900字范文 > 石棉纤维 asbestos fiber英语短句 例句大全

石棉纤维 asbestos fiber英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-02 01:54:32


石棉纤维 asbestos fiber英语短句 例句大全

石棉纤维,asbestos fiber

1)asbestos fiber石棉纤维

1.The results show that after being treated with coupling agent, interface interaction between inorganic fillers orasbestos fiber and epoxy resin enhances quite a little.选用导热系数很小的无机填料和增韧效果好的石棉纤维对环氧树脂进行填充改性;采用硅烷偶联剂对无机填料和石棉纤维进行表面处理,提高无机填料与聚合物基体的界面相互作用;用自行设计的方法测试材料的隔热性能。

2.A way of surface modification which grafts MMA and St ontoasbestos fiber with the mutual radiation method,has been studied.报道了用电子束共辐照法对石棉纤维辐射接枝有机单体表面改性的研究。


1.flexibility [asbestos fibre]柔韧性〔石棉纤维〕

2.general oil-resistant compressed asbestos fibre普通耐油压制石棉纤维

3.electric insulating compressed asbestos fibre电绝缘压缩石棉纤维

4.jointing of compressed asbestos fibre in rolls or sheets填缝料,压缩石棉纤维,呈卷状或片状

5.Method for dry classification of chrysotile asbestos fibreGB/T6646.1-1986温石棉纤维干式分级方法

6.Method for wet classification of chrysotile asbestos fibre by length distributionGB/T6646.2-1986温石棉纤维长度湿式分级方法

7.Method for rapid wet classification of chrysotile asbestos fibre by length distributionGB/T6646.3-1986温石棉纤维长度快速湿式分级方法

8.asbestos fibre, further worked than beaten, cleaned, sorted or graded石棉纤维,经捶打、清洗、分类或分级以外的加工

9.Research on property of chrysotile asbestos fiber reinforced polypropylene/wood fiber composites温石棉纤维增强聚丙烯基木塑材料性能的研究

10.fibre/ml [asbestos]每毫升所含纤维〔石棉〕

11.asbestos-ceramic fiber composite石棉—陶瓷纤维复合材料

12.A fibrous mineral variety of serpentine forming part of commercial asbestos.纤蛇纹石构成商业石棉的一种纤维状的蛇纹岩

13.gutter of asbestos-cement or cellulose fibrecement水槽,石棉水泥或纤维素水泥制

14.joint for tube of asbestos-cement or cellulose fibre cement石棉水泥或纤维素水泥制的管接头

15.number of asbestos-cement or cellulose fibre-cement构件,石棉水泥或纤维素水泥制

16.cable conduct of asbestos cement or cellulose fibre cement石棉水泥或纤维素水泥制电缆管道

17.chimmey cowl, of asbestos-cement or cellulose fibre cement烟囱帽,石棉水泥或纤维素水泥制

18.letter of asbestos cement or cellulose fibre cement字版,石棉水泥或纤维素水泥制


short asbestos fiber石棉短纤维

1.The results indicate that blending polypropylene with antistatic agent and theshort asbestos fiber, resulted in little change of mechanical properties, and reduction of electrical surface resistivity dramatically.研究了乙撑双硬酯酰胺和丙三醇合成甘油乙撑双硬酯酰胺为聚丙烯抗静电剂,同时添加石棉短纤维。

3)Amianthoid fibre石棉样纤维

4)non-asbestos fiber非石棉纤维

1.Anon-asbestos fiber-reinforced rubber latex gasket sheet crosslinked by blocked isocyanate was manufactured by paper making method,and their chemical mechanism was analyzed.将封闭型异氰酸酯作为交联剂,采用抄取法(PaperMaking)制备了非石棉纤维增强橡胶乳胶抄取板,并详细阐述了其强化机理。




石棉纤维 石棉纤维是指蛇纹岩及角闪石系的天机矿物纤维,基本成分是水合硅酸镁(3Mg0·3SiO2·2H2O)。石棉纤维的特点是耐热、不燃、耐水、耐酸、耐化学腐蚀。石棉纤维的类型有30余种,但工业上使用最多的有3种,即温石棉、青石棉、铁石棉。石棉有致癌性,在石棉粉尘严重的环境中有感染癌型间皮瘤和肺癌的可能性,因此,在操作时应注意防护。 用作胶粘剂粘接时耐高温和阻燃增强填充剂。
