900字范文 > 电光器件 electro optic device英语短句 例句大全

电光器件 electro optic device英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-19 18:11:13


电光器件 electro optic device英语短句 例句大全

电光器件,electro optic device

optoelectronic devices光电器件

1.The metallic bonding technique is summarized generally, including its developing status, fundamental process and methods, characterization and application to theoptoelectronic devices.系统阐述了金属键合的发展概况、基本工艺和方法、表征技术及其在光电器件中的应用。

2.SiGe/Si heterostructureoptoelectronic devices and their optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEIC) are attractive research domains in the world.SiGe/Si异质结光电器件及其光电集成(OEIC)是硅基光电研究的一个非常引人注目的领域。

3.Zinc oxide(ZnO) has ideal qualities for variousoptoelectronic devices,such as UV photo-detectors,emitting diodes and laser diodes,based on p-n junctions.氧化锌(ZnO)具有适合基于pn结的各种光电器件,例如紫外光子探测器、发光二极管和激光二极管等应用的理想性质。

3)optoelectronic device光电器件

1.Experimental investigation of theoptoelectronic device spectral response characteristic;光电器件光谱响应特性的实验研究

2.The numerical analysis and experimental simulation approaches were studied for radiation effects of typicaloptoelectronic devices, such as Si solar cells and CCDs.选取Si太阳电池与线阵CCD器件,进行了光电器件辐射效应的数值分析与模拟试验方法研究。

4)photoelectric devices光电器件

1.In the process of photoelectric technology industrialization, the importance ofphotoelectric devices increasingly appears.在光电技术产业化的过程中,光电器件的重要性日益现显。

2.During the process of photoelectric industrialization,the importance of thephotoelectric devices and appliances shows increasingly.在光电技术产业化过程中,光电器件的重要性日益显现。

5)photoelectric device光电器件

6)optoelectronic device光电器件<光>


