900字范文 > 期房交易 prospective estate英语短句 例句大全

期房交易 prospective estate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-13 02:37:24


期房交易 prospective estate英语短句 例句大全

期房交易,prospective estate

1)prospective estate期房交易

1.The economic growth pushed forward the real estate market andprospective estates have gradually become new preference in estate bargains.期房交易的巨大商业风险及某些商家恶意设计的商业陷阱也,是不容忽视的现实。


1.The Game Analysis between Developers and Consumers in the Pre-selling System of the Real Estate;期房交易中房地产开发商和消费者的博弈分析

2.Analysis on legal matter from real estate preliminary transaction;房地产前期交易相关法律问题的思考

3.(5) short-term arbitrage commitments.(5)短期套利交易

4.Real Estate Exchange Management Center房地产交易管理中心

5.Rates quoted are subject to chang without prior notice and do not apply during Trade Fair periods.☆ 以上房价如有更改,恕不另行通知。此价目不适用于交易会期间。

6.Research on Real Estate Land Development and Land Transactions Based on Option Theory;基于期权理论的房地产企业土地开发和市场交易研究

7.FOX [Futures and Options Exchange]期货和期权交易所[

8.DTB Deutsche Terminborse德国期权及期货交易所

9.options on futures contract期货合约的期权交易

10.A New Coagent in House-purchasing: Housing Loans for Personal Re-transactions购房新帮手:个人再交易住房贷款

11.option dealing"选择权交易,优先期货交易"

12.An Analysis of the Relationship between Exchange Trade Funds and Stocks Index Futures;交易所交易基金与股指期货关系探讨

13.Outside estate trade fair, citizens change estate information.房屋交易会”场外,市民自发交换换房信息。

14.I"ve fallen behind my rent.我的房租逾期未交。

15.Property registration and property transfer system coverage remains incomplete and transaction values are not always accurately reported, if they are reported at all.房地产登记和交易系统仍不完善,即使报告交易,交易价格也不准确。

16.trading in Both actuals and futures in grain进行现金交易和期货交易两方面的粮食贸易

17.R [option not traded]没有进行交易的期权[

18.futures individual clearing dealer期货独立结算交易商


second-hand apartment trading旧房交易

3)real estate trade房产交易

1.Application research on fuzzy theory inreal estate trade platform;模糊理论在房产交易平台上的应用研究

4)house transaction房屋交易

5)real estate purchase房地产交易

1.To counter the problem of the unclear relation of property right in Beijingreal estate purchase,the main method and example that can delimit the relation of property right in thereal estate purchase are put forward in the paper.针对北京房地产市场交易中存在的产权关系模糊不清的问题,提出了界定房地产交易中产权关系的主要方法和实例。

6)real estate transaction商品房交易

1.In order to strengthen the management of real estate, particularly the dynamic monitoring for the operation of commercial property transaction, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of both buyers and sellers,real estate transaction management system came into being.为了加强对房地产特别是商品房交易管理运行情况的动态监测,维护商品房买卖双方的合法权益,商品房交易管理系统应运而生。


