900字范文 > 地市级电大 regional TVU英语短句 例句大全

地市级电大 regional TVU英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-16 17:03:02


地市级电大 regional TVU英语短句 例句大全

地市级电大,regional TVU

1)regional TVU地市级电大

1.The construction ofregional TVU web site is far behind the superior TVU .地市级电大的网站建设和上层电大相比还有很大的差距,而它在现代远程教育中的作用不可低估。


1.Regional TVU Web Site in Distance Education;地市级电大网站在远程教育中的作用

2.The exploration and practice of management for the study support service in TV & Radio universities at city level;地市级电大学习支持服务管理的探索与实践

3.On Construction and Management of Teaching Resource at City-level RTVU;浅谈地市级电大教学资源的建设与管理

4.The Teaching Management Modes of Open Education in Regional or Urban TV University;地市级电大开放教育教学管理模式研究

5.Municipal and Prefecture TVUs,Pillars of Modern Distance Education;地市级电大是现代远程教育的重要支柱

6.Practice and Reflection on the Modernization of Teaching in TV Universities at Municipal and Prefectural Level;地市级电大教学现代化建设的实践与思考

7.A Reflection on Operating Mechanism of RTVU System at City Level--A case of Jiangmen,Guangdong构建地市级电大系统运作机制的思考——以广东江门市为例

8.TV Universities in Local Areas and Cities should Focus on the Construction and Application of Multimedia Resources;地市级电大应注重加强多媒体教学资源的建设与应用

9.Exploration of Higher Vocational and Technical Education Actualized by Municipal RTVUS;市地级电大实施高等职业教育的探讨

10.Thinking about TV Universities at Prefectural and City Levels being Local Distance Education Centre Base;市(地)级电大成为当地远程教育中心的思考

11.Chairman, the Municipal People"s Congress市人大主任(地级市)

12.Reform on the Administration in Radio & TV University at Prefecture Level;地市级广播电视大学行政管理改革探析

13.Research on Optimized Model of Electric Power Purchased by Regional Power Network in Electricity Market Environment;电力市场条件下地市级电网优化购电模型

14.The Sustainable Development of Radio and Television Universities of City (District) Level in the New Era-Challenges and Countermeasures;新时期市(地)级电大可持续发展面对的挑战与对策

15.Research on the private-owned innovation system of local electric power design institute;地市级电力设计院民营化改制的研究

16.The Analysis of the Survival and Development of Municipal Electric Power Industry Associations;地市级电力行业协会生存与发展分析

17.RPR Application in Prefecture-level City"s Power SystemRPR技术在地级市电力系统中应用设想

18.On the Development Environment of Municipal Radio and Television Industry and Countermeasures地市级广电产业发展环境与对策探究


TV Universities at Prefectural and City Levels市(地)级电大

3)Prefecture-level TV& Radio universities地市级电大学习

4)RTVU at the city level市级电大

1.″Modern distance education management system ofRTVU at the city level″consists of managing facility system at ″three lines and four levels″and managing model system of ″five,three and six″.“市级电大现代远程教育管理系统”包括“三线四级”管理机构系统和“五三六”管理模式系统。

5)RTVU at prefecture level地市级广播电视大学

1.In the paper,the author points out thatRTVU at prefecture level must deepen the reform on administration and intensify the construction of the administrative team.在新的历史条件下,地市级广播电视大学深化管理改革,强化管理人员队伍建设,实行管理创新、制度创新,充分发挥自身的潜能,盘活自身丰富的“无形资产”,是更好地服务于社会主义现代化建设的需要。

6)municipal and prefecture TVU地市电大


地市1.地下城市。指秦始皇墓。 2.即蜃景。光线经不同密度的空气层,发生显着折射时,把远处市镇景物显示在空中或地面的奇异幻景。
