900字范文 > 耳蜗滤波器组 cochlear filter bank英语短句 例句大全

耳蜗滤波器组 cochlear filter bank英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-24 11:41:02


耳蜗滤波器组 cochlear filter bank英语短句 例句大全

耳蜗滤波器组,cochlear filter bank

1)cochlear filter bank耳蜗滤波器组

1.Design and implementation of digitalcochlear filter bank based on wavelet transform基于小波变换的数字耳蜗滤波器组设计与实现


1.Design and implementation of digital cochlear filter bank based on wavelet transform基于小波变换的数字耳蜗滤波器组设计与实现

2.Cochlear organotypic cultures and histological examinations in rats大鼠耳蜗器官培养及其组织学检查技术

3.third-octave filter set1/3倍频程滤波器组

4.Joint filter spectrum sensing algorithm using filter banks滤波器组的多滤波器联合能量频谱感知算法

5.M-Channel Uniform Linear Phase Filter Banks and Wavelet-like Filter Banks多通道线性相位均匀滤波器组与近似小波滤波器组

6.Superconducting filter and module for deep space network in China深空探测用超导滤波器及滤波放大组件

7.sound surface wave multichannel filter assembly声表面波多通道滤波器组件

8.Brief Introduction of Capacitor Used in HVDC PLC Filter高压直流PLC滤波器用电容器组简介

9.Study of the action of 9370MHz microwave on cochlea microcirculation9370兆赫微波与耳蜗微循环的研究

10.An All-fiber Interleaver Using Four Directional Couplers四级方向耦合器组成的全光纤波长交错滤波器

11.Research on Application of the Optimisation Technique to FIR Filter and Two-Channel Filter Banks;优化技术在FIR滤波器和两通道滤波器组中的应用研究

12.Research on the Monitoring System of Configuration Active Power Filter;组态有源电力滤波器监控系统的研究

13.The Design of Sub-band Filter Banks Based on Cosine-Modulation;基于余弦调制的子带滤波器组的设计

14.The Design on the Filter of INS/GPS Integrated Navigation System;INS/GPS组合导航系统滤波器设计

15.Design and Implementation of Cosine-Modulated Analysis Filter Banks;余弦调制分析滤波器组的设计与实现

16.Structure of 1-Dimensional DFT Modulated Filter Banks and Design Algorithms;一维DFT调制滤波器组结构与设计算法

17.Design of Near Perfect Reconstruction DFT Modulated Filter Banks;近似完全重构DFT调制滤波器组的设计

18.Study on the Design and Applications of Cosine Modulated Filer Banks余弦调制滤波器组的设计及应用研究


Cochlear filter耳蜗滤波器

3)Cochlear filtering耳蜗滤波

4)Filter banks滤波器组

1.Filtered multitone technique and the design of filter banks;滤波多音频技术及其滤波器组设计

2.Video coding usingM -channel filter banks;基于M带滤波器组的视频编码方法

3.Reconstruction of nonuniform azimuth sampling signals of space borne SAR DPC-MAB technique based on filter banks;基于滤波器组的星载SAR DPC-MAB技术方位向非均匀采样信号的重构

5)filter bank滤波器组

1.Biorthogonal compact support wavelet causalfilter banks;双正交紧支集小波因果滤波器组

2.A factorjzation algorithm for linear-phase paraunitaryfilter banks with optimized delay chains;一种优化延迟链结构的线性相位准正交数字滤波器组的算法

3.Study on Fast Implementation and Synchronization Techniques in Filter Bank Multicarrier Systems滤波器组多载波系统快速实现及同步技术研究

6)filter group滤波器组

1.In the process of multi-sample-ratefilter group s accomplishment to binary wavelet transform, we discover that in comparison to the primitive signal, the rebuild signal not only leads into zeros generated byfilter group s delay before the primitive signal, but also leads into zeros behind it.在采用多采样率滤波器组实现二进小波变换的过程中,发现重构后的信号与原始信号相比较,除了在原始信号之前引入由滤波器组的延迟产生的0值点之外,还在原始信号之后引入了0值点。

2.The inherent distance ambiguity of pulse Doppler radar increases the requirement of Dopplerfilter group to the clutter-suppression ability.脉冲多普勒雷达的固有距离模糊,增大了多普勒滤波器组对杂波抑制能力的要求。


耳蜗内耳的一部分,在内耳的最前部,形状像蜗牛壳,内部有淋巴和听神经,是听觉的感受器。(图见〖耳朵 〗)
