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肥大 Hypertrophy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-22 22:22:01


肥大 Hypertrophy英语短句 例句大全



1.Akt mediates neonatal rat cardiomyocyte hypertrophy induced by hydrogen peroxide;Akt介导过氧化氢促新生大鼠心肌细胞肥大

2.Study of inhibition of Tanshinone ⅡA on hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by AngII;丹参酮ⅡA对血管紧张素Ⅱ诱导的心肌细胞肥大与凋亡干预的研究

3.Botulinum toxin A for treatment of masseteric muscle hypertrophy: long-term follow-up;A型肉毒毒素治疗良性咬肌肥大远期疗效观察


1.woman"s long loose dress(女用肥大的)长袍.

2.infective hypertrophy of lingual tonsi感染性舌扁桃体肥大

3.The sports dress is too loose.这件运动服太肥大了。

4.Her hind half is very big.她身体的后半部很肥大。

5.He is wearing a loose pair of trousers.他穿着一条肥大的裤子。

6.a congenital disorder characterized by an abnormally large tongue; often seen in cases of Down"s syndrome.先天性舌头肥大不正常。

7.congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis先天肥大性幽门狭窄

8.Application of prominent mandibular angle molding instrument in the correction of prominent mandibular angle颌面肥大塑形器在下颌角肥大矫正术中的应用

9.his great jack-boots, his crimson sash,脚蹬肥大长统靴,还背着大红肩带,

10.accumulate a large amount of river mud for fertilizer累积大量河泥当作肥料

11.This plant is a gross feeder.这植物需要大量肥料。

12.Experimental Study on Effect of Fat Child Regulation Liquid on Fat mouse肥儿调理液对营养性肥胖大鼠减肥作用的实验研究

13.it was said palm oil can help weight loss, so many obese women rushed crazily to buy it.听说棕榈油可以减肥, 广大 肥胖女士疯狂抢购。

14.The tycoon on the right looks like an overstuffed reptile;右边的富翁看上去就像是一个肥肥的大爬虫。

15.Experimental Study on the Effct of Quzhidu Capsule(祛脂毒胶囊,QC) on Fat Mouse祛脂毒胶囊对肥胖大鼠减肥作用的实验研究

16.Study on Anti-Obesity Effects of Betaphrine in Diet-Induced Obesity Rats;倍他福林对营养性肥胖大鼠的减肥作用研究

17.Expression of NPY and AgRP in the Hypothalamus of the Diet-induced Obese and Diet Resistant Rat;食源性肥胖和肥胖抵抗大鼠下丘脑NPY、AgRP的表达

18.The Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Organic Manure on Production and Quality in the Chinese Cabbage;氮肥及有机肥对大白菜产量和品质的影响


loose sleeve袖肥大

3)Mast cell肥大细胞

1.Intraepithelial mast cells increase in pulmonary airways of asthma model mouse;小鼠哮喘模型气道上皮内肥大细胞数量增多

2.Mast cell and proteinase-activated receptor-2 and liver fibrosis;肥大细胞及蛋白酶激活受体-2与肝纤维化

3.Influence of endotoxin on mast cell degranulation releasing histamine and tryptase;内毒素对肥大细胞脱颗粒释放组胺和类胰蛋白酶的影响

4)large scale chemical fertilizer plant大化肥

1.This paper presents the basic technological process and patent technology in Jilinlarge scale chemical fertilizer plant and analyzes its technical characteristics.介绍吉化大化肥装置的基本流程和主要专利技术,并对其特点进行分析。

5)large scale nitrogen fertilizer plant大氮肥

6)Mast Cells肥大细胞

1.Relation of tumor associated macrophages and mast cells of tumor interstitum and angiogenesis in non-small cell lung cancer;癌间质肿瘤相关巨噬细胞和肥大细胞与非小细胞肺癌血管生成的关系

2.The expression of Gi-2αmRNA in human hypertrophic scar mast cells and influence of histamine release;Gi-2αmRNA在人增生性瘢痕肥大细胞中表达及对组胺释放的影响

3.Effects of citral on degranulation of mast cells and apoptosis of eosinophil in allergized rats;柠檬醛对致敏大鼠腹腔肥大细胞脱颗粒和气道嗜酸粒细胞凋亡的作用


