900字范文 > 火电机组仿真 simulation of fired power unit英语短句 例句大全

火电机组仿真 simulation of fired power unit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-13 11:34:18


火电机组仿真 simulation of fired power unit英语短句 例句大全

火电机组仿真,simulation of fired power unit

1)simulation of fired power unit火电机组仿真

1.Scoring system of student evaluation insimulation of fired power unit s cold-state startup was introduced.介绍了火电机组仿真冷态启动学员评价的评分系统,采用"分解-综合"的方法研究整个评价过程,建立了冷态启动学员评价的评分标准和算法。


1.Study and Development for 360MW Fossil-fired Unit Simulator;360MW火电机组仿真机研究开发

2.Research on OPC Technology and Its Application to Simulation Systems of Power Station;火电机组仿真系统中OPC通讯技术的研究与开发

3.Research and Design of the Thermal Power Unit Simulation Training System Based on VDCS基于VDCS的火电机组仿真培训系统研究与设计

4.A Fossil Power Plant Simulator Developing System with Remote Adjusting Function;MCBASE&R——具有远程调试功能的火电机组仿真机开发系统

5.Modification of a 200MW Power Plant Simulator to DCS Mode;200MW火力发电机组仿真机DCS改造

6.Modeling and Simulation of 600MW Steam Turbine System;600MW火电机组汽轮机系统建模与仿真

7.Real-time Simulation for 360MW Power Plant Turbine Unit System;360MW火电机组汽轮机汽水系统实时仿真

8.DCS Training Simulator Structure Designing for Fossil Power Plant Unit;火电机组DCS培训仿真机体系结构设计

9.A New Idea for the DCS Simulation of the Thermal Power Generating Units火电机组分布式控制系统仿真新思路

10.Modeling and Simulation of Control System in 100MW s Power Plant;100MW火电机组控制系统的建模与仿真

11.Study on the Simulation Technoligy of Thermall System of 300MW Power Unit;300MW火电机组热力系统仿真技术研究

12.The Research of Thermoelectricity Generator Unit Simulation Based on Control Configuration Sofeware;基于控制组态软件的火力发电机组仿真研究

13.Modeling and Simulation of Protection System of Generator and Main Transformer Based on DCOSE基于DCOSE的火电机组发变组保护仿真建模

14.Simulation Modeling of Boiler-turbine System in Power Plants & Application of Improved Local Simulation Algorithms;火电机组机炉仿真建模及局部仿真算法的改进与应用

15.Design of Computer System in a Power Plant Training Simulator大型火电机组培训仿真装置的计算机系统设计

16.The Mathematical Modeling and Real-time Simulation of 600MW Power Unit;600MW火电机组动态模型及其实时仿真研究

17.Research of Modeling and Simulation for Large Thermal Power Unit Based on Matlab/Simulink;基于Matlab/Simulink大型火电机组建模与仿真研究

18.The Analysis of Primary Frequency and Study on Simulation for Thermal Generator Unit火电机组一次调频特性的分析及仿真研究


generating unit simulation math-model火电机组仿真数学模型

3)Simulation of fossil power plant火电厂仿真

4)heat power plant simulation火电站仿真

5)mechanical-electronic simulation机电仿真

6)motor simulation电机仿真


国际仿真数学与仿真计算机学会各国仿真数学和仿真计算机方面的学者和团体联合组成的国际性学术组织,缩写IAMCS。1955年成立。原名国际模拟计算机学会(IAAC),1976年改用现名。中国自动化学会系统仿真专业委员会代表中国参加这个学会。学会总部设在比利时的布鲁塞尔。学会的宗旨是促进计算机仿真方面的专家、制造厂和用户之间交流科学信息。该会接受个人会员和团体会员(包括有关的工厂、机关和研究所),并设有荣誉会员。每三年举行一次国际性大会。它是5个国际学会协调委员会(FIACC)成员之一。其他 4个是国际自动控制联合会(IFAC)、国际信息处理联合会(IFIP)、国际运筹学会联合会(IFORS)和国际测量联合会(IMEKO)。学会出版物有:《IAMCS会议录》,《IAMCS会刊(仿真数学与仿真计算机)》和《IAMCS会刊(应用数值数学)》。
