900字范文 > 医疗工作质量 quality of medical work英语短句 例句大全

医疗工作质量 quality of medical work英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-18 20:20:33


医疗工作质量 quality of medical work英语短句 例句大全

医疗工作质量,quality of medical work

1)quality of medical work医疗工作质量

1.Objective To evaluate thequality of medical work in our hospital and offer important references for the hospital administration.结论通过综合指数的评价分析,改变由单一指标评价的局限性和片面性,全面综合地反映了各年度医疗工作质量情况。

2)medical work医疗工作

1.By the method of literature review,Delphi expert consultation,to select indicators and its weight for evaluatingmedical work performance of clinicians,and define the meaning and approach,so as to establish an indicator system.通过采用文献法、Delphi专家咨询法,确定了临床医生医疗工作评价指标及其权重,并规定了指标的内涵以及评价方法,从而构建了评价指标体系,能够对住院医师的工作质量、工作效率和经济效益进行的测评,基本能够满足现阶段医生医疗工作评价的需要,为医疗机构的人才管理活动提供理论和实践依据。

2.As some problems existing in themedical work of compulsory detoxification,we suggest that some measures be carried out to improve the situation.强制戒毒是我国戒毒工作的主要形式,是国家有关法规赋予强制戒毒机构的重要职能,针对目前强制戒毒所医疗工作存在的问题,如强制戒毒机构基本医疗条件欠缺、戒毒治疗手段单一、医疗经费不足等,为改善医疗工作薄弱的现状,从提高认识、重视队伍建设、加强缺席化等方面提出了对策。


1.radioactive source treatment放射源应用医疗工作

2.Study for English Language Ability of Medical Members and Advanced Medicine Work医护人员的英语素质和前沿医疗工作

3.The seven members of the medical staff serve about500 families.7名医务人员负责500户人家的医疗工作。

4.Exploration and practice on tertiary hospital helping community health care大医院帮扶社区医疗工作的探索与实践

5.Health workers spread the word about the benefits of immunization.医疗工作者宣传关于接种疫苗的好处。

6.Working Group on Allied Health Personnel专职医疗人员工作小组

7.Research of the occupation insurance to medical care mechanism and medical personnel;医疗机构、医务工作者职业保险研究

8.Medical consumables lay the foundation for clinical diagnosis and treatment.医用耗材是医院医疗诊治工作的物质基础。

9.Association for Engineering and Medical Volunteer Services工程及医疗义务工作协会

10.Work should be done to ensure the success of pilot programs for a new type of rural cooperative medical system.搞好农村新型合作医疗制度试点工作。

11.On New Rural Cooperative Medical Treatment in Specific Rural Areas;对新型农村合作医疗试点工作的思考

12.Discussion on the Commercial Examination Work for Hospitals to Import Medical Instruments;医院进口医疗仪器设备商检工作的探讨

13.The Practice of Soulting Medical Disputes through the Measure of the Letters and Visits做好医疗纠纷信访工作 构建和谐医患关系

14.Strengthening the Management of Medical Measurement and Ensuring the Safe Use of Medical Equipment加强医学计量管理工作 确保医疗装备安全使用

15.The Pratice of Medical Cost Management in First-class Hospital三级医院做好医疗价格管理工作的体会

16.These two medical instruments work on the same principle.这两种医疗仪器的工作原理是一样的。

17.The government has committed itself to improving the National Health Service.政府已致力于改善全国医疗卫生工作。

18.Bethune conferred with Nieh about the future work of the medical team.白求恩和聂讨论了医疗队今后的工作。


medical work医疗工作

1.By the method of literature review,Delphi expert consultation,to select indicators and its weight for evaluatingmedical work performance of clinicians,and define the meaning and approach,so as to establish an indicator system.通过采用文献法、Delphi专家咨询法,确定了临床医生医疗工作评价指标及其权重,并规定了指标的内涵以及评价方法,从而构建了评价指标体系,能够对住院医师的工作质量、工作效率和经济效益进行的测评,基本能够满足现阶段医生医疗工作评价的需要,为医疗机构的人才管理活动提供理论和实践依据。

