900字范文 > 停车延误 stop delay英语短句 例句大全

停车延误 stop delay英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-12 11:56:15


停车延误 stop delay英语短句 例句大全

停车延误,stop delay

1)stop delay停车延误

1.Survey and Analysis of Signal Intersection Stop Delay;信号交叉口停车延误调查及分析

2.When the offset model is established to minimize the mean stops and thestop delay of the through traffic,the paper takes the four aspects of the actual traffic conditions into consideration.论文确立优化相位差的目标为通过车流在主干道上的停车次数和停车延误最小。

3.Based on the analysis of the process of vehicle travel at signalized intersections, this article studies the relations between the control delay andstop delay.详细地分析了信号交叉口车辆的受阻过程,在此基础上对现有控制延误和停车延误模型及其之间的关系进行了讨论,并用实测数据对控制延误和停车延误之间的换算系数作了验证。


1.Analysis of Queuing and Stop Delay at Intersection by Method of Stationary Queue静止队列法交叉口排队与停车延误分析

2.Road traffic delay caused by curb parking set in the influenced area of signalized intersection信号交叉口影响区路边停车的交通流延误模型

3.A model of road traffic delay caused by curb parking设置路内停车对路段交通流形成的延误模型

4.Research of Time-delayed at Busstop Model Based on Regression Analysis基于回归分析的公交站点车辆停靠延误模型设计

5.The train be hold up by the storm .列车因暴风而延误了。

6.Any delay in shipment is likely to cause complications.船期如有延误可能会带来暂停装船。

7.The forth part discusses the vehicle block delay.第四部分讨论了车辆受非机动车的阻滞延误。

8.Delay model in two-lane traffic flow induced by buses双车道路段公交车辆对交通流延误影响模型

9.`We are twenty minutes late, and we shall not stop."“我们的车误点二十分钟,车子在这儿不停了。”

10.Study on Correction Method of Parking Error in Automobile Headlamp Test汽车前照灯检测车辆停放误差修正方法研究

11.The taxI amdelayed in the rush hour traffic.出租车因高峰期交通拥挤而延误了时间。

12.On Rail Passenger Flow Influenced by Train Operational Delay;列车运行延误条件下的城市轨道交通客流研究

13.Calculation of Vehicle Delay at Signalized Intersection with Exclusive Pedestrian Phase有行人相位交叉口车辆延误计算方法对比研究

14.Study of Right-turn Traffic Delays on Signal Control Intersection信号控制道路交叉口右转车流延误研究

15.Delay model of pedestrian-vehicle system based on location of crossing基于人行横道位置的行人-机动车延误模型

16.Delay Influence and Its Mitigation Measures of Train Operation in Urban Rail Transit城轨交通列车运行延误影响及其减缓措施

17.Delay Analysis of Road Work Zone By Traffic Simulation Technology道路施工区车辆延误分析与交通仿真研究

18.Q-learning traffic signal control based on the minimization of average delay基于车均延误最小的Q学习交通信号控制方法


stopped delay停车延误

1.Study of the relationship amongstopped delay,approachdelay and control delay;停车延误、引道延误和控制延误关系研究

3)Stop-line delay停车线车辆延误

4)traffic stops and start-ups delay停车启动延误

5)instantaneous stop delay瞬时停车延误

1.To offer more information to the traffic lights controller,the concept of theinstantaneous stop delay is defined and the corresponding measuring method is developed.为了给交通灯控制提供更准确的信息,提出了瞬时停车延误的基本概念和量度方法。

6)average stopped delay,average stopped-time delay平均停车延误


