900字范文 > 单轴压缩强度 unconfined compressive strength英语短句 例句大全

单轴压缩强度 unconfined compressive strength英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-12 18:37:43


单轴压缩强度 unconfined compressive strength英语短句 例句大全

单轴压缩强度,unconfined compressive strength

1)unconfined compressive strength单轴压缩强度

1.A series of laboratory tests on engineering properties, such asunconfined compressive strength and permeability, were undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness and performances of cement additive as soil stabilizing agent.研究上,主要由现地取得之土壤和适当水泥及皂土材料进行一系列配比试验,以探讨添加材料对改良土之单轴压缩强度qu值及三轴透水系数k值的影响。

2.A series of laboratory tests on en- gineering properties,such asunconfined compressive strength and permeability,were undertaken to evaluate the effec- tiveness and performances of cement additive as soil stabilizing agent.研究上,主要由现地取得之土壤和适当水泥及皂土材料进行一系列配比试验,以探讨添加材料对改良土之单轴压缩强度 q_u 值及三轴透水系数 k 值的影响。


1.Effects of Temperature and Strain Rate on Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Natural Fresh Water Ice天然淡水冰单轴压缩强度及其温度和应变率效应

2.The Strain-rate Sensitivity of Strength of Bohai Sea One-Year Ice under Uniaxial Compression渤海东部一年冰单轴压缩强度的应变速率敏感性

3.Three-parameter Generalized Failure Criteria Based on Tension,Compression and Shear Uniaxial Strength基于拉伸、压缩、剪切单轴强度试验值的材料三参数广义强度准则

4.external pressure single type axial expansion joint外压单式轴向伸缩接头

5.Static-dynamic coupling strength and deformation characteristics of rock under triaxial compression三轴压缩岩石动静组合强度及变形特征的研究

6.Experimental Study of Scale Effect on Gas-saturated Coal Samples subjected to Uniaxial Compression含瓦斯煤单轴压缩的尺度效应实验研究

7.Uniaxial compressive strength of saturated frozen clay at constant strain rate饱和冻结黏土在常应变率下的单轴抗压强度

8.Experimental Study on Instantaneous Uni-axial Compressive Strength of Frozen Clay at Low Temperature冻结黏土低温瞬时单轴抗压强度试验研究

9.Analysis of rock-socketed pile uniaxial compressive strength and bearing capacity of pile tip at three dimensional effects嵌岩桩单轴抗压强度和三维作用下桩端承载力

10.fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-test method for compressive strength of monolithic ceramics at room temperature细陶瓷-单块陶瓷常温耐压缩强度试验方法

11.A Study on Kaiser Effect of Rocks under Uniaxial Cyclic Loading岩石单轴压缩Kaiser效应的试验研究

12.Structural Intensity of Piston Compressor活塞压缩机结构强度

13.It is pointed that75℃ and200℃ are the threshold temperatures of elastic modulus and uniaxial compression strength respectively.指出了75℃200℃别是花岗岩弹性模量和单轴抗压强度的门槛温度。

14.Study of relationship between uniaxial compressive strength and electrical resistivity of frozen soil under different temperatures不同温度下冻土单轴抗压强度与电阻率关系研究

15.Research on the effect of the influence of confining pressure on EME during the deformation and fracture of coal or rock mono-axial compressed单轴压缩煤岩变形破裂电磁辐射围压效应研究


17.Statistical thermal damage constitutive model of grit stone under uniaxial compression单轴压缩下粗砂岩热损伤统计本构模型

18.Study on the charge and magnetic signals of granite samples under uniaxial compression单轴压缩下花岗岩电磁信号的实验研究


uniaxial compression strength单轴抗压强度

1.Based on this foundation,make use of analysis of regression to analyze the measure result in the typical coal sample of the selected coal mine,so the relation betweenuniaxial compression strength and the number of crack is set up as a reduced exponential formula.在此基础上,利用回归分析的方法对所选矿区测量结果进行量化分析研究,建立了煤体单轴抗压强度与裂隙条数之间的指数衰减关系式。

2.Based on data of load test anduniaxial compression strength, several methods to determine the natural foundations bearing capacity in weak rock are studied and compared.根据多个工程的岩基载荷试验和岩石单轴抗压强度试验 ,对南京地区软岩地基承载力的确定方法进行了分析和探讨 ,提出了解决思路和建

3)uniaxial compressive strength单轴抗压强度

1.Method of neural network for predictuniaxial compressive strength of rock;预测岩石单轴抗压强度的神经网络方法

