900字范文 > 高职教育类型 educational type英语短句 例句大全

高职教育类型 educational type英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-08 21:53:54


高职教育类型 educational type英语短句 例句大全

高职教育类型,educational type

1)educational type高职教育类型

2)high career education高职类教育

3)vocational education in water conservancy水利类高职教育

1.This paper is a specialty comparison among the high vocational education, university education in water conservancy in China and at abroad, which can be used for reference for the development ofvocational education in water conservancy in China.文中对国内的水利类高职教育与本科教育及国外境外的同类专业教育进行了比较,以此为我国的水利类高职教育发展提供借鉴。

4)business vocational college商科类高职教育


1.The Bedground and Change of Develoment of Commercial of Polytechnic Education of China;中国商科类高职教育发展的背景与挑战

2.Exploration of Practical Learning--the Mode of Higher vocational Education in Commercial Education;实践性学习的探索——商科类高职教育培养模式实现的途径

3.Orientation of Training Objective for Engineering Sciences in Higher Vocational Education;高职教育工科类培养目标的定位探究

4.Establish practice teaching system of Junior Colleges;商科类高职高专实践教学体系构建思考

5.The Key to Running Higher Vocational Education by Undergraduate School Lies in the Type Structure Reformation of Undergraduate Educa tion;本科院校办好高职与本科教育的类型结构改革

6.Optimize Composing Education of Science Design Profession in Higher Vocation Education;优化高职高专理科类设计专业构成教育

7.On Strengthening of Engineering Students Culture Quality Education in Higher Vocational College;加强高职高专工科类学生文化素质教育的研究

8.On the Positioning of International Business in Vocational Colleges;论高职教育对国际商务类专业定位的重构

9.The Analysis on the Adaptability of Industrial Development and the Liberal Arts Education in Higher Vocational Institutions;高职文科类教育与南通产业发展的适应性分析

10.The Present Condition Analysis and Countermeasure Research of Humanistic Education in Engineering Higher Vocational Colleges;工科类高职院校人文教育现状分析及对策研究

11.Strutural Types Reform of Education in a University Helps Better a Vocational and Technical Collage;教育类型结构改革是本科院校办好高职的关键

12.The Research of Three-Dimensional Structure Model of the Humanity Education’s Goal Way and Process for Higher Engineering Professional高职工科类专业人文教育的目标、途径与过程

13.Thoughtway and Plan for Business Colleges Teaching Reform Item;“商科类高职高专院校教学综合改革项目”思路与计划方案(一)

14.On Technology Undergraduate Education Based on Classification of Education and Talents--Simultaneously Discussion on Orientation Issue for Newly-upgraded Higher Vocational Schools;基于教育分类与人才分类的技术本科教育探讨——兼论专科类高职院校升本后的定位问题

15.Innovation of Practical Education of Liberal Art in Higher Vocational College;谈高职高专教育文科类专业实训教学的改革新思维

16.The study of essentiality of commerce culture education in finance-commerce vocational colleges财经类高职院校开展商业文化教育的必要性研究

17.Teaching Approach of Business English in Higher Vocational College高职教育中《商务英语》课程的教学思考

18.An Application of Educational Scientific Research to Upgrading Teaching Quality in the Education of Senior Vocational and Specialty;用教育科研提升高职高专教育教学质量


high career education高职类教育

3)vocational education in water conservancy水利类高职教育

1.This paper is a specialty comparison among the high vocational education, university education in water conservancy in China and at abroad, which can be used for reference for the development ofvocational education in water conservancy in China.文中对国内的水利类高职教育与本科教育及国外境外的同类专业教育进行了比较,以此为我国的水利类高职教育发展提供借鉴。

4)business vocational college商科类高职教育

5)architectural higher vocational education建筑类高职教育

1.Thearchitectural higher vocational education should have the characteristics of trade, technical application and market direction.阐述了建筑类高职教育具有行业性、技术应用性和市场导向性特色,论述了建筑类高职教育专业建设及人才培养方案、课程体系建设、学制结构、教学方法、课堂教学模式及教师队伍建设方面的教学特色。

6)higher vocational electromechanical education机电类高职教育



血液有形成分各种类型的血细胞虚线指示中间类型的细胞。 李瑞端绘[图]
