900字范文 > 板栗花粉 chestnut pollen英语短句 例句大全

板栗花粉 chestnut pollen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-31 15:59:51


板栗花粉 chestnut pollen英语短句 例句大全

板栗花粉,chestnut pollen

1)chestnut pollen板栗花粉

1.Extraction conditions of total flavonoids fromchestnut pollen with ethanol are studied and optimized,the optimal extraction conditions are as follows:temperature of 60℃,time of 1.用乙醇提取板栗花粉中的总黄酮,对提取条件进行优化,最佳提取条件为:提取温度60℃、提取时间1。


1.Studies on Pollen Morphology,Germination Rate and Fruit Characteristics of Castanea mollissima in Yunnan云南板栗花粉形态、萌发率和果实特性的研究

2.The Effects of Two Chemicals for Inhibiting Male Flower of Castanea mollissima and Factors Affecting the Pollen Germination Rate2种喷花疏雄药剂对板栗花粉发芽率影响的研究

3.The Study on Pollen Morphology,Germination Rate and Fruit Characters of the Chestnut in Yunnan云南板栗花粉形态和萌发率及其果实特性的研究

4.Effect of xenia on fruit quality of chestnut花粉直感效应对板栗果实品质的影响

5.Effects of pollination tree and pollen vitality on fruiting rate and seed-setting rate of Castanea mollissima授粉树与花粉活力对板栗结实率和坐果率的影响

6.Studies on the Physicochemical Characteristics of Chestnut Starch and the Development of Chestnut Product;板栗淀粉的理化特性与板栗产品开发研究

7.Research on the Retrogradation of Chestnut Production and the Preparation of Chestnut Resistant Starch;板栗制品的老化研究和抗性淀粉制备

8.Effect of chestnut powder on bake quality and anti-aging of bread板栗粉对面包老化及品质影响的研究

9.Techniques of Ethanol Fermentation by Chestnut Starch板栗淀粉发酵生产乙醇工艺技术研究

10.AFLP Analysis and SCAR Marker of Short Catkins Sport of Chinese Chestnut (Castanea Mollissima Bl.);板栗短雄花序芽变AFLP分析及SCAR标记

11.Relationship Between Starch Pasting,Amylose Content and Starch Granule Size in Different Chinese Chestnut Variety Groups板栗淀粉糊化特性与淀粉粒粒径及直链淀粉含量的关系

12.Chestnut starch was purified.通过对板栗淀粉的纯化和有关成份测试 ,探索板栗淀粉加工特性指标。

13.Key Processing Technology and Functional Property of Cooked Chestnut Powder板栗熟粉加工关键操作及其功能特性研究

14.Study on the Pollination and Seed-setting Characteristics of the Main Chestnut Cultivars in Hebei Province河北省主栽板栗品种(系)授粉结实特性研究

15.Studies on the Programmed Cell Death during Mutant Short Catkin Development in Chestnut;板栗短雄花序发育期间细胞程序性死亡研究

16.Study on the Morphologic、Biochemical and Cytological Characteristics of Shorter Inflorescence Sport in Chinese Chestnut (Castanea Mollissima Bl.);板栗短雄花序芽变形态、生化及细胞学研究

17.Variation of Endogenous Hormone Contents during Secondary Flower Bud Differentiation in Castanea mollissima Bl.板栗二次花芽分化过程中激素含量变化

18.Flowering and Fruiting Analyses of Selected Chestnut Individuals几个板栗株系的开花结果习性比较分析


chestnut starch板栗淀粉

1.Influence of additives on viscosity and ageing properties ofchestnut starch;几种添加剂对板栗淀粉糊粘度和老化特性影响的研究

2.Study on liquefying thechestnut starch with α-amylase;低温α-淀粉酶液化板栗淀粉的工艺研究

3.Influence of microwave on gelatinisation and crystallinity level ofchestnut starch;微波对板栗淀粉α度和结晶度的影响

3)chestnut powder板栗粉

1.Preparation ofchestnut powder by combination drying of microwave and hot-air;微波热风组合干燥制备板栗粉的研究

2.Effects ofchestnut powder on bake qualities of bread;板栗粉对面包焙烤特性的影响研究

3.Effect ofchestnut powder on bake quality and anti-aging of bread板栗粉对面包老化及品质影响的研究

4)Castanea mollissima板栗花

1.A new lignan glycoside from the flower ofCastanea mollissima Blume;板栗花中一个新木脂苷类化合物

5)Huaqiao chestnut花桥板栗

6)fast soluble chestnut flour速溶板栗粉


板栗粥菜谱名称 春补喝板栗粥所属菜系 其它菜系所属类型 健康菜谱基本特点 补肾益气、强腰膝、厚肠胃,适用春季脾虚腹泻、肾虚痛,腿脚无力等症,中老年人常食用健康延寿基本材料 板栗100克,糯米100克,生姜10克,少许盐制作:板栗100克去皮,切碎粒与淘好的糯米100克,加拍碎的生姜10克煮米烂汤稠,加少许盐,温热服食。效用:补肾益气、强腰膝、厚肠胃,适用春季脾虚腹泻、肾虚痛,腿脚无力等症,中老年人常食用健康延寿。
