900字范文 > 力学物理性能 mechanical and physical character英语短句 例句大全

力学物理性能 mechanical and physical character英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-23 19:29:54


力学物理性能 mechanical and physical character英语短句 例句大全

力学物理性能,mechanical and physical character

1)mechanical and physical character力学物理性能


1.The Effects of the Drawing Process to the Mechanical and Physical Properties of AgSnO_2 Wire拉拔对AgSnO_2线材力学物理性能的影响

2.(physics) having the properties of a magnet; the ability to draw or pull.(物理学)具有磁铁的性质;有吸引的能力。

3.The Study of Test Method for the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Needles Tips;医用针尖物理力学性能测试方法研究

4.Non-isothermal cure kinetics of V-POSS/UPR and physical propertiesV-POSS/UPR非等温固化动力学与物理性能

5.Effect of Physical Aging on Quasi-Static Mechanical Properties of Polymethyl Methacrylate物理老化对PMMA准静态力学性能的影响

6.The Study of Shape Memory Properties and Physical Mechanical Properties of TiNiNb Shape Memory Alloys;TiNiNb合金的形状记忆性能和物理力学性能的研究

7.The experimental research of the physical mechanical performance for manufactured sand hpc机制砂高性能混凝土物理力学性能的试验研究

8.Train exploratory study ability of students in the course of Physics teaching;在物理教学中培养学生探究性学习能力

9.Physical and Mechanical Properties of Heat-Treated Lumber Ⅰ.热处理改性木材的性能分析 Ⅰ.热处理材的物理力学性能

10.Talk about the Cultivation of Student s Creative Thinking Ability during the Process of Junior Physics Teaching;论初中物理教学中学生创造性思维能力的培养

11.Research on Development Evaluation on Teaching Ability of Physical Teachers in Middle School;中学物理教师教学能力的发展性评价研究

12.Fostering of Creative Thinking Ability in Physics Learning of High Students to Teaching Research;培养高中学生物理创造性思维能力的教学研究

13.Cultivating Students Creative Thought Ability in the Physical Teaching;在物理教学中培养学生的创造性思维能力

14.Attaching Importance to the Magnetic Physics Experimentat Teaching and Cultivating Students s Innovation;注重《磁性物理》实验教学,培养大学生创新能力

15.How to Cultivate the Students Creative Thinking Ability in Physical Teaching;物理教学中如何培养学生的创造性思维能力

16.The Research on the Senior Students" Ability of Choosing Theme in Physics Project-Learning高中学生物理研究性学习选题能力的研究

17.Research on Workability and Physical and Mechanical Properties of Specified Density Concrete次轻混凝土工作性及物理力学性能的研究

18.Physico-mechanical properties of the mortar added with crumb rubber外掺橡胶粉改性水泥砂浆的物理力学性能研究


physical and mechanical properties物理力学性能

1.Thephysical and mechanical properties and durability properties of the geopolymer blend cement(GBC) concrete and the ordinary Portland concrete(OPC) are compared in laboratory experiments.通过实验室的试件试验,比较了地聚合物复合水泥(GBC)混凝土与普通混凝土的物理力学性能和耐久性能。

2.A contrast between BL-environment friendly flame-retardant and common inorganic flame-retardant have been made by making particleboard and detecting thephysical and mechanical properties,the flame retardant properties of these particleboard.介绍了由北京林业大学人造板研发中心研制的BL-环保阻燃剂,通过压制刨花板并检测其阻燃性能、物理力学性能,对BL-环保阻燃剂与常用无机阻燃剂的性能进行了比较。

3.The studies were made on the manufacturing conditions of Crofton weed MDF, itsphysical and mechanical properties and the factors affecting the properties.在对紫茎泽兰化学组成、纤维形态和表面自由能研究的基础上,对紫茎泽兰中密度纤维板的生产工艺参数和物理力学性能及其影响因素的研究表明,实验条件下制造的紫茎泽兰中密度纤维板,经适当调节工艺条件,其MOR、MOE和IB3项性能指标均能达到国家标准室内型中密度纤维板的要求。

