900字范文 > 农业高职 agriculture higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

农业高职 agriculture higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-14 02:52:13


农业高职 agriculture higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

农业高职,agriculture higher vocational education

1)agriculture higher vocational education农业高职

1.A few problems thatagriculture higher vocational education should take into account in face of western development;面对西部开发的战略任务农业高职教育需要重视的几个问题


1.Change of Post in Agricultural Vocation and Development of Agricultural Higher Vocational and Technical Education农业职业岗位的变化与农业高职教育的发展

2.Research and Practice on the “Career-Oriented Study” in Higher Vocational Agricultural Colleges;农业高职高专“顶岗学习”的研究与实践

3.The Current Situations and Reasons Analysis of the Style of Study in Agricultural High-vocational Colleges;农业高职院校的学风现状及原因分析

4.On "Block Model"--A New Type of Teaching Approach in Agricultural Higher Vocatinal Education;论农业高职新型的教学模式——“板块式”

5.Study on Agriculture Higher Vocational Colleges Serve Socialistic New Countryside s Construction;农业高职院校服务新农村建设的对策研究

6.Vocational and Technical College of Agriculture Has A Long Way to Go in Building Socialist New Rural Area;建设社会主义新农村农业高职教育任重道远

7.The Exploration and Reflection of Science and Technology Serving "Farmers,Rural Areas and Agriculture" in Higher Vocational Colleges of Agriculture农业高职院校科技服务“三农”的探索与思考

8.Analysis of Employment of Graduates from Agricultural Vocational and Technical College;新形势下农业高职毕业生就业问题探析

9.How to Reply to the WTO s Entry of Agriculture and Peasant s Increasing Income for the Higher Vocational Education at Western Area;西部农业高职教育如何应对农业入世和农民收增的思考

10.The Thought about Agricultural Higher Vocational Education Serves the "Three Agriculture" Problem;农业高等职业教育服务“三农"的思考

11.Agricultural Education Thought of Mencius and Its Enlightenments to Higher Agricultural Education孟子农业教育思想对高等农业职业教育的启示

12.Research of Cost Compensation Issue on Agricultural Higher Vocational Education;农业高等职业教育成本补偿问题研究

13.A Brief Analysis on Higher Agricultural Vocational Education in Canada;加拿大高等农业职业教育的特点探析

14.Reflection on the Development of Higher Vocational Education in Agricultural Colleges;对农业院校发展高等职业教育的思考

15.The Measures of Vocational Education for Improving the Lost Land Peasants Vocational Core Ability;提高失地农民职业核心能力的职业教育举措

16.On Agriculture Medium-sized Vocational Edueation and Inprovement of Peasant Foundation Quality;略论中等农业职业教育与农民素质的提高

17.On Carring out Vocational and Technical Training for Peasants in Community Colleges地市高职院校开展农民职业技能培训探索

18.Training Talents of Starting Own Business in Polytechnic College For Agriculture浅谈高职高专农科类专业自主创业型人才培养


Graduate from Agriculture vocation and technical college农业高职毕业生

3)agricultural vocational education农业高职教育

1.In order to make chemistry teaching meetagricultural vocational education"s needs and train the talents needed by the social development.以农业职业技术教育化学教学改革为对象 ,针对过去农业高专教育化学教学经验与存在问题 ,转变教育观念 ,探讨农业高职教育化学教学的改革 ,在化学教学中注重理论必需、够用 ,加强对学生化学应用能力和创新思维的教育及培养 ,适应农业高职教育对化学教学的要求 ,培养出社会发展所需要的人才。

4)agricultural higher-vocation physical education农业高职体育

5)Rural Vocational High School农村职业高中

1.Analysis and prediction onRural Vocational High School;农村职业高中发展分析与预测

6)higher professional institute of agriculture农业类高职学院

1.This task is mainly making a research in the chemical section course with practice of teaching for five-yearhigher professional institute of agriculture.本课题主要研究农业类高职学院五年制大专课程中化学模块课程的设计及教学实践,通过对农业类高职学院化学模块教学的现状和发展进行探讨,对农业类专业必修课程和选修课程中与化学课程相关的课程进行研究,从而确定了农业类高职学院五年制大专学生所需化学知识范围,编制了农业类高职学院五年制大专化学模块课程的教学大纲雏形和化学模块课程的六大模块。


