900字范文 > 汽车报警器 car alarm英语短句 例句大全

汽车报警器 car alarm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-03 22:29:07


汽车报警器 car alarm英语短句 例句大全

汽车报警器,car alarm

1)car alarm汽车报警器


1.B: Yes … My car alarm is ringing!(是的,……我的汽车报警器在响!)

2.GP32-based GSM Car Alarm for the Design and Implementation基于GP32的GSM汽车报警器的设计与实现

3.Look at this: The chirp of the cricket has been replaced by the car alarm.看这个: 蟋蟀的吟唱 已被汽车报警器的尖叫取代

4.alarm for motor-vehicle tyre breaking汽车轮胎泄漏报警器

5.The car alarm went off as John Doe was trying to steal the car.当某人试著偷那台车时,汽车警报器响起了。

6.Reliability Design and Analysis of the Circuit of the Car Immobilizer;汽车电子防盗报警器电路的可靠性设计分析

7.Drowsy Driver Monitor System Research and Design;汽车司机驾驶疲劳报警器的研究及设计

8.The Basic Research on the Piezoelectric Energy Generating Used for TPMS;压电发电在汽车轮胎报警器上的应用基础研究

9.Automobile Alarm System Based on AT89S52基于AT89S52的汽车报警系统

10.he ducked at the screechings of shells; he heard the scream of the brakes.救火车警报器的尖叫声。

11.control of vehicle burglar alarm管制车辆防盗警报器

12.Optimization and Research on Piezoelectric Power-Generating for Self-Power-Generating TPMS自供电汽车轮胎压力报警器压电振子优化设计研究

13.the blare of police sirens, a brass band警车警报器的鸣声,铜管乐队的奏鸣声

14.The siren warned us that a police car was chasing us.警报器告诉我们一辆警车正在追我们。

15.This alarm immobilizes the car.这种警报一发出, 汽车就停止不动了.

16.Researching Intelligent Auto Tyre Monitoring Alarming System智能型汽车轮胎监测报警装置的研究

17.Design and realization of TC35i in vehicle fingerprint alarm moduleTC35i在汽车指纹报警模块的设计与实现

18.Intelligent Security Alarm System for Automotives Based on AT89S51基于AT89S51的汽车智能安全报警系统


the automobile integrated alarm汽车综合报警器

1.In this paper, the design of testing system forthe automobile integrated alarm taking industry control computer as the core is thoroughly introduced.本文介绍了以工控机为核心的汽车综合报警器检测系统的设计方法。

3)alarm for motor-vehicle tyre breaking汽车轮胎泄漏报警器

4)whistle alarm汽笛报警器


6)backing car annunciator倒车报警器

1.The design and manufacture ofbacking car annunciator;超声波汽车倒车报警器的设计


γ射线报警器γ射线报警器γ-ray alarm丫shexian bQo)ing单Y射线报警器(v一ray alarm)监测v辐射水平的核辐射剂量探测仪器。通常安装在具有防化设施的工事内,在预定的Y辐射阂值下报警并能测量工事外表探头附近的Y照射量率,是工事核防护设施专用配套设备。Y射线报警器一般由探头、电缆和操纵箱等部分组成(见图)。探头固定在工遍残y射线报警器事外部,操纵箱放置在工事头部三防值班室内,并与联动装置相连接。当探头所处位置的v辐射强度达到仪器报警阂值时,处于预报状态的报警器,由探头将接收的v辐射转换成电脉冲信号,经过整形放大,由电缆传送到操纵箱。信号在操纵箱内分成两路:一路经直流放大后推动报警电路工作,使仪器立即报警,发出声光报警信号,同时送出一个控制信号给联动装置,对工事的防化设施进行自动控制;另一路信号由人工控制,经积分电路到电表指示器,测量工事外表探头所在位置的Y照射量率。(王立银)
