900字范文 > 焦化生产 coking production英语短句 例句大全

焦化生产 coking production英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-06 22:32:33


焦化生产 coking production英语短句 例句大全

焦化生产,coking production

1)coking production焦化生产

1.Application status and countermeasure analysis of coal petrology incoking production焦化生产中煤岩学应用现状及对策分析


1.Automatic control the process of sieving and storing coke in the coking prduction with PLCPLC实现焦化生产中筛贮焦过程的自动控制

2.According to Raw Material Determined Delayed Coking Producing the Operation Scheme根据原料性质确定延迟焦化生产方案

3.Design on Integrated Management and Control System of Coke Oven焦化生产管控一体化系统的设计与实现

4.Design of Process Control System for Coking Manufacture Based on CAN Field Bus;基于CAN总线的焦化生产过程控制系统设计

5.Design and Application of IfIX to The Control System of Coking Production;IFIX在焦化生产控制系统中的设计与应用

6.Development of a new refining process of oil shale using metallurgical coking production technology运用冶金焦化生产技术开发油页岩炼制新工艺

7.Application status and countermeasure analysis of coal petrology in coking production焦化生产中煤岩学应用现状及对策分析

8.Actively Implement Clean production,Well and Fast Develop the Coke Plant;积极推行清洁生产 又好又快发展焦化

9.Practice of Pulling Production Management in Jinan Steel s Coking Plant;拉动式生产管理在济钢焦化厂的实践

10.Developing Strategy and Analysis of Production Status at Nansteel Coking Plant;南钢焦化厂生产现状分析与发展思考

11.Study on operation conditions for producing no shot coke in extra-viscous crude oil delayed coking unit辽河超稠原油延迟焦化不产生弹丸焦工艺条件探索

12.Start-up of Pilot-test Scale Experiment to Treat Coke Plant Wastewater for Nitrogen Control焦化废水生物脱氮半生产性试验启动研究

13.Study on the Fabrication of Construction Asphalt from Coke Residue用焦化污油渣油生产建筑沥青的工艺研究

14.Research on Establishment of Intrinsic Safety for Coke Oven Produceing Basing on the Man-machine System;基于人机系统的焦炉生产本质安全化研究

15.Study on Cleaner Production and Development of Shanxi s Coking Industry;清洁生产与山西省焦化工业发展研究(一)

16.Application of Cleaner Production in Coking Industry of ShanDong Province浅谈清洁生产在山东焦化行业中的应用

17.Optimization control based on the multi-objective genetic algorithm for coking plant production process基于多目标遗传算法的炼焦生产过程优化控制

18.Measures to raise the technical level of delayed coker production提高延迟焦化装置生产技术水平的对策


commercial coke oven生产焦炉

1.The function of a 40 kg charge test coke oven, and the test process and philosophy are introduced to predict the strength of the coke from acommercial coke oven.介绍了40kg试验焦炉的作用及用试验焦炉预测生产焦炉焦炭机械强度的试验过程与原理,通过对试验数据的处理,得出了生产焦炉与试验焦炉所炼焦炭的机械强度关系的公式,可指导生产焦炉的实际生产。

3)coke oven operation焦炉生产

1.The paper introduces the composition,characteristics,function and application effect of the computer management system incoke oven operation.介绍了焦炉生产过程计算机管理系统的组成、特点、功能及使用效果。

4)machine processed coke production机焦生产

5)Tar production焦油生产

6)coke production炼焦生产

1.However,coke production process is complicated and the production environment is very bad, which leads that the automation level ofcoke production in China is not high and a series of automations are hard to achieve.然而炼焦生产工艺复杂,生产环境恶劣,这使得我国炼焦生产自动化水平不高,一系列自动化技术难以实现。


