900字范文 > 生态壁材 eco-wall material英语短句 例句大全

生态壁材 eco-wall material英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-11 08:25:16


生态壁材 eco-wall material英语短句 例句大全

生态壁材,eco-wall material

1)eco-wall material生态壁材

1.A series of research methods were designed for humidity modulation characteristic of performance ofeco-wall materials.根据生态壁材的性能特点,设计了一套调湿性能的研究方法,试验结果表明该材料有着很好的吸湿和放湿效果,调湿性能优异,多次吸放湿循环对粘结强度无不良影响,体现出强度稳定性好的特点。

2)bio-hanging system生态壁挂式

3)Xiaobi ecology area小壁生态区

1.According to the present conditions of Hutuo River inXiaobi ecology area and "the Overall Plan of Developing and Modifying Project to Hutuo Rever in Shijiazhuang Section",a complete planning ofXiaobi ecology area was conducted form the aspects of functional division,road,facility,plants,flood control and fire control.针对滹沱河(石家庄市区段)小壁生态区现状环境条件,依据《滹沱河石家庄市区段生态开发整治工程总体规划》的功能和景观要求,从功能分区、道路、设施、植物、防洪、防火等方面,对小壁生态区进行了全面规划。


1.Planning of Xiaobi Ecology Area in Shijiazhuang Section of Hutuo River滹沱河(石家庄市区段)小壁生态区规划

2.The Ecological Tourism Exploitation Research of Fanggan Small Watershed Ecological Area;房干小流域生态区生态旅游开发研究

3.Response to small-scale ecological rehabilitation of fragile ecotope in Northern Shaanxi Province陕北生态脆弱区小尺度生态恢复响应

4.Study on the Approach of Ecological Function Area Planning in Small Scale;小尺度区域生态功能区规划途径研究

5.Energy Analysis of Ecological-economic System for Dairy Industry in Hutubi Agricultural County;呼图壁县农区奶牛养殖业生态经济系统能值分析

6.The Studies on the Ecological Characteristics of Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest of the Small Protected Area in Huangyinling;黄茵岭生态保护小区常绿阔叶林生态特征研究

7.Plan and Design of Ecology Plot & Construction of Ecotecture;论生态小区的规划设计和生态住宅的建设

8.Landscape ecological characteristics and construction of small watershed in mountain areas;山区小流域景观生态特征与景观生态建设

9.The ecological-economic carrying capacity for small-scale ecological rehabilitation in the frangible ecotope of Northern Shaanxi陕北生态脆弱区小尺度生态恢复的生态经济承载力研究

10.Study on the Water-circulating System of Mountainous Eco-residential Sub-district;山地生态人居小区水循环系统的研究

11.Study on the Vernalization Traits of Different Varieties Type in Wheat;不同生态区小麦品种春化特性的研究

12.Hang Yuan Ecblogics Biotope Project Development Feasibility Demonstration;“航源生态小区”项目开发前期论证

13.The Ecology Function Subdistrict Classification and Characteristic Description of Fujian Province;福建省生态功能小区分类及特征说明

14.Research of small towns conformity and ecological development of cold forest zone;寒地林区小城镇资源整合与生态发展

15.Ecological Environment Construction and Developing a Well-off Society in Ethnic Areas;生态环境建设与民族地区的全面小康

16.The analysis of green housing areola development in China;绿色生态住宅小区在中国的发展分析

17.The Construction and Application of Evaluation Index System for Ecological Park生态小区评价指标体系的构建及应用

18.Hanover Kronsberg Ecological Residential Quarter--European Eco-living Model Area汉诺威康斯伯格生态住宅小区——欧洲生态化居住模范区


bio-hanging system生态壁挂式

3)Xiaobi ecology area小壁生态区

1.According to the present conditions of Hutuo River inXiaobi ecology area and "the Overall Plan of Developing and Modifying Project to Hutuo Rever in Shijiazhuang Section",a complete planning ofXiaobi ecology area was conducted form the aspects of functional division,road,facility,plants,flood control and fire control.针对滹沱河(石家庄市区段)小壁生态区现状环境条件,依据《滹沱河石家庄市区段生态开发整治工程总体规划》的功能和景观要求,从功能分区、道路、设施、植物、防洪、防火等方面,对小壁生态区进行了全面规划。


1.The article systematically states the conception of the green food package and theecomaterials , and ecomaterial’s study and application in green food package.本文较系统地阐述了生态材料,绿色食品包装的概念及生态材料在绿色包装上的应用研究。

2.The main research areas ofecomaterials are introduced from the points of views of biomimetic science and engineering and clean environment.从仿生材料科学与工程以及净化环境的观点介绍了生态材料的主要研究领域,并展现与生态环境协调的材料和系统的构思,以期引起重视。

3.This paper systematically introduces the concept ofecomaterials,with its study and application in packin本文较系统地阐述了生态材料的概念及其在包装上的研究和应

5)ecological materials生态材料

1.The aims of ecomaterialogy are to develop the science and technology so as to meet the demands ofecological materials and their process techniques based on the premise of necessary properties.针对材料产业的现状和发展趋势 ,提出了生态材料学的概念 ,即生态材料学是关于材料及材料循环过程与生态环境相互作用的科学 ,其目的在于使材料在满足所需性能的前提下 ,具有优良的生态环境协调性 。

2.Finally,tells us how to choose and use theecological materials as a desig- ner.本文首先介绍了生态产品的内涵,告诉我们生态产品应该具有哪些属性,接着介绍了生态材料的概念及其所包含的范围,最后告诉我们作为设计师在进行生态产品设计中应该如何选择生态材料,文章论述了作为设计师应该具有一定的责任,他设计的产品要对使用者和使用环境负责,所以选择生态材料也是必须的。

6)ecological building materials生态建材

1.The relationships between contemporaryecological building materials and green building were introduced in this paper.介绍了当代生态建材与绿色建筑的关系,建材工业在国民经济中处于重要的基础产业,当今的建材又是天然资源消耗最多,对大气污染最为严重的行业之一。

2.At the same time the importance and characteristics and development prospect ofecological building materials are analyzed; analysis indicates the developing trend of ecological building with economy, resources and environment.论述了生态建筑和生态建材的重要性,分析了生态建筑的特点和发展前景,使之与经济、资源和环境协调发展。

3.Based those analysis tow ways suit the situation in our country are proposed to instruct the development ofecological building materials to acquire accordant development of economy, resource and environment.论述了开发生态建筑和生态建材的重要性 ,分析了生态建筑和建材的特点和发展前景 ,并提出了适合于我国开发生态建筑材料的两种途径 ,使之与经济、资源和环境协调发展。


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
