900字范文 > 补肾活血通络汤 Bushenhuoxuetongluo decoction英语短句 例句大全

补肾活血通络汤 Bushenhuoxuetongluo decoction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-14 07:32:53


补肾活血通络汤 Bushenhuoxuetongluo decoction英语短句 例句大全

补肾活血通络汤,Bushenhuoxuetongluo decoction

1)Bushenhuoxuetongluo decoction补肾活血通络汤

2)Bushen Huoxue Tongjing Tang补肾活血通经汤

1.Objective:To observe the clinical effect ofBushen Huoxue Tongjing Tang(BS forshort) which induced abortion technique stops menstruating, to explorethe possible mechanism and provide scientific basis for the clinicalapplication of it.目的:观察补肾活血通经汤(自拟经验方)治疗人工流产术后闭经的临床疗效,并探讨其可能的作用机理,为补肾活血通经汤临床推广应用提供科学依据。

3)Bushen Huoxue Tongluo Recipe补肾活血通络方

1.Clinical study onBushen Huoxue Tongluo Recipe used in treatment of 34 cases of old patients with chronic aplastic anemia;补肾活血通络方治疗老年慢性再生障碍性贫血34例临床研究

4)reinforcing Shen and activating blood circulation to dredge Channels补肾活血通络法

1.Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of TCM forreinforcing Shen and activating blood circulation to dredge Channels in auxiliary treating chronic aplastic anemia (CAA), and to explore its mechanism.目的 :观察补肾活血通络法辅助治疗慢性再生障碍性贫血 (CAA)的临床疗效 ,并探讨其作用机制。


1.Clinical Research on Early Diabetic Nephropathy Treated with Reinforcing Kidney, Circulating Blood and Restoring Collateral;补肾活血通络法治疗早期糖尿病肾病的临床研究

2.Invigorates the Kidney Supervises the Blood Circulation to Pass Strongly Winds Law Treatment Waist Intervertebral Disc Prominent Sickness补肾壮督活血通络法治疗腰椎间盘突出症

3.Clinical Study on Preventing and Treatment of Osteoporosis of Postmenopausal Women with "Suppot Kidvey Fortify Qi and Invigorate the Circulation of Blood Stasis Dredge Collaterals";“补肾益气活血通络”法防治绝经后妇女骨质疏松症的临床研究

4.Clinical Observation of Treating Transient Ischemic Attack with the Method of "Nourish Kidney Essence and Benefit Liver, Resolve Wind, Phlegm and Remove Blood Stasis to Free the Brain Vessels from Obstruction";补肝肾祛风化痰通络法治疗短暂性脑缺血发作的临床研究

5.The Clinical Observation and Experimental Research of Knee Osteoarthritis Treated by the BuShenHuoXueTongbi Formula补肾活血通痹法治疗膝骨关节炎的临床及实验研究

6.Clinical Observation on Treatment Renal Damage in Essential Hypertension with Drugs for Nourishing Yin, Suppressing Yang, Promoting Blood Circul Ation and Removing Meridian Obstruction;滋阴潜阳、活血通络法治疗高血压病肾损害的临床研究

7.Experimental Study of the Therapeuitc Mechanism on the Promoting Bone Healing with Prescription for Invigorate the Kidney and Activate the Blood;补肾活血法促进骨折愈合的机理研究

8.The Clinical Resrarch of the Strength Spleen Nourishing Kidney and Activing Circulation Method to Treat Early Diabetic Nephropathy;健脾补肾活血法治疗早期糖尿病肾病临床研究

9.Clinical Observation of Bushen Yiqi Tongluo Recipe in Treating Essential Hypertension加用补肾益气通络方治疗高血压病临床观察

10.Bushen Huoxue Treatment of Kidney Deficiency and Blood Stasis Perimenopausal Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding of Clinical Research补肾活血法治疗肾虚血瘀型围绝经期功血的临床研究

11.The Clinical Study of Therapy of Tonifying the Kidney and Activating Blood and Dissipate Phlegm on Vascular Dementia;补肾祛痰活血法治疗血管性痴呆的临床研究

12.Experimental Study on the Theory of Tonifying Liver and Kidney and Activating Blood Circulation for Cerebral Ischemic Stroke补肾强肝活血法治疗缺血性脑卒中的实验研究