2.As some problems existing in themedical work of compulsory detoxification,we suggest that some measures be carried out to improve the situation.强制戒毒是我国戒毒工作的主要形式,是国家有关法规赋予强制戒毒机构的重要职能,针对目前强制戒毒所医疗工作存在的问题,如强制戒毒机构基本医疗条件欠缺、戒毒治疗手段单一、医疗经费不足等,为改善医疗工作薄弱的现状,从提高认识、重视队伍建设、加强缺席化等方面提出了对策。

3)hospital quality医院工作质量

1.It applied to thehospital quality assessment that can perfect the evaluation analysis, the evaluation result is more reasonable and objective.医院工作质量综合评价是医院管理工作的重心,简要介绍TOPSIS方法,并针对传统TOPSIS法由主观判断确定指标权重方法的不确定性及不能完全反映出各方案的优劣性的问题,提出了熵权法和TOPSIS相结合的算法,将熵权TOPSIS法用于医院工作质量综合评价,使评价分析更趋完善,评价结果更合理客观。

4)medical quality医疗质量

1.Evaluation onmedical quality of hospitals basing on IQIP;基于国际医疗质量指标体系的医院医疗质量评价

2.Improvingmedical quality by introduction of ISO9000;引进ISO9000质量管理体系 提高医院医疗质量管理

3.Apply principal components analysis method in synthetical evaluation ofmedical quality;主成分分析法对医院医疗质量的综合评价

5)medical care quality医疗质量

1.Report on conference on improvingmedical care quality through APEC hospital accreditation appraisal;APEC通过评审提高医疗质量会议有关情况的报告

2.Applying the International Quality Indicators Project as benchmarking, the existing clinical indicators for assessingmedical care quality were reviewed and serious Limitations have been found.以国际医疗质量评价指标体系为基准,对国内目前所使用的医疗质量评价指标进行分析,发现国内目前评价医疗质量所使用的指标存在着如下主要问题:现行指标与现代医疗服务质量概念和指标设计原则之间存在较大差距;现行评价医疗质量的指标没有形成完整的体系;现行指标在科学性、客观性和准确性方面存在较大问题;过多使用"间接指标"。

3.Medical record homepage, which includes basic information of inpatients, discharge diagnosis, emergency treatment, hospital fees, and so on, is an important resource in carrying out the work of evaluatingmedical care quality.病案首页是对病案内容的集中概括,它包括住院病人的基本情况、出院诊断、抢救、住院费用等信息,是开展医疗质量评估工作的重要资料。

6)medical treatment quality医疗质量

1.Reseaching about the harmonious development between how to strengthen force examination and improvemedical treatment quality;医用计量器具强制检定与提高医疗质量协调发展分析

2.We are working upmedical treatment quality control system in our hospital ( "6·2·3"medical treatment quality control system) , establishingmedical treatment quality control standard, performing medical technique and personnel admittance system, constituting medical information feedback system, improving and training to the professional to make the great progress in the qualiti.在医疗服务过程中,如何提高和控制医疗质量。

3.Objective To explore a new model of medical report in accordance with the requests of modern hospital management and advances onmedical treatment quality.目的探索符合现代医院管理和提高医疗质量要求的病案书写新模式;方法设计“医护病程录一体化”新的书写模式,并与老模式比较,用EXCEL和SPSS11。


医疗器械质量保证专用要求医疗器械质量保证专用要求quality assurance requirements for medical applianceyilico qixie zhiliang以幻zheng zhuanyongy以料iu医疗器械质t保证专用要求(quallty。ance找叼uire~ts for medi司appliance)疗器械法规要求、医疗器械质t体系要求和医疗产品安全性、有效性要求。医疗器械质量的基本是安全有效。只有加强对医疗器械的质量认可和管理,在一般工业产品质量保证通用要求的基砒定医疗器械质童保证的专用要求,才能保障医疗的安全有效。由于150驯l)1、150如傀质量保证标准不能头足医疗器械质量体系要求,因此150在1望辫年咸医疗器械质量管理和通用要求技术委员会即国阮化组织医疗器械质量管理技术委员会(正幻Z代2担医疗器械质量管理标准的制定工作。
