900字范文 > 乡镇教师 village teachers英语短句 例句大全

乡镇教师 village teachers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-25 02:39:45


乡镇教师 village teachers英语短句 例句大全

乡镇教师,village teachers

1)village teachers乡镇教师

1.At present,thevillage teachers′ living situation in the north of Jiangsu province makes people worried.目前,苏北乡镇教师的生存状况令人堪忧。


1.A Survey of the Village Teachers′ Living Situation in Northern Jiangsu and its Countermeasure;苏北乡镇教师生存状况调查及对策研究

2.The Local Pattern and Basic Experience of Teacher Training in the Villages and Towns in Southern Jiangsu;苏南乡镇教师培训的本土模式与基本经验

3.A Probe on Countryside Town Teachers Continuing Education in the Process of Urbanization;城镇化进程中乡镇中学老师继续教育研究

4.Investigation into the Concept of Teacher"s Educational Value in Rural Middle School黑龙江省乡镇初中教师的教育价值观研究

5.The Study on the Mental State and Its Causes of the Middle-school Teachers in Mindong District;闽东地区乡镇中学教师心理状况及其成因研究

6.The Living Conditions Survey of Teachers in Three Township Elementary and Middle Schools in Western Regions Rural Areas;西部农村三所乡镇中小学校教师生存状况调查

7.The Handicap of the Teacher s Pecialization Development of the Rayal Middle School in Minority Region;民族地区乡镇中小学教师专业发展的障碍

8.The Unity of Town and College Raising the Training Quality of Key Teachers;乡镇与院校相结合 提高骨干教师培训质量

9.Occupational stability and continuing education of PE teachers in village and township middle schools in Shandong province;山东省乡镇中学体育教师继续教育的调查分析及对策研究

10.Research into the Present Situation and Countermeasure of Teacher Movement of Middle School in Villages and Towns of the Developing Areas;经济欠发达地区乡镇中学教师流动的现状及对策研究

11.An Investigation on the Key Teachers Mental Quality in Rural Primary Schools in Yunnan;云南乡镇小学骨干教师心理素质状况调查与思考

12.The Problems and Advice about the Country Teachers Professional Development in Hubei Province;湖北省农村乡镇中小学教师专业发展现状及对策

13.Research Progress in “Intensive Training in Experimental Skillfor Middle School Teachers in Agricultural and Pastoral Area”;《农牧区乡镇中学物理教师实验技能强化训练》课题研究进展报告

14.The Study of the Professional Development of Township Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Daur District, Mehlis梅里斯达斡尔族区乡镇中小学教师专业发展研究

15.Actuality Research and Solution of the Application Ability of Technology of HuBei Middle School Teacher;湖北省乡镇中小学教师应用现代教育技术能力现状研究及解决方案

16.The Teaching Abilities of English Teachers in Minority Areas and Developing Strategies;民族地区英语教师教学能力现状及培养策略——以黔南布依族苗族自治州乡镇中学为例

17.Cultural conflicts of rural teachers and reforms of the rural education;乡村教师的文化冲突与乡村教育改革

18.The Demands of Higher Vocational Education forthe Development of Industry in the Countryside;乡镇企业发展对高等职业教育的需求


countryside town teachers乡镇中学教师

1.In the process of the continuously fast fierce development, educate is also in constantly changing, the changeable characteristic requires thecountryside town teachers to change education views, change educational thinking mode.在城镇化不断迅猛发展的进程中,教育也在不断地变革中,其变化的特征向乡镇中学教师提出了转变教育观念、改变教育思维方式的新要求,从而也向我国现有的传统教师继续教育观念与模式发起了挑战。

3)township elementary and middle school teachers乡镇中小学校教师

4)educational committee in towns乡镇教委

5)rural teacher乡村教师

1.This article studies two groups of people:one is farmers in cities(take peasant workers for example),the other is townspeople in rural areas(takerural teachers for example),and put them on the background of dual economic and social structure to research their current living situation.以两类人为研究对象,一类是城市里的农村人(以农民工为例);另一类是农村里的城市人(以乡村教师为例),将这两类人放在城乡二元结构的大背景下研究其生存现状。

6)rural teachers乡村教师

1.Cultural conflicts ofrural teachers and reforms of the rural education;乡村教师的文化冲突与乡村教育改革

2.During the process of receiving urban-oriented education,rural teachers at last own urban human\"s basic quality,but their working environment and living environment are still in rural schools which are surrounded by local culture.乡村教师在接受城市化教育的过程中具备了城市人的基本素质,但他们的工作环境与生活环境仍是被乡土文化所包围着的乡村学校。

3.However,there are many problems in the development process ofrural teachers,such as poor quality,low payment and ill-performed responsibility.乡村教师是乡村学校重建的主体力量,尽管在当前我国乡村教师发展过程中存在诸如质量、待遇、职责等多种问题,但上述仅为表象,其更为深层的缘由却是日益增长的乡村教师身份认同危机。


上八乡镇上八乡镇位于丰顺县西南边陲,地处丰顺、五华、揭西三县交界处的莲花山脉中段,总面积75平方公里,下辖8个村民委员会,1个居民小组,1699户7543人,既是从第二次国内革命战争时期起全省有名的革命老区,也就是集山、边、穷于一身的高寒偏僻山区。改革开放二十年来,上八乡镇在上级的倾斜扶持下,从本地实际出发,主攻茶叶支柱产业,因地制宜扎实加快扶贫攻坚步伐,经过二十年脚踏实地的艰苦奋斗,穷乡僻壤发生了翻天覆地的变化,1998年,全镇国民生产总值2180万元,比1978年增长87.2倍,工农业总产值1691万元(现行价),增长88倍,农村人均收入3006.5元,增长78.1倍 ,粮食总产1846吨,增长8.4倍,茶叶总产116吨,增长72.5倍,人均住房面积17平方米,增长3.4倍,32%农户住上了新建楼房。1978年全镇照明用电覆盖20%,1998年全镇拥有电站4座,总装机1185瓦,架设高压线路14条,总长46公里,百分百农户用上了加工照明用电,二十年新开公路11条,总里程42公里,全部管理区和45%自然村通了公路,全镇有各类汽车22辆,摩托车200多辆,洗衣机、冰箱、石油气炉、vcd等大量涌入农家,1069户6400人贫困人口实现了脱贫,新建的敬老院妥善解决了孤寡老人 的后顾之忧,群众的衣、食、住、行条件得到了根本性改变。教育事业新建改造校舍16间,占地16675平方米的上八乡中学面貌焕然一新,新建了占地2655平方米的上八卫生院,邮电事业突飞猛进,全镇电话装机比1978年增长11.5倍,每个山村角落都能与世界各地相通。上八乡镇平均海拔600多米,平均气温18.7℃,主导产品茶叶初具规模,矿产、杉木、苗竹等资源丰富,有着巨大的资源能力,八乡水库地处上八乡腹地,东西海拔987米的尖山孤峰矗立,似剑插天穹,西面天堂奄历史悠久、奄威显灵,天然矿泉水品质优良,万丈悬崖的险峻,万亩茶园的飘香,美丽的溪流,诱人的山泉,适宜的气候和高山平湖等自然景观,是营造旅游、度假、避暑、娱乐得天独厚的理想圣地,前景诱人。与下八乡镇合并为八乡山镇。