13.Clinical Research on Cycle Treatment of Invigorating the Kindney and Promoting Blood Flow in Treating Patients with Barrenness of Ovulation Failure Diagnosed Deficiency of Kidney and Blood Stasis Type;补肾活血方周期疗法治疗肾虚血瘀型无排卵性不孕症的临床研究

14.Bushen Blood Circulation Treatment of Kidney Deficiency of Blood Stasis of Adenomyosis Clinical Study;补肾活血化瘀法治疗肾虚血瘀型子宫腺肌病的临床研究

15.Effect of Shenluotong on RAS, ET-1 and TXB_2 in Obstructive Nephropathy Rats肾络通对肾间质纤维化实验动物大鼠肾组织血管活性物质的作用

16.Clinical Study the Effects of Treating Peripheral Neuropathy in Chronic Renal Failure by the Way of Invigorating the Spleen, Tonifying Kidney, Promoting Blood Circulation and Removing Meridian Obstruction;健脾益肾、活血通络法治疗慢性肾功能衰竭周围神经病变的临床研究

17.Clinical Study on YiQiBuShenHuoXue Decoction in the Treatment of Children Bronchial Asthma;益气补肾活血法治疗儿童哮喘的疗效观察

18.Mechanisms of the Method of Benefiting Kidney and Promoting Blood Circulation on Osteoarthritis;补肾活血法治疗骨性关节炎的机理研究


Bushen Huoxue Tongjing Tang补肾活血通经汤

1.Objective:To observe the clinical effect ofBushen Huoxue Tongjing Tang(BS forshort) which induced abortion technique stops menstruating, to explorethe possible mechanism and provide scientific basis for the clinicalapplication of it.目的:观察补肾活血通经汤(自拟经验方)治疗人工流产术后闭经的临床疗效,并探讨其可能的作用机理,为补肾活血通经汤临床推广应用提供科学依据。

3)Bushen Huoxue Tongluo Recipe补肾活血通络方

1.Clinical study onBushen Huoxue Tongluo Recipe used in treatment of 34 cases of old patients with chronic aplastic anemia;补肾活血通络方治疗老年慢性再生障碍性贫血34例临床研究

4)reinforcing Shen and activating blood circulation to dredge Channels补肾活血通络法

1.Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of TCM forreinforcing Shen and activating blood circulation to dredge Channels in auxiliary treating chronic aplastic anemia (CAA), and to explore its mechanism.目的 :观察补肾活血通络法辅助治疗慢性再生障碍性贫血 (CAA)的临床疗效 ,并探讨其作用机制。

5)bushenhuoxue decoction补肾活血汤

1.Objective :To investigate the mechanism and effect ofbushenhuoxue decoction(BSHXD) for ankylopoietica spondylarthrits(AS).目的 :临床观察补肾活血汤治疗强直性脊柱炎的疗效及作用机制 ;方法 :治疗组 89例 ,对照组 32例 ,治疗组予补肾活血汤 ,对照组予保泰松 ,对治疗效果进行疗效评价 ;结果 :治疗组总有效率为 88 76 % ,明显高于对照组总有效率 5 9 38% ;两组相比 ,有显著性差异 ;结果显示 ,补肾活血汤对强直性脊柱炎有较好的治疗效果 ,其作用机制与本方法具有补肾活血、化瘀通络、祛风除湿等功能有

2.Objective:To research the clinical effect of Bushenhuoxue decoction to treat the diabetes sexual impotence.目的:探讨中药补肾活血汤治疗糖尿病阳痿的临床疗效。

6)Bushen Huoxue decoction补肾活血汤

1.Analysis on Clinical Effects of Bushen Huoxue Decoction Combined with Leflunomide in Treating Lupus Nephritis;补肾活血汤联合来氟米特治疗狼疮性肾炎临床疗效分析

2.To explore the effect ofBushen Huoxue decoction (BSHX) on female reproduction and elucidate its therapeutic mechanism to infertility.目的 :探讨补肾活血汤对女性生殖活动的影响 ,揭示其治疗不孕的作用机理。


活血通经活血通经 活血通经 治疗学术语。指理血法。用活血的药物治疗妇女病理性经闭的方法。临床上需辨证论治,以活血通经药物为主,针对不同病因灵活用药。如气虚加补气药,血虚加补血药,气滞加行气药,肝郁加疏肝药,肝肾虚加补肝肾药。血寒加温里药,血热加清热药等。常用活血通经药有丹参、红花、桃仁、川芎、当归、牛膝等。
