900字范文 > 模拟方式 simulation pattern英语短句 例句大全

模拟方式 simulation pattern英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-16 12:44:51


模拟方式 simulation pattern英语短句 例句大全

模拟方式,simulation pattern

1)simulation pattern模拟方式

1.Characteristics of semi-rigid nodes andsimulation patterns;半刚性节点特性及模拟方式

2)simulation construction mode模拟施工方式

1.The following paper introduces some problems should be noticed in the utilization of PKPM series software as rational assumption of slab rigidity,rational selection ofsimulation construction mode and definition of shortpier shear wall structure,and analyzes these problems in detail,in order to increase design computational efficiency and to ensure accuracy and reliability of calculation result.主要介绍了PKPM系列软件使用中在合理假定楼板刚度、选择模拟施工方式、短肢剪力墙结构的界定方面应注意的一些问题,并就这些问题进行了较为详细的分析,以提高设计计算效率,同时保证了计算结果的精度及其可靠性。

3)the way and function of imitation模拟方式及作用

4)computer simulation mode计算机模拟方式

5)model simulation模式模拟

1.Themodel simulation of CH4 photochemical reaction mechanisms were studied by the evacuable photochemical smog chamber with LP-FTIR experiments of CH4-Air and CH4-O3-Air systems were carried out in the chamber atmospheric pressure.应用可抽真空的、带有LP-FTIR的光化学烟雾箱进行甲烷光化学反应机理模式模拟。


1.The Simulation Studies of Optimal Feed Supply Mode of Dairy Cattle in Yunnan Province;云南奶牛最佳饲料供给模式模拟研究

2.Women in Development Simulation Model妇女参与发展模拟模式

3.Population and Development Simulation Model人口与发展模拟模式

4.Simulation Explanatory Model System模拟解释性模式系统

5.Analog sweep模拟式扫描(连续式扫描)

6.repetitive type analog computer周期运算式模拟计算机

7.monolithic D/A interface单片式数字模拟接口

8.Analog of Performance of Turbine Compressor透平式压缩机特性模拟

9.transformer analog computer变压器式模拟计算机

10.monolithic A/D converter单片式模拟-数字转换器

11.counting type analog-to-digital converter计算式模拟-数字变换器

12.modelling distributed database system模拟分布式数据库系统

piler driven simulation编译程序驱动式模拟

14.interactive graphical simulation language交互式图形模拟语言

15.A new relaxation oscillation mode is found through the dynamic simulation.通过模拟发现了新的弛豫振荡模式。

16.World Bank simulated trade linkages model世界银行模拟贸易连环模式

17.Simulation Model on Population and Development (Game of Training)《人口与发展模拟模式》(训练游戏)

18.Simulation Political Economic Strategic Interaction Model模拟政治经济战略交互模式


simulation construction mode模拟施工方式

1.The following paper introduces some problems should be noticed in the utilization of PKPM series software as rational assumption of slab rigidity,rational selection ofsimulation construction mode and definition of shortpier shear wall structure,and analyzes these problems in detail,in order to increase design computational efficiency and to ensure accuracy and reliability of calculation result.主要介绍了PKPM系列软件使用中在合理假定楼板刚度、选择模拟施工方式、短肢剪力墙结构的界定方面应注意的一些问题,并就这些问题进行了较为详细的分析,以提高设计计算效率,同时保证了计算结果的精度及其可靠性。

3)the way and function of imitation模拟方式及作用

4)computer simulation mode计算机模拟方式

5)model simulation模式模拟

1.Themodel simulation of CH4 photochemical reaction mechanisms were studied by the evacuable photochemical smog chamber with LP-FTIR experiments of CH4-Air and CH4-O3-Air systems were carried out in the chamber atmospheric pressure.应用可抽真空的、带有LP-FTIR的光化学烟雾箱进行甲烷光化学反应机理模式模拟。

6)Simulation model模拟模式


油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)development pattern of oil and gas field:see recovery pattern of oil and gas fielda垃d gas月e卫d)、‘。尸卫Jlent见油气田小冰、*pa士teroof ojl