2.Analysis of rock-socketed pileuniaxial compressive strength and bearing capacity of pile tip at three dimensional effects嵌岩桩单轴抗压强度和三维作用下桩端承载力

3.The models for estimating theuniaxial compressive strength of frozen clay based on strain rate (or.通过三种不同干密度饱和冻结黏土在常应变率下的单轴抗压强度试验,得出了饱和冻结黏土的单轴抗压强度受温度、应变率、破坏时间及干密度等因素的影响规律,并分别建立了以温度、应变率(或破坏时间)及干密度为变量的强度预报方程。

4)uniaxial and biaxial compressive strength单双轴压强度

5)Uniaxial compression单轴压缩

1.Experimental on acoustic emission of outburst-hazardous coal under uniaxial compression and creep;突出煤体单轴压缩和蠕变状态下的声发射对比试验

2.Experimental study on the uniaxial compression of anisotropic rocks;岩石各向异性的单轴压缩试验研究

3.Experimental study of uniaxial compression of clay frozen in situ;原位冻结黏土单轴压缩试验研究

6)uniaxial compression test单轴压缩

1.With the acoustic emission(AE) instrument of SYB-4 and the help of the rock acoustic parameter dynamic testing system,the acoustic emission characteristics in the process ofuniaxial compression test of Gaofeng limestone in Guangxi Province is studied.采用SYB-4声发射仪和岩石声发射参数动态测试系统,对广西高峰石灰岩进行了单轴压缩条件下的声发射试验,研究了石灰岩在单轴加载过程中声发射活动随时间和岩样应力、变形等变化的内在规律,在此基础上分析了石灰岩的破坏机理。

2.In order to study the acoustic emission of rock under compression by means of the rock acoustic parameter dynamic testing system (RAPDTS), someuniaxial compression tests on a kind of limestone from Guangxi Province were carried out.为研究岩石受压及破坏失稳过程中的声发射特性 ,作者利用改进的岩石声发射参数动态测试系统 ,对广西某矿石灰岩作了岩石的单轴压缩试验 ,检测了岩样从加载直至破坏过程中的声发射活动 ,表明内部微裂纹的形成与原有裂纹的扩展是岩石加载过程中声发射活动的主要原


浅谈“收缩包装设备”单轴与双轴的选择收缩包装和其它主流包装设备一样,有间歇式和连续式两种可供选择。在激烈的市场竞争下,零售商的要求又越来越苛刻,包装质量至关重要,这一切激发了对收缩包装设备的又一轮争论。 一方面来说,双轴(间歇式)设备的供应商在市场份额上占主流;另一方面,中等速度的单轴(连续式)设备也在不断对市场形成冲击。 Yorkshire Packaging Systems公司(YPS)向客户推出了单轴设备,但据销售总监Glyn Johnson说,目前整个包装业还是双轴设备的市场。Johnson认为,双轴设备仍然占有80%-90%的市场。在这个金字塔结构中,高速设备在顶部,中速设备在中部,下面是单轴设备,最下面是大量的双轴设备。 就如Johnson所说,“单轴设备速度上有优势,薄膜定位的控制上更精确。”他同时指出,高速单轴设备的运行成本是双轴设备的8-10倍。 Aetna公司主席Barry Tucker认为,市场“被分割成两条路”。现有的双轴系统用户在更新换代时,包装速度在每分钟20包左右的用户中,75%左右会将单轴设备列入考虑范围。 “至于每分钟超过20-25包的用户,大多数人会决定采用单轴设备。”他说,“目前市场上已经出现了经济型的单轴系统,总体成本略低于性能较好的双轴系统。” 价格下跌 Tucker先生说,最近几年单轴设备的价格有所下降,几乎接近生产成本。目前随着世界钢材价格上涨,可能会有所上调。 他指出,目前手动喂料、速度在10-15包/分钟左右的双轴设备价格已经接近底线,但对于食品饮料生产商,他们的设备是能够自动喂料的,在这一领域,双轴设备的优势并不明显。 Barry Tucker对单轴设备的效率大大高于双轴设备这一说法表示质疑。他指出,双轴设备在计算速度时必须把托盘装载的时间包括在内,而单轴设备都在在线完成的,这两者之间有很大的区别。 Europack同时生产单轴和双轴设备,但他们看好的是双轴的市场。 事实上,该公司的销售总监Ivan Reeve把双轴设备和单轴设备的销售比例定在3∶1。他说,在20-30包/分钟的领域,两种技术差距比较大,但市场主要还是集中在最常见的5包/分钟领域。
