900字范文 > 品质评定 quality evaluation英语短句 例句大全

品质评定 quality evaluation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-26 15:03:22


品质评定 quality evaluation英语短句 例句大全

品质评定,quality evaluation

1)quality evaluation品质评定


1.Rice--Determination of cooking test qualityGB/T15682-1995稻米蒸煮试验品质评定

2.Applications of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) in the Analysis of Maize Nutritional Qualities and Silage Qualities;近红外光谱技术在玉米营养品质和青贮玉米品质评定中的研究

3.Qualities Assesses Criterion of Short Period Mode for Flying Wings with Low Aspect-Ratio小展弦比飞翼构型飞机短周期品质评定方法

4.Customers evaluate the quality on the facts they have got.消费者对商品质量的评定是相信事实。

5.He can quickly assess a person"s character.他能很快地评定出某人的品质。

6.The Study on Comprehensive Evaluation of Cow Forage Fiber Qualities奶牛粗饲料纤维品质的综合评定研究

7.The Application of Flavor Evaluation Technology in Evaluating the Pork Quality风味评价技术及其在评定猪肉品质中的应用

8.Study on the Preparation Technique and Quality Evaluation Method of High Quality Recycled Aggregate我国高品质再生骨料制备技术及质量评定方法

9.Study of Quality Assess Target System of Rocket and Projectile and Quantificational Assess Method;弹箭产品质量评定指标体系与定量评定方法研究

10.In order to detect deterioration, the condition of product in stock shall be assessed at appropriate intervals.为检测库存品变质状况,应适时作定期评鉴。

11.Research on the Quality Assessment Method of Investigation and Design Product by Quantification Method of Addition and Subtraction用减加法量化勘察设计产品质量评定方法

12.The Application of Computer Vision Technology in Evaluation of Meat Quality;计算机视觉技术在肉品质量评定中的应用研究

13.Study on Stability and Evaluation of the Quality of Medicinal Material in Magnolia Officinalis;厚朴药材品质差异评价及遗传稳定性研究

14.Study on Sensory Evaluation and Kinetics for Litchi Juice Treated with PEF and Freeze Concentration;PEF、冷冻浓缩荔枝汁感官评定及品质动力学研究

15.Quantitative Methods of Testing the Quality of National New Products Evaluation;检验国家重点新产品评估质量的几种定量方法

16.Uncertainty EvaluationIn of Gold in Geology Sample By Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry火焰原子吸收法测定地质样品中金含量的不确定度评定

17.In software product evaluation, the action of applying a software quality metric to a specific software product.在软件产品评价技术中,对特定软件产品进行软件质量度量的活动。

18.General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk--Experimental method for evaluation of quality variationGB/T.3-1987散装矿产品取样、制样通则评定品质波动试验方法


ramie yarn quality inspection苎麻纱品质评定

3)semen assessment精液品质评定

4)Turf quality evaluation草坪质量品质评定

5)evaluation of food sense quality食品感官质量评定

1.Take cake as example, the method of how to make fuzzy comprehensiveevaluation of food sense quality was demonstrated.本文将模糊综合评判应用于食品感官质量评定当中 ,并以蛋糕为例 ,说明了怎样进行食品感官模糊综合评判 ,以使其结果更科学、合理、客观。

6)Quality evaluation品质评价

1.Analysis of honey and its quality evaluation by High Performance Liquid Chromatography;高效液相色谱法用于蜂蜜的分析及其品质评价

2.Application of computer vision in the quality evaluation for mango计算机视觉在芒果品质评价中的应用

3.The characteristics,manufacturing technology and quality evaluation of granular reactive dyestuff are reviewed,and some typical goods are enumerated in this paper.本文阐述了颗粒状活性染料的制造特点、制造技术和品质评价,并列举了典型的商品。


