900字范文 > 城市社区 Urban community英语短句 例句大全

城市社区 Urban community英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-04 21:07:06


城市社区 Urban community英语短句 例句大全

城市社区,Urban community

1)Urban community城市社区

1.Study on spatial planning of urban community from the viewpoint of social capital;基于社会资本视角下的城市社区空间规划研究

2.The revelation of the new urbanism to the development of the urban community in our country;新城市主义对我国城市社区发展的启示

3.The formation of the valid system of the urban community autonomy and the study of its relevant policies in Hebei province;河北省城市社区居民自治有效制度的形成及相关政策研究


1.Enlarg Urban Employment Via Urban Community Construction;加快城市社区建设,扩大城市社区就业

2.Development of urban communities continued.城市社区建设继续发展。

3.On the Urban Communities Spiritistic Culture Building and Urban Community Development;论城市社区精神文化建设与城市社区发展

4.Municipal community construction with Chinese characteristics seen from foreign counterpart;从国外城市社区看中国特色城市社区建设

5.On City Community Reform from the Point of View of City Management;从城市管理角度看我国城市社区改革

6.The Urban Community Construction,Urban Inhabitant Society and Political Development;城市社区建设、市民社会及政治发展(二)

7.The Urban Community Construction,Town-poeple BasedSociety and Political Development;城市社区建设、市民社会及政治发展(一)

8.The Reorganization of the Community Power Structure in Urban Community Construction;城市社区建设中社区权力结构的重组

9.A Study of City Community Development and Community Group Construction in China;论我国城市社区发展与社区人的建设

10.Index System of Harmonious Communities in Urban Communities of China;我国城市社区和谐社区指标体系研究

11.The Succeed Leading of City Community Management Self-government;城市社区管理的成功导向——社区自治

12.Urban Community Construction and Development of "Community Awareness;城市社区建设与“社区意识”的构建

13.Maintai Urban Community Stability And Keep Improving Community Administration维护城市社区稳定 不断完善社区治理

14.Research on Autonomy of Chinese Community from Administrative Community to Citizen s Community;中国城市社区自治研究:行政社区到公民社区

15.City Community Construction in the Transformation of Society;社会转型中的城市社区建设——衡阳市城市社区建设调查与思考

16.A Shallow Analysis on Urban Community Conflicts Caused by Peasant Workers;农民工进城引发的城市社区冲突浅析

17.Study of the Culture Construction of the Community in Society Transiton Period;社会转型期的城市社区文化建设研究

18.A Study of Urban Community Heterogeneity and Neighborhood Social Capital;城市社区异质性与邻里社会资本研究


city community城市社区

1.Application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation in developing level ofcity community sports;模糊综合评价方法在城市社区体育发展水平评价中的应用

2.An ethnics reflection ofcity community tourism;城市社区旅游的伦理学思考

3)Urban Communities城市社区

1.A Reflection of the Ideological and Political Education inUrban Communities;新形势下城市社区思想政治工作的研究

2.Under the background of urban social administration in transition, the basic communities play more and more important role in spatial organization and administration of urban communities in China.在我国经济转轨、社会转型,单位人转为社会人,单位制的城市社会管理转为社区制的城市社会管理的大背景下,以城市基层居民委员会辖区为单位的城市社区空间组织管理越来越突现出其重要的地位和作用。

3.In comprehensively promote the building of a well-off society,we must strengthen the building of China s urban communities,and to strengthen the community building,we must further deepen community autonomy.目前,我国城市社区的地位和重要性日益突显,社区是社会经济发展的必然产物,随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步完善,社区在社会管理中的地位将不断增强。


1.The Development ofCommunity--An Ecological Mode;中小城市社区发展——一个生态学研究范式

2.Research into the Existing Problems of theCommunity Physical Training in Some Cities of Inner Mongolia and the Solutions;内蒙古城市社区体育现状与发展对策的研究

3.A Survey of the Sports Expenditure of theCommunity In the Old Revolutionary Based Areas;革命老区城市社区体育消费现状的调查分析

5)urbanized residence城市化社区

1.Taking the design of Shudu new town as an example, this article advocated the idea ofurbanized residence in response to the up surging new town development.针对近年各地出现的城市综合新区开发热潮,结合蜀都新城概念规划方案,提出建设“城市化社区”的意义所在,并探讨“城市化社区”的 一些实现方式:运用“街区递变”这一基本城市发展规律,住区采用街坊式单元格局,以街道为载体达到居住、商业及其他公共服务设施的适度混合。

6)Urban community type城市社区型


