900字范文 > 旁瓣相消 side lobe cancellation英语短句 例句大全

旁瓣相消 side lobe cancellation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-06 22:31:52


旁瓣相消 side lobe cancellation英语短句 例句大全

旁瓣相消,side lobe cancellation

1)side lobe cancellation旁瓣相消

1.An analysis of the effect of number of bits and sample frequency of A/D converting on cancellation efficiency in adaptive antennaside lobe cancellation system is made.通过研究自适应天线旁瓣相消系统中相消比与信号相关性的关系,分析了模数转换(ADC)位数和模数转换速率对相消性能的影响,给出最佳相消比和ADC量化位数的定量关系;针对低采样速率导致的相消比下降,提出了基于sinc函数插值来改善相消比的方法,并分析了sinc插值截断长度与相消比的关系。


1.Study on the Adaptive Side-Lobe Cancellation Techniquein in Phased Array Radar;相控阵雷达自适应旁瓣相消技术研究

2.The antenna sidelobe cancelling is an effective measure to restrain active jamming.天线旁瓣相消技术是抑制有源干扰的有效措施。

3.The Research and Realization of the Antenna Sidelobe Adaptive Cancelling Technology;天线旁瓣自适应相消技术研究与实现

4.Effects of Coherent Jamming on the Performance of Sidelobe Canceller相关干扰对旁瓣对消系统性能的影响

5.The Research and Digital Realization of the Antenna Sidelobe Adaptive Cancelling Technology;数字式开线旁瓣自适应相消技术研究与实现

6.Design of Phased Array Radar SLC System by Selecting Partial Antennas相控阵雷达基于部分阵元的旁瓣对消系统设计

7.Study on Adaptive Side-lobe Cancellation about Phased-array Radar相控阵雷达自适应旁瓣对消技术的研究

8.A Study on Binary-coded Sidelobe Suppression Based on Neural Fuzzy Network基于模糊神经网络的二相码旁瓣抑制

9.A New Method of Antenna Sidelobe Canceller on ECCM一种新的天线旁瓣对消抗干扰技术的实现

10.Research and Implementation of Channel Equalization Technique in Adaptive Side-lobe Cancellation;自适应旁瓣对消中的通道均衡技术研究与实现

11.Simulation and Realization of an Analog-digital Mixed System of Sidelobe Cancellation一种模数混合式旁瓣对消系统的仿真与实现

12.Study and Simulation of Direction Saturated Jamming against the Sidelobe Cancellation of Radar雷达旁瓣对消的方位饱和干扰法研究与仿真

13.Research of Sidelobe Suppression and Doppler Compensation Algorithms for Biphase Coded Signal二相编码信号旁瓣抑制及多普勒补偿算法研究

14.Research on Side-lobe Suppression for Phase Encoding Signal相位编码信号脉冲压缩旁瓣抑制技术研究

15.Applying technology of dual antennae jamming the sidelobe blanking radar双天线对旁瓣匿影雷达相参干扰的应用技术

16.Sidelobe Suppression of Phase-Coded Radar Signal Based on Interpulse Code Agility基于脉间码型捷变的相位编码旁瓣抑制方法

17.Sidelobe Reduction for Phase-Coded Signals Based on Code Agility基于码形捷变的相位编码信号旁瓣抑制

18.The GSC can retainhigh performance in interference-reduction under the condition of less array elements.旁瓣对消器可以在阵元较少的情况下依然保持高的干扰抑制性能。


sidelobe cancellation自适应旁瓣相消

1.Because of the difference in amplitude and phase between channels,the cancellation performance will usually degrade greatly in adaptivesidelobe cancellation(ASLC) system.由于通道之间幅相特性的不一致(通道失配),导致在自适应旁瓣相消(ASCL)系统中相消性能严重下降。

2.The difference in amplitude and phase between channels usually has a large influence on adaptivesidelobe cancellation in phased array radars.在相控阵雷达中 ,接收通道的幅相特性不一致对自适应旁瓣相消性能的影响很大 ,本文介绍了一种校正接收通道不一致来提高旁瓣相消性能的自适应均衡算法。

3)adaptive sidelobe cancellation自适应旁瓣相消

4)Generalized Sidelobe Canceller广义旁瓣相消器

1.Microphone Array Speech Enhancement Based on SubbandGeneralized Sidelobe Canceller;基于子带广义旁瓣相消器的麦克风阵列语音增强

5)sidelobe cancellation旁瓣对消

1.The effect of multiple jammers distributing jamming opposingsidelobe cancellation is analyzed through model building and simulation,which is on the base of the principle ofsidelobe cancellation.在简要分析旁瓣对消原理的基础上,通过建模与仿真对多干扰机分布式干扰对抗雷达旁瓣对消的效果进行了分析,结果表明,多干扰机分布式干扰是对抗旁瓣对消的有效技术途径。

2.To cancel such interference, the spatial adaptive beamforming andsidelobe cancellation based on the horizontal auxiliary antennas are used in this paper.在拥挤的高频波段,高频地波雷达受短波电台的影响而不能正常地进行工作,空域波束形成和基于水平天线辅助旁瓣对消的干扰抑制方法被用来对消此类电台干扰。

3.The paper suggests the method that we jam the radar withsidelobe cancellation by some jammers in different directions, and the number of jamming sources is more than the number of repetition ofsidelobe cancellation, namely the multidirection saturated jamming technique.采用干扰源数大于雷达旁瓣对消重数的方法对旁瓣对消雷达实施干扰,并将干扰源布置在不同的方向,即方位饱和干扰。

6)side-lobe cancellation旁瓣对消

1.This paper introduces aside-lobe cancellation anti-jamming technique by means of the correlation method,analyzes the composition and basic principle of the system,and sets up the simulation module of the system circuit,finally gives the cancellation results of the system countering several active pressing jamming.介绍了一种相关法旁瓣对消抗干扰技术,对其系统组成及基本工作原理进行了分析,建立了系统电路仿真模型,最后,给出了此系统对几种有源压制干扰的对消结果。

2.Theside-lobe cancellation technology is an effective method for suppressing the side-lobe active disturbance.旁瓣对消技术是雷达中用来抑制旁瓣有源干扰的一种有效手段。

3.Self-adaptiveside-lobe cancellation and side-lobe blanking technologies are usually adopted in air defence radar to eliminate interference from side-lobe.防空雷达为了消除从旁瓣进入的干扰,通常采用自适应旁瓣对消和旁瓣消隐技术。


