900字范文 > 当归饮子/治疗应用 DANGGUI DECOCTION/ther.use英语短句 例句大全

当归饮子/治疗应用 DANGGUI DECOCTION/ther.use英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-27 00:19:04


当归饮子/治疗应用 DANGGUI DECOCTION/ther.use英语短句 例句大全

当归饮子/治疗应用,DANGGUI DECOCTION/ther.use

1)DANGGUI DECOCTION/ther.use当归饮子/治疗应用

2)Angelica sinensis/ther use当归/治疗应用

3)DANGGUI SHAOYAO DECOCTION/ther.use当归芍药汤/治疗应用

4)Danggui Buxue decoction/ther use当归补血汤/治疗应用


1.Clinical observation onDangguiyinzi in treating chronic urticaria;当归饮子治疗慢性荨麻疹的临床观察

2.Research for DangGuiYinZi Plus Formula in Treatment of Dermatosis;当归饮子加味治疗皮肤病之研究

3.The objective is to explore the therapeutic mechanism of "dangguiyinzi" which has the effects of wind-expelling,blood-nourishing,heat-clearing and dampness-removing dryness by clinic observation.西医治疗一般给予抗组胺药内服,予激素类药物外用,但常有嗜睡及皮肤萎缩、毛细血管扩张等副作用,中医药治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒症具有疗效好、副作用少的优点,本文通过观察当归饮子临床疗效以寻求治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒症的有效治疗方法。


1.The Clinical Observation of Dang Gui Yin Zi on Treating Prutitus Senilis当归饮子对老年性皮肤瘙痒症的疗效观察

2.Effect of Chinese Angelica Decoction on Late-phase Reaction of Chronic Urticaria;当归饮子对慢性荨麻疹迟发相过敏反应的影响研究

3.The Clinical Observation of the Treatment of the Senile Cutaneous Pruritus of Xue Xu Feng Zao with Dang Gui Yin Zi Combined with Qu Feng Lotion当归饮子联合祛风洗剂治疗血虚风燥型老年性皮肤瘙痒症临床观察

4.Clinial Efficacy of Corticosteroid Dependent Dermatitis Treated with Topical Pimecrolimus Joint Chineseherbs Dang Gui Ying Zi吡美莫司联合中药当归饮子加减治疗面部激素依赖性皮炎疗效观察

5.He ascribed his good health to proper diet and exercise.他把他的身体好归功于饮食适当和体育锻炼。

6.She juiced a few oranges for her breakfast.她拿几只橙子榨汁当早餐饮料。

7.Clinical Trial of Combined Therapy of Dangguidihuangy in Decoction Integrated with Acupuncture Treatment for Patients with Delayed Menstrual Cycle Due to Kidney Deficiency;当归地黄饮合针刺治疗肾虚型月经后期的临床观察

8.The Protective Effects of Angelia Sinensis and Eucommia Ulmoides on Teratogenicity of Differentiating Neurons Exposed to DBPs in Drinking Water;当归、杜仲对饮用水DBPs中潜在致畸物抗致畸作用的研究

9.She was beyond being happy to see her boy again, of course.她看到儿子归来当然喜不自胜。

10.The Research about Reducing the Toxicity and Mechanism of Dioscorea Bulbifera L. Matching Chinese Angelica;黄药子配伍当归的减毒及机理的研究

11.Effects of Angelica Sinensis s Dynamic Changes on Yield Cultivating Factor;当归生长发育动态对栽培因子的响应

12.Effects of Angelica sinensis rhizosphere soil on A.sinensis seed germination and seedling growth当归根际土对其种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响

13.I want a wife to make sure my children eat properly and are kept clean.我希望有一个能够保证孩子饮食得当、衣着整洁的老婆。

14.She was up and around the same day, with her hands full, for she was tending both babies.她当天就起床,到处忙碌,两手都抱着孩子,因为两个孩子都归她照料。

15.Determination of Inorganic Anions in Angelicasinensis(Oliv.) Diels by Ion Chromatography;离子色谱法测定中药当归中的无机阴离子成分研究

16.The outbreak of cholera was put down to bad drinking water.霍乱的发生归因于饮用水不清洁。

17."But we drink to our guest Bound home from camp, And play him Barbarian lutes, guitars, harps;"中军置酒饮归客, 胡琴琵琶与羌笛。

18.Protective Effect of Gui Qi Yin on Acute Cerebral Ischemia in Mice;归芪饮对小鼠急性脑缺血的保护作用


Angelica sinensis/ther use当归/治疗应用

3)DANGGUI SHAOYAO DECOCTION/ther.use当归芍药汤/治疗应用

4)Danggui Buxue decoction/ther use当归补血汤/治疗应用


1.Clinical observation onDangguiyinzi in treating chronic urticaria;当归饮子治疗慢性荨麻疹的临床观察

2.Research for DangGuiYinZi Plus Formula in Treatment of Dermatosis;当归饮子加味治疗皮肤病之研究

3.The objective is to explore the therapeutic mechanism of "dangguiyinzi" which has the effects of wind-expelling,blood-nourishing,heat-clearing and dampness-removing dryness by clinic observation.西医治疗一般给予抗组胺药内服,予激素类药物外用,但常有嗜睡及皮肤萎缩、毛细血管扩张等副作用,中医药治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒症具有疗效好、副作用少的优点,本文通过观察当归饮子临床疗效以寻求治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒症的有效治疗方法。

6)Jia Ling Yin/therapeutic application甲苓饮/治疗应用


饮子饮子 饮子 方剂学名词。指不规定饮服时间的汤剂。可频频呷饮代茶,亦可冷服。如《千金要方》的芦根饮子,《宣明论方》的地黄饮子等。
