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学历社会 the credential society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-13 22:45:55


学历社会 the credential society英语短句 例句大全

学历社会,the credential society

1)the credential society学历社会

1.According to the two standards of credential society(one is the severity degree of the exam and the other is the recognition of the credential),we are inthe credential society now.本文努力以马克思主义方法论为依据,运用文献法,访谈法的研究方法,研究学历社会背景下我国成人高等教育发生的一些变化和存在的一些问题,并就我国成人高等教育存在的问题提出一些建议和对策。


parative Study On school society and Learning Society;关于学历社会和学习社会的比较研究

2.College Entrance Examination Phenomenon--One Unscrambling based on the "the Society to Attain Higher Educational Degree";高考现象——一种基于“学历社会”的解读

3.Social science is nothing but history.社会科学无非是历史。

4.person"s social class,education,training,etc人的社会阶层、学历、资历等

5.I majored in economics / industrial design / history / sociology.我主修经济学/工业设计/历史学/社会学。

6.The Historical Evolvement of Christian University for Women in Chinese Society教会女子大学在中国社会的历史演变

7.In brief the historicist claims that sociology is theoretical history.简言之,历史决定论者认为,社会学是理论历史学。

8.On the Development of Sociology in Soochow University社会学在东吴大学发展的历史追溯

9.On the Strategies of History and Society Teaching Design;论中学《历史与社会》教学设计的策略

10.Study on the Historical Background of the Formation of Sociology of Scientific Knowledge;科学知识社会学产生的历史背景研究

11.Social Function of History Teaching and Students Subjective Function;历史教学的社会功能与学生的主体性

12.A brief research on the creative teaching of history knowledgein the social class of the elementary school;小学社会课历史知识创造性教学研究

13.From Social History to Regional Social History--The Examination of 20 Years Academic Experiences;从社会史到区域社会史——学术经历之检讨

14.The history philosophy examination to the comprehensive construction of socialism harmonious society;全面建设社会主义和谐社会的历史哲学审视

15.Society not Regarded as Machine--On some Pondering into Scientific and Social Historical Concept;社会不是机器——关于科学社会历史观的一些思考

16.Constructing harmonious society and the historic assignment of China ssociolog;构建和谐社会与中国社会学的历史使命

17.Institute of World History Studies,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences中国社会科学院世界历史研究所

18.History in this narrow sense is the basis of sociology.这种狭的历史是社会学的根据。


historical sociology历史社会学

1.This book uses the approach ofhistorical sociology to analyze the reason for the low status of education schools especially teacher education in the academic hierarchy of American higher education, and probes into the structural feature of education schools in current American universities and the status of their professors.该书采用历史社会学的方法分析了教育学院特别是教师教育处于美国高等教育学术科层结构底层的原因,探讨了当今美国大学教育学院的结构性特征和教育学院教授的地位,认为教育学院既不会给美国教育带来危害,也没有给美国教育带来帮助。

2.Adopting all the valuable Marxist and Non Marxist theories and methods,Anderson shistorical sociology expounds the sole developing way of Western Europe and diversified historical development.安德森的历史社会学吸收了马克思主义和非马克思主义的一切有价值的理论和方法论 ,阐述了西欧发展道路的唯一性和人类历史发展的多样性。

3.Started with the traditional historical study,this article articulates the origin and development ofhistorical sociology according the clue of historical relations between history and sociology.以传统史学所从事的社会研究视角,以历史学与社会学的历史关系为线索,对历史社会学的兴起与发展脉络进行梳理,力图展现在社会史、结构功能主义和后现代理论等相关理论的影响下,历史学与社会学由分裂走向融合的过程。

3)sociology of history历史-社会学

4)historical social science历史社会科学

1.Immanuel Wallerstein,the founder of world-system theory,examines the origin,divergence and limits of traditional discipline specialization from the perspective of world-system,advances unidiscipline and constructinghistorical social science,which is important for reconstructing social science.沃勒斯坦从世界体系的视野所提出的一体化学科和建构历史社会科学的主张,在理论上颇有“野心”,它不仅要整合社会科学,还要整合自然科学与人文学科。

5)histo-social geography历史社会地理学

1.A leading branch of histo-geography,histo-social geography studies society in history, including the regional distribution, process of shaping, spatial structure, characteristics of behavior, differences in psychology, social problems and evolving system in time and space of social groups.历史社会地理学是历史地理学的一门重要分支学科,它的研究对象是历史时期的社会,包括各种社会集团的区域分布、形成过程、空间结构、行为特征、心理差别、社会问题及其时空演变系统。

6)Penetrating into the Society of Academic Credentials透视学历社会


