900字范文 > 传统中药饮片汤剂 Traditional detection of cut crude drugs英语短句 例句大全

传统中药饮片汤剂 Traditional detection of cut crude drugs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-06 07:18:11


传统中药饮片汤剂 Traditional detection of cut crude drugs英语短句 例句大全

传统中药饮片汤剂,Traditional detection of cut crude drugs

1)Traditional detection of cut crude drugs传统中药饮片汤剂

2)Traditional slice decoction传统饮片汤剂

1.Content determination of glycyrrhizin in traditional slice decoction and dispensing granule decoction of Suanzaoren decoction;酸枣仁汤传统饮片汤剂与配方颗粒汤剂中甘草酸含量的测定


1.OBJECTIVE To compare the similarities and the differences between granules decoction and traditional herbs decoction of Siwutang decoction.目的:比较四物汤传统饮片汤剂、代颗粒汤剂特征色谱的异同。

parison of effects of dispensed granule and traditional slice Si-Wu decoctions on the number of circulating blood cells in blood-deficient mice四物汤传统饮片汤剂与配方颗粒汤剂对血虚小鼠外周血细胞影响的比较

3.The Comparision of Chemical Ingredients and Pharmacodynamics between Classical and Ultramicro Sini Decoction;四逆汤传统饮片与超微饮片化学成分和药效的对比研究

4.OBJECTIVE To compare the content of baicalin between slice decoction and dispensing granule decoction of Gegenqinlian.目的:比较葛根芩连汤饮片汤剂、配方颗粒汤剂中黄芩苷含量。

parison of Gallic Acid and 5-Hydroxymethyl Furfural Between Traditional Slice Decoction and Dispensing Granule Decoction of Siwu Tang四物汤饮片与配方颗粒汤剂中没食子酸、5-羟甲基糠醛含量比较

6.Analyze the Reformation of Non-decocted Chinese Herb by Chinese Traditional Medicine Theory用中医传统理论浅析免煎中药饮片的改革

7.Verification the traditional prescripiton of "Danshen Yin"by Uitraviolet spectrum;中药传统方剂“丹参饮”口服液的紫外光谱研究

8.Clinical Observation of Treatment of Heart Failure with Micro-powder Shenfu Decoction参附汤超微饮片治疗心衰的临床观察

9.HPLC Determination of Ephedrine and the Comparison of the Effect of Bacteriostasis in HuaGaiSan Traditional Decoction and Kernel DecoctionHPLC法测定华盖散传统汤剂与颗粒汤剂中盐酸麻黄碱的含量及体外抑菌作用的比较

10.A Clinic Study on the Comparative Treatment of Menopausal Syndrome with Herbal Pieces and Dispensing Granules中药配方颗粒与传统饮片对更年期综合征临床疗效的研究

parison of Buyang Huanwu decoction ultrafine particle and traditional standards for stroke recovery with qi deficiency and blood stasis补阳还五汤超微颗粒与传统汤剂治疗中风恢复期气虚血瘀证的比较研究

12.Clinical Study on the Effect of Shimingyin Decoction in Treatment of Myopic Amblyopia;视明饮汤剂加减治疗近视性弱视的临床观察

13.Retail chemicals, antibiotics, proprietary Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine Yinpian.零售化学制剂、抗生素、中成药、中药饮片。

14.Focus on the research on pediatric capsule dose of traditional Chinese medicines应重视开展儿科中药饮片剂量的研究

15.Treatment for Functional Dyspepsia with Ultra-fine vs.Traditional Decoction of Baohe保和丸超微配方制剂与传统汤剂对照治疗功能性消化不良的临床研究

16.Objective To explore the difference in anti-inflammation and enhancing immune function between Extracted Gran- ule Preparation(EGP)and Traditional Herbal Decoction(THD)of Jinye Baidu Recipe(JBR).目的探讨金叶败毒方之免煎颗粒与传统饮片在抗炎及增强免疫功能等药效方面的差别。

17.Soup, cereal, and yogurt are usually served in bowls, but wine is served in glasses.汤、片和酸奶酪通常装在碗里食用,酒则是倒在玻璃杯里饮用。

18.Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese medicine Yinpian, proprietary Chinese medicines, antibiotics, chemical medicine preparations, biochemical drugs retail.中药材、药饮片、成药、生素、学药制剂、化药品零售。


Traditional slice decoction传统饮片汤剂

1.Content determination of glycyrrhizin in traditional slice decoction and dispensing granule decoction of Suanzaoren decoction;酸枣仁汤传统饮片汤剂与配方颗粒汤剂中甘草酸含量的测定

3)Traditional Chinese native medicine tablets ready for decoction传统中药饮片

4)decoction of TCM传统中药汤剂

5)slice decoction饮片汤剂

parison of baicalin betweenslice decoction and dispensing granule decoction of Gegenqinlian prescription;葛根芩连汤饮片汤剂、配方颗粒汤剂中黄芩苷含量比较

2.Objective:To compare the content of Magnolia betweenslice decoction and dispensing granule decoction of Houpu Sanwu decoction.目的:比较厚朴三物汤饮片汤剂与其配方颗粒汤剂中厚朴酚含量。

6)prepared slices of Chinese crude Drugs中药饮片

1.The thesis reviewed the process of implementing the GMP onprepared slices of Chinese crude Drugs in our country,discussed the causes which lead to the plan slowly and analyzed the weak state in our current implementing the GMP for prepared slices.在阐述实施中药饮片GMP意义的基础上,结合对中药饮片检查标准的认识理解以及实际工作情况,讨论2年多来中药饮片GMP实施过程中影响实施进度的主要因素,分析认证中存在的主要问题,并提出了解决途径。

2.This paper analyses the reason that problems existing in the prepared slices of Chinese crude drugs and some suggestions are offered.本文对影响中药饮片质量问题的原因进行了分析 ,并提出了对策和建议。


