900字范文 > 智障青少年 adolescents with mental disability英语短句 例句大全

智障青少年 adolescents with mental disability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-17 16:41:35


智障青少年 adolescents with mental disability英语短句 例句大全

智障青少年,adolescents with mental disability

1)adolescents with mental disability智障青少年

1.The research aims to explore the effect of sexuality education on sexual behaviors self-protection and sexuality knowledge ofadolescents with mental disability in different education settings.本研究旨在探讨性教育对不同安置形式下处于青春期的智障青少年的性行为表现、自我保护意识和性知识知晓率的影响。


1.Bad sexual communication of mentally retarded teenagers and its countermeasure;智障青少年不良性交往及其干预对策

2.Obesity in Youth with Intellectual Disabilities有关智障青少年肥胖状况的调查研究

3.Analysis of Chinese teenager intelligence test(Report of 301 cases);301例中国青少年智力测验报告分析

4.A Comparative Study of CISA, WAIS-RC in the Violent Adolescents with Lower Intelligence;CISA和WAIS-RC对暴力型智力偏低青少年的智力评估

5.Research on the Relationship between BDD and Controling Feeling of Adolescents;青少年体像障碍与控制感的相关研究

6.Leaping over Obstacles: Paying Close Attention to the Psychology of Vulnerable Group among Teenagers;跨越障碍:青少年弱势群体的心理关注

7.A policy suggestion on the protection of labor rights for mobile youth and children;保障流动青少年劳动权利的政策建议

8.The Strategy to Ensure Fire Safe for Teens保障青少年学生消防安全的对策探析

9.Young People Emotion Intelligence Scale Establishment and in and Shanxi Province Young People Actual;青少年情绪智力量表的编制及在山西省青少年中的实测

10.a teen-ager is a teen ager.青少年毕竟是青少年。

11.Lee MC: Family and adolescent childbearing. J Adole Health2001;28:307-31.李孟智:台湾青少年的健康面貌与保健方向。青年研究学报2001;4:72-92。

12.The Relationship between Human Social Environments of P.E. and Teenages Non-intellective Factors;体育人文环境与青少年非智力因素关系研究

13.Reflection on Promoting Adolescent Healthy Growth by Nurturing their Emotional Intelligence;对情绪智力促进青少年健康成长的思考

14.About the Sustainable Development of the Adolescent Students Moral IQ;浅谈青少年学生道德智商的可持续发展

15.Parent-Adolescent Attachment,Emotional Intelligence,and Aggression in Adolescence青少年的依恋、情绪智力与攻击性行为的关系

16.Training of Non-intellectual Factors about Youth Wushu Athletes青少年竞技武术套路运动员非智力因素的培养

17.A Research on the Relationship between Young Athletes" Emotional Intelligence and Problem Behavior青少年运动员情绪智力及与问题行为的关系

18.On the Relationship between Adolescents" Practical Intelligence and Tacit Knowledge and the Structure of Tacit Knowledge青少年实践智力与缄默知识的关系和结构


hearing disability adolescence听障青少年

1.The mass media access and interact ofhearing disability adolescence is rarely be studied.本研究以听障青少年作为研究对象,通过访谈和问卷调查的方法,对听障人的媒介接触和使用现状、媒介素养现状以及大众媒介的接触对其自我同一性的影响作了探索性的实证研究。


1.Analysis of Chineseteenager intelligence test(Report of 301 cases);301例中国青少年智力测验报告分析

4)adolescent psychonosema青少年精神障碍

5)youth right protection青少年权益保障

6)intellectualization in adolescence青少年期的理智化


