900字范文 > 微柱分离富集 microcolumn separation and enrichment英语短句 例句大全

微柱分离富集 microcolumn separation and enrichment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-15 22:22:33


微柱分离富集 microcolumn separation and enrichment英语短句 例句大全

微柱分离富集,microcolumn separation and enrichment

1)microcolumn separation and enrichment微柱分离富集

1.Trace amount of silver was determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometry withmicrocolumn separation and enrichment.用新合成含硫三乙烯四胺型螯合树脂填充微型吸附柱,建立了螯合树脂微柱分离富集—火焰原子吸收光谱法测定地质样品中痕量银的方法。

2)Micro-column separation and preconcentration微柱分离富集装置

3)Chelating resin microcolumn proconcentration螯合树脂微柱分离富集

4)separation preconcentration by a fibre column纤维柱分离富集

5)Microcolumn preconcentration微柱预富集


1.Flow Injection On-line Preconcentration Coupled with Microwave Plasma Torch-atomic Emission Spectrometry for the Determination of Metal Elements;流动注射微柱预富集微波等离子体原子发射光谱法测定金属元素

2.Crosslinked Carboxymethyl Konjac Glucomannan Microcolumn Preconcentration of Trace Lead,Cadmium and Copper in Water Samples and Determination by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry交联羧甲基魔芋葡甘聚糖微柱预富集-GFAAS测定痕量铅、镉、铜的研究

3.Determination of Copper in Water by FI-AAS with Microcolumn On-line Preconcentration在线微柱预富集流动注射火焰原子吸收测定水体中的Cu~(2+)

4.The Application of Actived Carbon Mini-column Flow Injection Preconcentration for Heavy Metal Analysis;活性炭微型柱在线流动注射预富集在重金属分析中的应用

5.FAAS Determination of Calcium and Magnesium in High-purity Lithium Salts with Pre-concentration on Micro-column微柱富集-火焰原子吸收光谱法测定高纯锂盐中痕量钙、镁

6.Study of Molecular Interaction and Preconcentration Based on Capillary Electrophoresis and Microfluidic Chip;基于毛细管电泳和微流控芯片的分子间作用和预富集研究

7.Determination of Trace Lead and Cadmium in Traditional Chinese Medicine by Flow Injection-on-Line Preconcentration-Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry流动注射-微柱在线富集/电感耦合等离子发射光谱法测定中成药中痕量铅和镉

8.Study on Filter Fiber Coated with Phenyl Fluorone for Enricichmwet and Determination of Molybdenum Indium Germanium and Gallium by GFAAS;负载苯基荧光酮滤纸纤维(柱)富集

9.Principle and Application of Sample Stacking Technique of Capillary Electrophoresis毛细管电泳柱上富集技术原理及应用

10.Synthesis and Application of Novel Chelating Adsorbents to On-line Column Preconcentration and Separation of Noble Metals;新型螯合吸附剂的合成及其在贵金属微柱在线预浓集分离中的应用

11.Column Separation/Preconcentration and ICP-MS for Trace Elements and Elemental Speciation Analysis;柱分离富集/等离子体质谱痕量元素及形态分析

12.The Micro-goethite of Microorganism Origin in Fushui Reservoir and Its Enrichment of Trace Elements富水水库中微生物成因的显微针铁矿及其对微量元素的富集

13.Determination of Trace Pr Dy Nd in the Mixture of RE enrichment混合稀土富集物中测定微量的镨、钕、镝

14.The Method of Micro-nanofluidic Chip Fabrication and Its Application in Enrichment微纳流控芯片制作方法及其富集应用

15.Development of MEMS Gas-Phase PreconcentratorsMEMS微型气体富集器的研究进展

16.SMART cDNA Synthesis Technology for Amplifying Small Amount of Total RNA of Spleen From Chicken应用SMART cDNA合成技术富集鸡脾脏微量RNA

17.Application of XAD-2 Functionalized Resin for Preconcentration and Determination of Heavy Metal by Flow Injection Preconcentration;XAD-2键合树脂在流动注射预富集

18.Application of 3D Seismic Information to Predict Rich Gas Concentrated Zone三维地震资料预测瓦斯富集区的应用


Micro-column separation and preconcentration微柱分离富集装置

3)Chelating resin microcolumn proconcentration螯合树脂微柱分离富集

4)separation preconcentration by a fibre column纤维柱分离富集

5)Microcolumn preconcentration微柱预富集

6)mini-column preconcentration微型柱富集


