900字范文 > 钻削深度 depth of drilling英语短句 例句大全

钻削深度 depth of drilling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-23 05:44:15


钻削深度 depth of drilling英语短句 例句大全

钻削深度,depth of drilling

1)depth of drilling钻削深度

1.The relationship between drilling parameters and cutter\"s endurance was analyzed,the choosing methods of drilling parameters,includingdepth of drilling,feed rate and drilling speed,were introduced,and a calculating example was given.大连交通大学摘要:提出一种适用于加工中心的钻削用量确定方法,分析了钻削用量与刀具耐用度的关系,介绍了钻削用量(包括钻削深度、进给率和钻削速度)的选取方法,并给出了计算实例。

2)deep-hole drilling深孔钻削

1.Static analysis ofdeep-hole drilling in the circuit system深孔钻削中油路系统静态特性分析

2.A fuzzy controlling device fordeep-hole drilling process is introduced to solve the problems of the deviation,flection and breakdown of drill bits and bars caused by the torque change in drilling.针对深孔钻削过程中出现切削扭矩异常变化导致钻头、钻杆损坏等问题,设计一套即时检测刀具扭矩、采用模糊控制方法控制钻削进给量的深孔钻削过程智能控制设备。

3.Adeep-hole drilling device,which is mounted onto a universal lathe, is to be introduced in this article.介绍一种安装于普通车床上的深孔钻削装置,该装置使普通车床在保持原有加工功能的前提下,具有深孔钻削功能。


1.high efficiency drilling system for small and deep hole高效小直径深孔钻削系统

2.Experimental research on the system performance in near-dry deep hole drilling亚干式深孔钻削系统性能的试验研究

3.The investigation on chip deformation and cutting forces of BTA deep hole drilling内排屑深孔钻削切屑变形与切削力实验研究

4.Research on Chip Removal and Cutting Tool Condition Monitoring Technology in BTA Deep Hole Drilling;BTA深孔钻削排屑与刀具状态监测技术研究

5.An experimental study of drilling small and deep blind holes with an abrasive water jet磨料水射流钻削深小盲孔的试验研究

6.Research on Chip-breaking Mechanism in the Vibration Drilling and Its Process Equipments;深孔振动钻削机理及其工艺装备的研究

7.Applying of Ultrasonic Vibration Drilling on Micro and Small Hole Machining振动钻削技术在深小微孔加工中的应用

8.Study on Drilling Tests of PCB Through-Hole Drilling钻PCB通孔钻切削性能的钻削试验研究

9.Research on Chip Breakage Condition of Gun-drilling in Low Frequency Vibratory Drilling and Losing of Amplitude枪钻低频振动钻削深孔断屑条件和振幅损失研究

10.Effect of Cutting Parameters on Deep Hole Drilling"s Quality of High Pressure Heater Tube Plates切削参数对高压加热器管板深孔钻孔质量的影响

11.Drilling 50 yards deep,钻孔至50码深处,

12.Drilling is cutting a hole with a drill.钻削就是用钻头钻一个孔。

13.drill and turning tool holder钻孔与车削两用刀夹

14.Research on the Cutting Performance of the Horniness Alloy Drill with Larger Length to Dirmeter大长径比整体硬质合金深孔钻头的切削性能分析

15.A twist drill is designed to drill a hole which has a particular size.麻花钻用来钻削具有一定尺寸的孔。

16.Experiment Research of the Drill Fracture Criterion in Inclined Hole Drilling斜孔钻削中钻头折断的判据实验研究

17.Study on axial vibration drilling to improve positioning accuracy轴向振动钻削提高钻孔定位精度研究

18.guide twist drill有导径的深孔麻花钻


deep-hole drilling深孔钻削

1.Static analysis ofdeep-hole drilling in the circuit system深孔钻削中油路系统静态特性分析

2.A fuzzy controlling device fordeep-hole drilling process is introduced to solve the problems of the deviation,flection and breakdown of drill bits and bars caused by the torque change in drilling.针对深孔钻削过程中出现切削扭矩异常变化导致钻头、钻杆损坏等问题,设计一套即时检测刀具扭矩、采用模糊控制方法控制钻削进给量的深孔钻削过程智能控制设备。

