900字范文 > 益气养阴清利湿热法 YiqiYangyin eliminating damp-heat method英语短句 例句大全

益气养阴清利湿热法 YiqiYangyin eliminating damp-heat method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-08 23:36:08


益气养阴清利湿热法 YiqiYangyin eliminating damp-heat method英语短句 例句大全

益气养阴清利湿热法,YiqiYangyin eliminating damp-heat method

1)YiqiYangyin eliminating damp-heat method益气养阴清利湿热法


1.Clinical Research That is Yiqi Yangyin Eliminating Damp-heat on Treatment of Chronic Pyelonephritis Belong to Deficiency of Qi-yin and Combination of Damp-heat益气养阴清利湿热法治疗慢性肾盂肾炎(气阴两虚、湿热留恋)的临床研究

2.Clinical Study of Using TCM Therapy Expelling Damp-heat by Boosting Qi and Nourishing Yin to Treat Chronic Glomerulonephritis of Dual Vacuity of Qi and Yin益气养阴清热利湿法治疗慢性肾小球肾炎(气阴两虚证)的临床观察

3.Clinical Observation on the Treatment to Fever of Lung Cancer with Replenishing Qi to Nourish Yin and Clearing Heat and Resolving Phlegm Method益气养阴清热化痰法治疗肺癌发热的临床观察

4.Clinical Study on Early-Mid Phase Diabetic Nephropathy with Qi-Reinforcing and Yin Nourishing、Blood Stasis and Dampness Eliminating Treatment;益气养阴化瘀利湿法治疗早中期糖尿病肾病的临床研究

5.Observation of prescription with supplementing qi,nourishing yin,clearing heat and activating blood on early diabetic nephropathy益气养阴清热活血法治疗早期糖尿病肾病33例临床观察

6.Determination of the content of sinapine thiocyanate in Qingrehuashiyangyin granules by HPLCHPLC法测定清热化湿养阴颗粒中芥子碱的含量

7.Clinical Research on Therapy of Clearing Heat and Draining Dampness Function (Yanqingshu Lotion) for Vulvovaginal Candidasis (Syndrome of Dampness-heat Diffused Downward)清热利湿法(炎清舒洗剂)治疗外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病(湿热下注证)的临床研究

8.Effects of tonifying Qi,nourishing Yin,clearing and promoting blood circulation on NO expression in MCNS rats serum and kidney tissue益气养阴、清利活血法对微小病变肾病大鼠血清和肾组织NO表达的影响

9.Experimental research on advanced lung cancer cachexia model with Benefiting qi clearing heat and nourishing yin Decoction益气清热养阴中药改善小鼠Lewis肺癌模型恶病质的实验研究

10.Prescription Research on the Therapy of Hyperthyroidism with Qi-Boosting Yin-Nourishing and Liver-Clearing Congealing-Dissipating Method;益气养阴、清肝散结法治疗甲状腺功能亢进的配伍研究

11.The Research of the Effect of the Method of Yi Qi Yang Yin Huo Xue Hua Yu on the Levels of Serum γ-IFN of the Mice with Viral Myocardial Disease;益气养阴、活血化瘀法对病毒性心肌疾病小鼠血清γ-IFN影响的研究

12.The Curative Effect Observation about Treating CP by the Method of Supporting Kidney Fortify Qi and Eliminating Heat and Wetness Evil and Radiotherapy;补肾益气、清热祛湿法辅以射频治疗Ⅲ型前列腺炎疗效观察

13.Treating the Relapse of Condyloma Acuminatum with Suppiementing Qi, Disinhibiting Dampness and Resolving Toxin Method;益气利湿解毒法治疗尖锐湿疣的复发

14.Clinical Observation of the Treatment Effect of Yi Qi Yang Yin Xie Re Zhu Yu Method for the Treatment Diabetes Mellitus Combine Coronary Heart Disease;益气养阴泄热逐瘀法治疗糖尿病冠心病的临床研究

15.Study on How the Treatment of Purging Heat and Eliminating Blood Stasis, Replenishing Qi and Nourish Yin Effect on Metabolic Syndrome泻热祛瘀、益气养阴法治疗代谢综合征的临床疗效及机理研究

16.Effects of yiqiyangyin huoxuelishui method on rabbit retinal detachment and reattachment model"s ERG益气养阴活血利水法对兔视网膜脱离复位视网膜电图的影响

17.Effects of Yiqi Yangyin and Huoxue Lishui method on retinal reattachment of rabbit益气养阴活血利水法对兔视网膜脱离后视网膜复位的影响

18.Observation on Yiqi Yangyin and Huoxue Lishui method of treating diabetic retinopathy of qi and yin deficiency and blood obstruction type益气养阴活血利水法治疗单纯性糖尿病视网膜病变临床研究


expelling damp-heat by boosting Qi and nourishing Yin益气养阴清热利湿法

1.Objective:Through clinical study of using a TCM therapy named "expelling damp-heat by boosting Qi and nourishing Yin" used to treat chronic glomerulonephritis of dual vacuity of Qi and Yin and damp-heat, to explore the efficiency and safety of the TCM treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis(CGN).目的:通过运用益气养阴清热利湿法治疗气阴两虚兼湿热证的慢性肾小球肾炎的临床研究,探讨益气养阴清热利湿法治疗慢性肾小球肾炎的有效性和安全性。

3)Treatment of Qi Reinforcing and Yin Nourishing、Dampness Eliminating and Blood Activating益气养阴利湿活血法

4)clearing away heat and dampness and promoting circulation of Qi and blood method清热利湿益气活血法

5)Yiqi Yangyin Qingre Ye(YYQY)益气养阴清热液

1.Aim:To investigate the effect of Yiqi Yangyin Qingre Ye(YYQY) on glucose transport in hyperglycemic fatty rats.目的:探讨益气养阴清热液(YYQY)对高血糖肥胖大鼠外周组织葡萄糖转运的影响。

6)clear away the damp-heat and sweep toxic益气养阴利湿解毒