3)physical and mechanical property物理力学性能

1.Relationship between fabric′s wrinkle recovery angle and itsphysical and mechanical property;织物折皱回复角与其物理力学性能的关系

4)mechanical properties物理力学性能

1.Themechanical properties of materials were characterized by the strain-stress cu.初步探讨了这一新聚合物体系的共混过程;以反应共混物的应力-应变曲线、维卡软化温度等表征了材料的物理力学性能;以扫描电镜(SEM)考察了共混体系的形态结构。

2.Based on laboratorial experiment,themechanical properties of expansive soil modified whit lime fly ash are analysed in this paper.通过室内试验 ,分析二灰 (石灰、粉煤灰 )对膨胀土物理力学性能的改良效

3.Objective: To discuss the hot-pressing technique of wood fiber and waste polypropylen(PP)and study the effects of different modifiers on themechanical properties of the composites.结论热压制板的物理力学性能满足中密度板国家标准的要求。

5)physical and mechanical properties物理与力学性能

1.In recent years, the studies on the polymeric compatibilizer applied in polypropylene composites were more and more, which was use to promote the dispersion of filler in polymer matrix, improve the adhesion between filler and matrix and increase thephysical and mechanical properties of polymer composites.近年来,国内外关于大分子相容剂用于填充PP基塑料中以促进填料在高分子基体中的分散,改善填料和基体间的界面粘结,提高填充复合材料的物理与力学性能的研究越来越多。

6)Physical and mechanical properties物理、力学性能


不锈钢的物理性能、力学性能和耐热性能不锈钢的物理性能 不锈钢和碳钢的物理性能数据对比,碳钢的密度略高于铁素体和马氏体型不锈钢,而略低于奥氏体型不锈钢;电阻率按碳钢、铁素体型、马氏体型和奥氏体型不锈钢排序递增;线膨胀系数大小的排序也类似,奥氏体型不锈钢最高而碳钢最小;碳钢、铁素体型和马氏体型不锈钢有磁性,奥氏体型不锈钢无磁性,但其冷加工硬化生成成氏体相变时将会产生磁性,可用热处理方法来消除这种马氏体组织而恢复其无磁性。 奥氏体型不锈钢与碳钢相比,具有下列特点: 1)高的电阴率,约为碳钢的5倍。 2)大的线膨胀系数,比碳钢大40%,并随着温度的升高,线膨胀系数的数值也相应地提高。 3)低的热导率,约为碳钢的1/3。 不锈钢的力学性 不论不锈钢板还是耐热钢板,奥氏体型的钢板的综合性能最好,既有足够的强度,又有极好的塑性同时硬度也不高,这也是它们被广泛采用的原因之一。奥氏体型不锈钢同绝大多数的其它金属材料相似,其抗拉强度、屈服强度和硬度,随着温度的降低而提高;塑性则随着温度降低而减小。其抗拉强度在温度15~80°C范围内增长是较为均匀的。更重要的是:随着温度的降低,其冲击韧度减少缓慢,并不存在脆性转变温度。所以不锈钢在低温时能保持足够的塑性和韧性。 不锈钢的耐热性能 耐热性能是指高温下,既有抗氧化或耐气体介质腐蚀的性能即热稳定性,同时在高温时双有足够的强度即热强性。 不锈钢国际标准标准 标准 标准名 GB 中华人民共和国国家标准(国家技术监督局) KS 韩国工业标准协会规格Korean Standard AISI 美国钢铁协会规格America Iron and Steel Institute SAE 美国汽车技术者协会规格Society of Automative Engineers ASTM 美国材料试验协会规格American Society for Testing and Material AWS 美国焊接协会规格American Welding Society ASME 美国机械技术者协会规格American Society of Mechanical Engineers BS 英国标准规格British Standard DIN 德国标准规格Deutsch Industria Normen CAS 加拿大标准规格Canadian Standard Associatoin API 美国石油协会规格American Petroleum Association KR 韩国船舶协会规格Korean Resister of Shipping NK 日本省事协会规格Hihon Kanji Koki LR 英国船舶协会规格Llouds Register of Shipping