3.Adeep-hole drilling device,which is mounted onto a universal lathe, is to be introduced in this article.介绍一种安装于普通车床上的深孔钻削装置,该装置使普通车床在保持原有加工功能的前提下,具有深孔钻削功能。

3)deep hole drilling深孔钻削

1.In order to achieve the excellent results fordeep hole drilling on the vertical machining center, a machine with good damping and high rigidity is preferred.在立式加工中心进行深孔钻削 ,要取得最佳效果 ,应以一个具有良好阻尼特性的刚性机床为起点 ,在主轴冷却系统内加一个高压力 ,采用特殊的钻孔循环 ,加之正确的钻削尺寸、速度和进给速度 ,以及性能优良的刀具 ,便可达

4)MQL deep holes drillingMQL深孔钻削

1.In view of frequent break of carbide tool during production,and based on the characteristic ofMQL deep holes drilling,the process mechanism,condition and procedure were analyzed,the reasons were found and the improvement methods were established.针对实际生产中频繁出现刀具折断的问题,结合MQL深孔钻削的技术特点,对加工原理、加工条件及加工工序等进行了分析,找出了问题存在的原因并制定了相应的改进措施。

5)BTA deep hole drillingBTA深孔钻削

6)Small-deep holes drilling深小孔钻削


刀具:深孔钻 专门用於加工深孔的钻头。在机械加工中通常把孔深与孔径之比大於6的孔称为深孔。深孔钻削时﹐散热和排屑困难﹐且因钻杆细长而刚性差﹐易產生弯曲和振动。一般都要藉助压力冷却系统解决冷却和排屑问题。深孔钻按排屑方式分为外排屑和内排屑两类。外排屑的有枪钻﹑深孔扁钻和深孔麻花钻等﹔内排屑的因所用的加工系统不同﹐分BTA(Boring and Trepanning Association)深孔钻﹑喷射钻和DF(double feeder)深孔钻3种(见图 几种不同的深孔钻 )。枪钻﹕只有一个切削部分﹐最早用於加工枪管。钻削时﹐切削液从钻杆中间进入﹐经钻头头部的小孔喷射到切削区﹐然后带著切屑从钻头的V形沟槽中排出。枪钻适用於加工孔径2~20毫米﹑孔深与孔径之比大於100的深孔。BTA深孔钻﹕切削液从钻杆与孔壁的间隙处送入﹐靠切削液的压力将切屑从钻杆的内孔中排出。BTA深孔钻适用於钻削孔径6毫米以上﹐孔深与孔径之比小於100的深孔﹐其生產效率比枪钻高3倍以上。喷射钻﹕一种多刃内排屑深孔钻﹐有内﹑外两层钻管﹐大部分切削液从内﹑外钻管的间隙中进入切削区﹐然后连同切屑进入内管﹔另一小部分切削液则经由内管尾端的月牙形孔进入内管﹐產生喷射效应﹐形成低压区﹐帮助抽吸切屑。喷射钻不要求严格的切削液密封装置﹐适用於钻削直径18毫米以上﹑孔深和孔径比小於100的深孔。DF深孔钻﹕这种钻头吸收了BTA深孔钻和喷射钻的优点﹐採用单管﹐排屑靠推压和抽吸双重作用﹐提高了排屑能力﹐可钻削孔径在8毫米以上的深孔。 枪钻常用高速钢或硬质合金製造。各类内排屑深孔钻可根据尺寸大小﹐採用焊接或机械夹固式可转位硬质合金刀片的结构。深孔钻上的导向块起导向和定心作用﹐减少钻孔的偏斜和切削时的振动。深孔钻的刀齿和导向块的布置主要考虑分屑和切削时径向力的平衡。刀体与钻杆可用焊接或方牙螺纹联接。
