900字范文 > 新校区建设项目 new campus construction project英语短句 例句大全

新校区建设项目 new campus construction project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-07 20:33:51


新校区建设项目 new campus construction project英语短句 例句大全

新校区建设项目,new campus construction project

1)new campus construction project新校区建设项目

1.Thenew campus construction projects of college have many problems, such as the long construction period, huge investment and a large number of uncertainties which are constantly changing.高校新校区建设项目建设周期长、投资多、不确定因素大量存在,并处在不断变化之中。


1.Thoughts on the Auditing of Construction Projects in New Campus of Universities;高校新校区建设项目跟踪审计之思考

2.Analysis on the investment control method of the construction program of new school district construction;新校区建设项目投资控制方法的分析

3.Funding Model and Risk Analysis for New University Campus Construction;高校新校区建设项目融资模式及风险分析

4.On Application of Education Audit in Guangdong Province in the Construction Projects in New Campus of Universities广东教育审计新规范在新校区建设项目中的应用设想

5.To Analyse and Constituting the Main Post-Evaluation Index of Building Projects on the Social Influence of New University Campus;大学新校区建设项目社会影响的后评价主要指标的分析与构建

6.Construction Projects Risk Analysis of Hunan Chemical Industry Vccation Technology Institute New Campus湖南化工职业技术学院新校区建设项目风险分析

7.The Application of Modern Project Management tothe Development of New Campus;现代项目管理在新校区建设中的应用

8.A Survey Reports on Project of "New Countryside Learning School Community Construction"“新农村学习型学校社区建设”项目调查报告

9.Research on Project Schedule Management for New Library Construction of Ocean University of China中国海洋大学新校区图书馆建设项目进度计划与控制管理

10.The Research on Process Control and Management of New College Campus Construction Project;高校新建校区项目过程控制及管理研究

11.An Applied Study on the PMC Project Management Model in the College Area Construction;PMC管理模式在高校园区建设项目中的应用研究

12.Analysis on the First Phase of Construction Project of Qingdao Campus, CUP;中国石油大学青岛校区一期建设工程项目分析

13.The Post-project Evaluation Study about the First Phase of the Project of China University of Petroleum Qingdao Campus中石大青岛校区一期工程建设项目后评价研究

14.New "Trinity" Pattern of Bidding for Construction Projects in Universities;高校工程建设项目“三位一体”招标新模式探讨

15.A Study of Soil Erosion Newly Arising from the Development and Construction Projects in the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River;黄河中游地区开发建设项目新增水土流失研究

16.The Study of the Post Evaluation of Jilin Oilfield Xinli 108 Block Oil Production Capacity Project吉林油田新立108区块产能建设项目后评价研究

17.Analysis of the architectural program management of the new area in Cixi Hangzhouwan慈溪杭州湾新区建设项目管理分析与总结

18.On Campus Culture Construction of New Universities新建院校新校区校园文化建设的思考


New area construction project of the college学院新区建设项目

3)new campus construction新校区建设

1.However,universitiesnew campus construction project management methods proposed many new problems.我国许多高校从教育的飞跃发展和自身发展需要,进行了大规模的新校区建设热潮,高校新校区建设项目管理方式对工程项目管理提出很多新的问题。

2.Recently,some achievements ofnew campus construction have been noticed in universities and colleges.近年来,高校在新校区建设方面取得了一定的成效,但同时也出现了定位不够准确、特色不够鲜明、整体不够协调、质量不够过关等方面的问题。

3.As for constructing new campus of universities and colleges,the author holds that the state government should develop a long-term economic and cultural viewpoint,and accord with the characteristics of colleges and universities so as to find an effective solution to financial issues ofnew campus construction.高校新校区建设,政府应从国家长远的经济文化发展角度出发,根据高校的特点制定一套解决高校新校区建设中存在问题的积极政策。

4)construction of new campus新校区建设

1.Plenty of important archives information has been produced in theconstruction of new campus of university.高校新校区建设过程中产生了大量、重要的档案资料,从4个方面阐述了如何做好这些档案的收集和利用工作。

5)New Campus building新校区建设

1.With the rapid development of universities and colleges, new campus building with its large scale and huge investment is an inevitable choice, whose investment risk has thus become the heightened concern of college authorities, the staff and the public.新校区建设是伴随着高校高速发展的必然选择,新校区建设由于规模大、投资高,其中的建设投资风险也是高校领导、职工和社会公众重点关注的领域。

6)University Construction Projects高校建设项目

1.TheUniversity Construction Projects Performance Evaluation System is a alternative and creative research that applies the theory and method of performance evaluation into construction projects based on the aspect of universities,whic而目前针对高校建设项目所进行的评价:第一,多是工程项目后评价,即使有了评价结果,但是项目已经建成,实际意义不大;第二,没有较完善的评价体系,基本都是套用经济领域的评价方法,鲜有针对高等教育的特殊性,从更现实、全面的角度来考核项目工程的研究,这正是高校建设项目绩效评价的意义所在。


