900字范文 > 黄芪复方 Huangqi compound英语短句 例句大全

黄芪复方 Huangqi compound英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-03 16:40:01


黄芪复方 Huangqi compound英语短句 例句大全

黄芪复方,Huangqi compound

1)Huangqi compound黄芪复方

1.Objective To observe the mechanism ofHuangqi compound by regulating the acetylcholine receptor antibody (AChRAb) level in blood of myasthenia gravis (MG) patients.目的采用中药黄芪复方调节重症肌无力(myastheniagravis,MG)患者血清乙酰胆碱受体抗体(acetylcholinereceptorantibody,AChRAb)水平,以探讨其治疗MG的可能作用机制。

2.Objective: To study the mechanism of HuangQi compound by regulating the level of interferongamma(IFN -γ) and it s mRNA in blood of myasthenia gravis patients.目的:采用中药黄芪复方调控重症肌无力(myasthenia gravis,MG)患者血清干扰素-γ及其mR-NA表达水平,以探讨其治疗MG的可能作用机制。

3.Objetive:To investigate effects of HuangQi compound on level of IL-4,IFN-γ,TGF-β,in Experimental Autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis Rats Blood,in order to study the treatment mechanism of HuangQi compund to EAMG.目的 :观察黄芪复方对实验性自身免疫性重症肌无力大鼠血清IL -4、IFN -γ、TGF -β水平的影响 ,以探讨其治疗重症肌无力的可能机制。


1.Hypoglycemic Effect of the Extracts from a Chinese Traditional Compound Formula-Huangqi in Mice黄芪复方提取物对小鼠降血糖作用研究

2.Determination of AstraglosideⅣin Compound Huangqi Xintong Granules by HPLC-ELSDHPLC-ELSD测定复方黄芪心通颗粒中黄芪甲苷的含量

3.Study on Chemical Constituents of Processed Radix Astragali and Combination of Radix Astragali and Radix Angelicae Sinensis;中药黄芪炮制及复方配伍的化学研究

4.Study on the Molecular Mechanism of the Components of Milkvitch-Red Sage Compound Elevating Placenta Blood Supply黄芪丹参复方成分提高胎盘血供分子机理研究

5.Study on Mechanisms of Anti-hepatofibrotic Effects of Compound Astragalus Extract;复方黄芪提取物抗肝纤维化作用机制的研究

6.Experimental Studies of FFHQKL on Anti-hepatic Fibrosis in Rats;复方黄芪颗粒抗肝纤维化作用的实验研究

7.Hepatoprotective Effect of Compound Astragalus Extract and its Mechanism of Action;复方黄芪提取物的保肝作用及其机理研究

8.Study on Pharmaceutical Sections of Enema-Compound Huangqi Changning Granules;保留灌肠剂—复方黄芪肠宁颗粒的药学部分研究

9.Study on Mechanism of Anti-hepatoma Effect of Compound Astragalus Extract;复方黄芪提取物抗肝癌的作用机制研究

10.Experimental Study Against Exercise Fatigue with Compound Huangqi Extract;复方黄芪提取液抗运动性疲劳的实验研究

11.The experimental study of the compound astragalus polysaccharides capsules on anti-fatigue and hypoxia tolerance in mice复方黄芪多糖对小鼠的抗疲劳和耐缺氧作用

12.Determination of Astragaloside in Complex Xiaojingtong Capsule by HPLC-ELSDHPLC-ELSD法测定复方消经痛胶囊中黄芪甲苷的含量

13.2. Treat Treatment Method Medicine made of two or more ingredients root of membranous milk vetch particle ,it wrap up 1 /time,3 times / day, use medicine for 28 days;2.治疗方法 复方黄芪颗粒治疗组,1包/次,3次/日,用药28天;

14.ConclusionThe radix astragali grain of compound prescribe treatment infection HCMV mice had certainly function.结论复方黄芪颗粒对感染HCMV小鼠有一定的治疗作用。

15.Objective To observe the therapeutic efficacy of compound salviae miltiorrhigae injection and astragalus injection on viral myocarditis.目的探讨复方丹参注射液和黄芪注射液治疗病毒性心肌炎的疗效。

16.Conclusion: These methods are accurate, fast, simple and with a good reproducibility and can be used for identification of seeds of Huangqi and its adulterants.结论:三种方法准确、速、便、复性好,可用于黄芪及其伪品的种子鉴别。

17.Astragalus Root with Composite Red Sage Root Injection(ACRS injection) Treating Early-Stage Diabetic Nephropathy(DN)黄芪加复方丹参注射液治疗早期糖尿病肾病临床观察

18.1.Chemical Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescription, Namly Sijunzi Decoction 2.Study on the Chemical Constituents of Hedysarum Polybotrys1.复方四君子汤水煎剂的化学研究 2.多序岩黄芪化学成分的研究


Compound Huangqi Decoction复方黄芪汤

1.Experimental Study ofCompound Huangqi Decoction on Mice for Preventing Infection of Cytomegalovirus;复方黄芪汤干预预防巨细胞病毒感染的实验研究

3)Fufang Huangqi tablets复方黄芪片

1.RESULTS The method is available for quantitative determination ofFufang Huangqi tablets, the content of total anthraquinones per tablet should be controlled (10±1)mg.目的 :建立复方黄芪片中大黄总蒽醌的含量测定方法。

4)compound Huangqi injection复方黄芪注射液

1.Determination of the contents of ginsenoside Re and Rg_1 in thecompound Huangqi injection;HPLC法同时测定复方黄芪注射液中人参皂苷Re、Rg_1含量

5)Compound huangqi danggui tablet复方黄芪当归片

6)Compound Huangqi Mixture复方黄芪合剂

1.Influence of "Compound Huangqi Mixture" on Col-Ⅳ and MMP-2/TIMP-2 in Early DN Rats;复方黄芪合剂对早期DN模型鼠Col-Ⅳ及MMP-2/TIMP-2的影响


17-复方氨基酸注射液,复方氨基酸(17)药物名称:凡命英文名:Vamin别名:17-复方氨基酸注射液,复方氨基酸(17)药理作用及用途: 可提供安全平衡的17种必需和非必需氨基酸,其中含有对早产儿必需的酪氨酸。对于不能口服补给营养或饮食和口服补给营养尚不能满足营养需要者可静脉输注本品,以满足机体对蛋白质的需要。 用法及用量: 成人:根据病人的需要,每24小时输注500~750ml,宜缓慢输注,约每分钟15~20滴。 不良反应: 极个别病人会产生恶心,从周围静脉输注时,可能会导致血栓性静脉炎。 注意事项: 严重肝功能损害者及尿毒症患者禁用。 规格: 注射剂: 250ml 类别:肠内、肠外营养药
