuum hot bulge forming of BT20 alloy cylindrical workpiece was developed by the FEA software MSC.Marc有限元分析软件,建立了BT20合金筒形件真空热胀形的热力耦合有限元模型。

2.Blank-making roll forging process is simulated for automotive front axle, using athermo-mechanical coupled rigid-plastic finite element method.采用基于热力耦合的刚粘塑性有限元法对汽车前轴制坯辊锻成形工艺进行了模拟,获得了汽车前轴制坯辊锻成形流动过程、力能参数曲线和工件及辊锻模具的温度场。

3.Marc software and according to the practical process parameters and equipment parameters during hot continuous rolling of aluminum alloy 1235, Chapter 3 establishes a three-dimensionalthermo-mechanical coupled elastic-plastic FEM model.Marc非线性有限元软件,按照1235铝合金热轧轧制生产线的实际工艺参数和设备参数,建立了模拟轧制过程的三维大变形弹塑性热力耦合有限元模型。


热力学:热力学第零定律热力学第零定律:热力学中以热平衡概念为基础对温度作出定义的定律。通常表述为﹕与第三个系统处於热平衡状态的两个系统之间﹐必定处於热平衡状态。图中A 热力学第零定律示意图 ﹑B 热力学第零定律示意图 ﹑C 热力学第零定律示意图 为 3个质量和组成固定﹐且与外界完全隔绝的热力系统。将其中的B ﹑C 用绝热壁隔开﹐同时使它们分别与A 发生热接触。待A 与B 和A 与C 都达到热平衡时﹐再使B 与C 发生热接触。这时B 和C 的热力状态不再变化﹐这表明它们之间在热性质方面也已达到平衡。第零定律表明﹐一切互为热平衡的系统具有一个数值上相等的共同的宏观性质──温度。温度计所以能够测定物体温度正是依据这个原理。
