900字范文 > 普通物理实验 general physics experiment英语短句 例句大全

普通物理实验 general physics experiment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-04 10:03:54


普通物理实验 general physics experiment英语短句 例句大全

普通物理实验,general physics experiment

1)general physics experiment普通物理实验

1.Thegeneral physics experiment: making and measurement of the resistivity of transparent electrode film;透明电极薄膜的制备及其电阻率测量普通物理实验

2.Thegeneral physics experiment: measurement of resistivity of metal film using four-point probe technique;把“四探针测量金属薄膜电阻率”引入普通物理实验

3.Some Thoughts Concerning General Physics Experiment Teaching普通物理实验教学的几点思考


1.Laboratory Physics普通物理实验(B)

2.The Application of Original Education in the Experiments on Common Physics;在普通物理实验教学中实施创新教育

3.Reform in practicing and exploration of general physics experiments;普通物理实验教学改革的实践与探索

4.Application of Mathematica in the Common Physic Experiment;普通物理实验中Mathematica软件的应用

5.Development of Creative Ability in General Physical Experiment Teaching;普通物理实验教学中创新能力的培养

6.The New Exploration of Teaching Reform in the General Physics Experiment Course;在普通物理实验课中实施教学改革的新探索

7.Implementing Moden Teaching Concepts to Improve Experimental Teaching of General Physics;贯彻现代教学理念 改革普通物理实验教学

8.Application of Uncertainty of Data Processing in College Physics Experiments;不确定度在普通物理实验数据处理中的应用

9.Application of Electronic Simulation in General Physics Experiment;电子仿真技术在普通物理实验中的应用

10.How to Reform General Physics Experiment Teaching and Cultivate Students Innovation Ability;改革普通物理实验教学培养学生创新能力

11.The Application of Optical Fiber Sensing Technology in the General Physics Experiment;光纤传感技术在普通物理实验中的应用

12.General Physics Experimental Teaching Method from Modern Educational Theory;从现代教学论的角度谈普通物理实验教学模式

13.Reform of the General Physics Experiment Based on Modern Teaching Theory;基于现代教学论的普通物理实验改革探索

14.On the Development of Student s Innovation in Experiment of Physics Teaching;普通物理实验教学中学生创新能力的培养

15.A Trial Exploration on How to Establish Common Physical Laboratory Class Model;建构新的普通物理实验课程模式的探索

16.General Physics Experiment Teaching Pattern Viewed From Quality Education;师专普通物理实验教学的素质教育模式初探

17.Uncertainty Discussion in General Physics Experiment Teaching of Teachers College;师专普通物理实验教学中不确定度的讨论

18.General Psychology and Experimental Psychology普通心理与实验心理


General Physics and Experiment普通物理及实验

3)physics experiment of university大学普通物理实验

4)reform of general physics xxperiment普通物理实验改造

5)general physics experiment teaching普通物理实验教学

1.This paper introduces the questionnaire investigatory result ofgeneral physics experiment teaching in the author s college, and analyses the result with evaluate Stat.介绍了对西南师范大学物理学院普通物理实验教学情况进行问卷调查的结果,并应用赋值统计检测法对调查结果进行分析,提出了解决目前高校普通物理实验教学存在的问题所采取的对策和措施。

6)general physics experimental teaching method普通物理实验教学模式


