900字范文 > 最小桩距 the minimum pile spacing英语短句 例句大全

最小桩距 the minimum pile spacing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-25 00:29:57


最小桩距 the minimum pile spacing英语短句 例句大全

最小桩距,the minimum pile spacing

1)the minimum pile spacing最小桩距

1.Technical code for design of building foundation and technical code for building pile foundation prescribethe minimum pile spacing of every kind of piles, which ensure that the designed pile spacing is close to the pile spacing of the maximum effect for pile group in order to get a higher effect for pile gr.我国的建筑地基基础设计规范和建筑桩基设计规范规定了各类桩的最小桩距,这就保证了设计桩距接近群桩效率的峰值桩距,以获得较高的群桩效率。

2)small bay小桩距

3)minimum length of pile最小桩长

4)optimum pile spacing最适桩间距

5)minimum well spacing最小井距

6)minimum distance最小距离

1.Fast calculatingminimum distance between point and complex curve with subdivision approximating algorithm分割逼近法快速求解点到复杂平面曲线最小距离

2.Theminimum distance between two free form surfaces is widely used in selecting the cutter diameter and detecting interference during NC machining of complex part.曲面间最小距离的求解 ,广泛用于复杂曲面零件数控加工的刀具半径选择和干涉处理中 。

3.To use the frequency spectrum characteristics in texture classification of remotely sensed imagery,a texture classification algorithm based onminimum distance in frequency space is put forward.为了将频谱对纹理特性的表征能力应用于遥感图像分类提出了基于频域最小距离遥感图像纹理分类算法。


1.A Minimum-Distance Classifier with Incremental Learning Capacity;具有增量学习能力的最小距离分类器

2.An Improved Method for Minimum Distance Classify:NN-MDC一种改进的最小距离分类器NN-MDC

3.Cyclotomic Number and the Minimum Distance of a Class of Binary Cyclic Codes分圆数与一类二元循环码的最小距离

4.Study on Multiseed Clustering Algorithm Based on Max-min Distance Algorithm;基于最大最小距离法的多中心聚类算法研究

5.Minimum distance classifier is a simple and effective classification method.最小距离分类器是一种简单而有效的分类方法。

6.Minimum Distance Fuzzy Filters for Dot-Matrix Character Recognition用于点阵字符识别的最小距离模糊滤波器

7.Algorithms for Minimum Distance between NURBS Surfaces and Their Implementations;NURBS曲面间最小距离算法研究及其计算机实现

8.An Algorithm for TSP Problem Based on Minimum Coefficient of Average Distance;基于最小距离均衡系数的TSP问题求解算法

9.Quadratic Clustering Algorithm based on Least Distance in DOA Location测向交叉定位中基于最小距离的二次聚类算法

10.A Detection of Malicious Code Based on Minimum Distance Classifier一种基于最小距离分类器的恶意代码检测方法

11.An Optimized Algorithm of Vehicle License Plate Correction Using Projection Minimum Distance利用投影最小距离的车牌校正优化算法

12.Design and Application of Minimum Distance Check Algorithm between Parts of UG ModelsUG模型零件间最小距离检测算法的设计及应用

13.Algorithm for Delaunay triangulation of simple polygon based on minimum distance基于最小距离简单多边形的Delaunay三角剖分算法

14.Determination of the minimum distance of the safe point of approach and attention DCPA最小安全会遇距离和注意会遇距离的确定

15.Maximum Minimum Distance Equidistant (n, M, d; q) Codes for Fixed n, M, q;n,M,q固定时的最大极小距离(n,M,d;q)等距码

16.The shortest distance between two points involves going through an alley.两点之间最短的距离包括穿越小巷。

17.The range indicates how far it is from the lowest data point to the highest.极差表示从最小数点到最大数点的距离。

18.The Research on Reliable Coefficient and the Least Protection Zone of Distance Protection Ⅰ;距离保护可靠系数及Ⅰ段最小保护范围的研究


small bay小桩距

3)minimum length of pile最小桩长

4)optimum pile spacing最适桩间距

5)minimum well spacing最小井距

6)minimum distance最小距离

1.Fast calculatingminimum distance between point and complex curve with subdivision approximating algorithm分割逼近法快速求解点到复杂平面曲线最小距离

2.Theminimum distance between two free form surfaces is widely used in selecting the cutter diameter and detecting interference during NC machining of complex part.曲面间最小距离的求解 ,广泛用于复杂曲面零件数控加工的刀具半径选择和干涉处理中 。

3.To use the frequency spectrum characteristics in texture classification of remotely sensed imagery,a texture classification algorithm based onminimum distance in frequency space is put forward.为了将频谱对纹理特性的表征能力应用于遥感图像分类提出了基于频域最小距离遥感图像纹理分类算法。


最小辐亮度与最小辐照度(见核爆炸火球)最小辐亮度与最小辐照度(见核爆炸火球)minimum-brightness and minimum-irradiancezuixiao fuliangdu yu zuixiaofu乙haodu最小辐亮度与最小辐照度(minimum-brightness and而nimum一irradianee)见核爆炸火球。
