900字范文 > 抵当丸 Didang Pill英语短句 例句大全

抵当丸 Didang Pill英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-12 20:18:15


抵当丸 Didang Pill英语短句 例句大全

抵当丸,"Didang Pill"

1)"Didang Pill"抵当丸

1.Clinical Research on"Didang Pill" plus Western Medicine in Treating Unstable Angina Pectoris抵当丸联合西药治疗不稳定性心绞痛临床研究


1.Clinical Research on "Didang Pill" plus Western Medicine in Treating Unstable Angina Pectoris抵当丸联合西药治疗不稳定性心绞痛临床研究

2.Study on the Dependability of Varicocele Testicular Damage and Blood Amassment Syndrome as Well as Didangtang Intervention Mechanism精索静脉曲张睾丸损害与蓄血证相关性及抵当汤干预机制的研究

3.The Effects and Their Possible Mechanisms of Dansen Dripping Pill on the Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in the Insulin Resistance Statue;复方丹参滴丸对胰岛素抵抗状态糖脂代谢的作用及其机制研究

4.Influence on Risistance of Insulin for the Sufferer of Hypertension and Diabetes by Qi Ju Di Huang Wan;杞菊地黄丸对高血压合并糖尿病患者胰岛素抵抗的影响

5.Effect of Zhibai Dihuang Pill on serum level of resistin,adiponectin,leptin in patients with hyperthyroidism知柏地黄丸对甲状腺功能亢进症患者抵抗素、脂联素及瘦素的影响

6.Effect of compound Danshen dropping pills on platelet aggregation ratio in patients with aspirin resistance复方丹参滴丸在阿司匹林抵抗患者治疗中血小板聚集率的研究

7.Influence of Modified Qianjin Huanglian Pill on Pancreas of Mice with Insulin Resistance千金黄连丸加味方对胰岛素抵抗小鼠胰腺的影响

8.Effect of Qianjin Huanglian pill on kidney in insulin resistance mice千金黄连丸加味方对胰岛素抵抗小鼠肾脏的影响

9.Something given as security for a loan;a pledge or guaranty.抵押品,典当物当作借贷保证的事物;保证物或抵押物

10.For men, discuss testicular exams and prostate screening with a health professional.男士则当询问睾丸检查和前列腺检查结果。

11.Experimental Studies on Semi-Bionic Extraction (SBE) of Danggui Kushen Pill;当归苦参丸方药的半仿生提取法实验研究

12.Establishment of Microbial Limit Test for Danggui Funing Drop Pills当归腹宁滴丸微生物限度检查法的建立

13.When my thoughts beckon my tired body homeward I will resist the temptation to depart.当我精疲力竭时,我要抵制回家的诱惑,

14."But they may cause disease when the body"s resistance is low for any reason. For example, bacteria called streptococci are often present in a person"s throat."但当身体抵抗力降低时可能引起疾

15.At the time, some people opposed the debate.当时有一些人抵制这个讨论。

16.When the police arrived, the crowd faded away.当警察抵达时,人群悄悄地走散了。

17.You will be arriving in Honolulu on the same day.当天你就可以抵达檀香山。

18.When I got there, I realized that it was not there.当我抵达时便发觉手提袋不见了。


Didang decoction抵当汤

1.Effect of modif ied Didang Decoction on AngII in insulin resistance rats加减抵当汤对胰岛素抵抗大鼠血浆AngⅡ含量的影响

2.[Objection] To evaluate validity and effective on clinical control study literatures ofDidang decoction and its variation formula and provide theory evidence for enhancing clinical research designing level and quality.[目的]评价国内抵当汤及其加减方的临床对照研究文献的真实性和相关内容,为进一步提高研究者临床研究设计水平和质量提供理论依据。

3.[Objective] To explore the effect of modifiedDidang decoction on insulin receptor gene expression in liver in insulin resistance rats.[目的]探讨加减抵当汤对IR大鼠肝脏InRmRNA表达的影响。


1.Expression of nNOS mRNA of brain tissue at early stage of intracerebral hemorrhage in rats and the intervention effect ofDidangtang;大鼠脑出血早期脑组织神经元型一氧化氮合酶mRNA表达及中药抵当汤干预对其的影响

2.Experimental Study on Effect ofDidangtang to the Model of CT-26 Cell Spleen Transplant and Liver Metastasis of Mice Colorectal Cancer;抵当汤对小鼠结肠癌细胞脾种植肝转移模型影响的实验研究

3.Effect ofDidangtang on Cytokines in Patients with Hypertensive Cerebral Hemorrhage抵当汤对高血压脑出血(急性期)患者细胞因子的影响


5)Di Dang Si Wu decoction抵当四五汤

1.Objective To probe into the mechanism ofDi Dang Si Wu decoction in the treatment of diabetic angiopathy.目的探讨抵当四五汤治疗糖尿病血管病变的作用机理。

6)Danggui Kushen Wan当归苦参丸

1.Determination of Ferulic Acid inDanggui Kushen Wan by HPLC;HPLC法测定当归苦参丸中阿魏酸的含量



丸剂 pill英语短句 例句大全

丸剂 pill英语短句 例句大全


34 抵当丸

34 抵当丸






