900字范文 > 氮气吸附法 nitrogen adsorption method英语短句 例句大全

氮气吸附法 nitrogen adsorption method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-26 00:11:37


氮气吸附法 nitrogen adsorption method英语短句 例句大全

氮气吸附法,nitrogen adsorption method

1)nitrogen adsorption method氮气吸附法

1.Experiments were made using bothnitrogen adsorption method (NAM) and mercury porosimetry method (MPM) to analyze the pore distribution o.实验分别使用氮气吸附法和压汞法对同一泥页岩进行孔径分析。


1.The method of nitrogen adsorption measured pore structure of concrete氮气吸附法测得的混凝土微观孔结构

2.Nitrogen Adsorption Method and Mercury Injection Method Determination the Pore Structure of Alumina Carrier氮气吸附法和压汞法测定Al_2O_3载体孔结构

3.Study on surface fractal dimensions of several high temperature shift catalysts by N_2 adsorption method用氮气吸附法研究高温变换催化剂表面分形维数

4.Determination of static absorbed ethene and nitrogen for molecular sieve 3AGB/T10505.3-19893A分子筛静态乙烯和氮气吸附测定方法

5.adsorption gas chromatography吸附气相色谱(法)

6.Study on Absorptive Isothermal Equation of N_2 Adsorbed by Median Porous Active Carbon中孔活性炭吸附氮气的吸附等温式研究

7.Study on Absorption Capacity of Coal Based on Low-temperature Nitrogen Absorption and High-pressure Adsorption低温氮吸附法和高压吸附甲烷法研究煤的吸附能力

8.Chemisorption of nitrogen on zsm-5 zeolite氮气在ZSM-5沸石上的化学吸附

9.About 10-15 mg of zeolite sample was used for the sorption of nitrogen.供氮气吸附的沸石样品大约需10-15mg。

10.Research on Adsorption-Liquefaction Processes of Coalbed Methane with High Nitrogen Content;高含氮量煤层气吸附—液化过程研究

11.Measurement of Trace Oxygen Content out of Nitrogen in Pressure-swing-adsorption Nitrogen Manufacture Process变压吸附制氮工艺氮气中微量氧的测定

12.Test method for nitrogen-released and gas-absorbed dynamic curve of nitrogen-doped getterGB/T9506.5-1988掺氮吸气剂释氮吸气动态曲线测试方法

13.Preparation of a new adsorbent used for removing sulfur dioxide from flue gas吸附再生干法烟气脱硫吸附剂的制备

14.Test methods for nitrogen content of nitrogen-doped getterGB/T6625-1986掺氮吸气剂含氮量测试方法

15.Coal bed methane liquefaction by semi-open nitrogen expansive liquefaction process utilizing the residual pressure of adsorption利用吸附余压的煤层气半开式氮膨胀液化流程

16.Integrated process of nitrogen expansion and liquefaction for precooling CBM by adsorbing residue pressure利用吸附余压预冷的煤层气氮膨胀液化流程

17.aerated bath nitriding吸风盐浴软氮化;通气液体氮化;空气搅拌液体渗氮法

18.The adsorbed gas is the adsorbate.被吸附的气体叫吸附质。


nitrogen adsorption氮气吸附

1.Pore structure characterization of cotton fiber bynitrogen adsorption;氮气吸附法表征棉纤维的孔结构

2.Nitrogen adsorption (77.本论文采用氮气吸附法测定棉纤维孔隙结构,得到了关于棉纤维内部孔体积及其分布的参数。

3)nitrogen adsorption氮吸附法

1.By the two methods,mercury porosimetry andnitrogen adsorption,the pore size distribution and the total pore volume of this silica mea- sured are approximately the same.对美国康塔公司提供的压汞仪用多孔二氧化硅分别进行了压汞法和氮吸附法测试,结果表明该二氧化硅孔结构稳定,压汞法的实验验证值与标称值吻合良好。


5)N_2 isothermal adsorption氮气等温吸附

6)gas phase adsorption method气相吸附法


特性吸附与半胶束吸附特性吸附与半胶束吸附specifical adsorption and hemi-micelle adsorptiontexing xifu yu banJ旧oshu xifu特性吸附与半胶束吸附(speeifieal adsorp-tion and hemi一mieelle adsorption)矿物一水界面的吸附的两种形式。特性吸附是因矿物表面与溶液中某种组分(离子或分子)有特殊的亲和力而产生的吸附,也称特殊吸附。特性吸附不仅可以改变电位的数量而且还可以改变电位的符号。例如,刚玉(A12O3)在NaZSO‘或RSO;Na(烷基硫酸钠)溶液中,电动电位随溶液浓度的增大由正值逐渐减小,直至变为负值,说明刚玉对50矛一或RSO不离子有特殊的吸引力。半胶束吸附是水溶液中的表面活性剂在矿物表面产生的吸附,当吸附量达到一定值以后,由于烃基的缔合作用,表面活性剂的离子或分子在矿物表面上形成紧密的吸附层,这类似于溶液中形成的胶束结构,但所形成的“胶束”与溶液中形成的胶束不同,只有二维空间,故称这类吸附为半胶束吸附。矿物表面对胺类捕收剂的吸附,当胺的浓度较大时,常可以产生半胶束吸附。 (龚焕高)
