900字范文 > 社交技巧教学 Teaching of social skills英语短句 例句大全

社交技巧教学 Teaching of social skills英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-17 20:47:36


社交技巧教学 Teaching of social skills英语短句 例句大全

社交技巧教学,Teaching of social skills

1)Teaching of social skills社交技巧教学


1.Experimental Study on Teaching Social Skills and Its Effect in Regular Class随班就读中社交技巧教学及成效的实验研究

2.The Effective Communication Skills between Teachers and Students in English Teaching;英语教学中师生之间的有效交流技巧

3.A tentative study of teaching techniques in communicative language teaching adopted in college English teaching;浅议大学英语教学中的交际法教学技巧

4.Research and Implementation on Interactive Technology--Design Technique in the Interactive Multimedia Teaching System;交互技术的研究及实现——交互式多媒体教学系统的设计技巧

5.A2 months" course, up-to-date social and communications skills will be taught, which builds self-esteem, self-respect, and respect for others.浓缩成两个月的社交礼仪课程,会教授适合时宜的社交及沟通技巧,帮学员提升自我形象及自信心。

6.The four-year college education has endowed me with ability to organize marketing campaigns and to supervise employees as well as communication and public relations skills.四年的大学教育教给了我交际技巧和公关技巧,而且培养了我的促销能力和领导能力。

7.Discussing On the Skills on the Elder Group Work:Based on Social Work Teaching Practice;老人小组社会工作技巧——社会工作专业实务教学探微

8.Physics-teaching Skill --Teaching skill and proper guide of teacher is the keyfor students to develop learning-ability;物理教法技巧——谈教师的教法技巧对培养学生学习能力的作用

9.Chatterbox will help build children"s expressive and social skills in a fun and easy way.,帮助您的小朋友建立沟通技巧及社交能力。

10.Intercourse Skill of Community Nurses with Old Folks in House Visiting浅议社区护士在老年人家庭访视中的交流技巧

11.Designing Grouped Classroom Activities with Communicative Approach;实施交际教学法 巧设课堂小组活动

12.The skills and effects of humorous language in teaching practice;教师教学幽默语言运用的技巧与作用

13.On the Scientific Way of Vocal Production and Skill Training in Vocal Music Teaching;论声乐教学中的科学发声与技巧训练

14.Brief analysis on the "teaching guidance" skills of abstract mathematics formula;浅析抽象数学式的“教学引导”技巧

15.On the Techniques to Stimulate Students Emotion in Higher Physical Education Teaching;高校体育教学中激发学生情感的技巧

16.handcuffing techniques [Correctional Services Department]手扣技巧〔惩教署〕

17.The Teaching Strategy and Writing Skill of English Applicant Composition;英语应用文写作教学策略与写作技巧

18.Analysis on Higher Vocational English Classroom Question-raising Skills;浅谈高职英语课堂教学中的提问技巧


Social Skills社交技巧

3)teaching technique教学技巧

1.A tentative study ofteaching techniques in communicative language teaching adopted in college English teaching;浅议大学英语教学中的交际法教学技巧

2.Exploration and Practice on Teaching Technique of Data Structure Course《数据结构》教学技巧探索与实践

3.The paper has introduced theteaching technique in organic chemistry teaching,of such as writing cyclohexane conformation,conformational inversion of cyclohexane,deriving cis-,trans-naphthane conformation.介绍了在有机化学的教学中,书写环己烷椅式构象和翻转的椅式构象的特殊教学技巧,以及顺-十氢萘、反-十氢萘构象的推导,在教学中取得了较好的效果。

4)Teaching skills教学技巧

1.In the process of English teaching,teachers should impart teaching skills as well as knowledge to students so that students can gain both teaching skrus and knowledge simultaneously,which is the basic target of English teaching.在专业英语教学过程中,教师要让学生在掌握知识的同时学会教学技巧,做到专业知识与教学技巧双赢,从而缩短学生毕业上岗后的适应期。

2.This essay probes into the teaching skills of sports dance from the aspects of teachers qualities, training targets, textbook seletion and teaching methods application.本文从教师的素养、培养目标、教材的选择、教法的运用等几个方面探讨了体育舞蹈的教学技巧。

5)skill teaching技巧教学

1.The Trial of Medal Image Training inskill teaching in PE;表象训练在技巧教学中的尝试

2.Based on his own teaching practice,the author of the paper has summarized three new methods:goal-oriented teaching method,union teaching andskill teaching.在AUTOCAD教学中使用传统教学法存在一些缺陷,笔者结合自身教学实践,介绍了在高职生AUTOCAD课程教学中总结的三点新经验,即目的教学法、联合教学、技巧教学。

6)teaching techniques教学技巧

1.This article mainly discusses the characteristics, curricula, teaching materials,teaching techniques and learners specific purposes in the intensive English instruction.就英语强化教学的特点、课程设置、教材选择和教学技巧等方面进行了探讨。

2.In fact, effective teaching depends on ideal teaching materials, scientific teaching model and flexibleteaching techniques.事实证明,有效的教学取决于理想的教材、科学的教学模式和灵活的教学技巧 。

3.Taking several classroom teaching practice as examples the writer analyses the accesses to teaching Chinese as a foreign language in classroom which consist of a series ofteaching techniques and behaviors.本文以几个初级汉语读写课课堂教学为例,从教的角度分析了对外汉语课堂教学中由一系列教学技巧和教学行为组成的路径,探讨了这些路径的分类、特征以及路径设计、选择和实施的一些问题。


