900字范文 > 煤文化 coal culture英语短句 例句大全

煤文化 coal culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-11 01:33:54


煤文化 coal culture英语短句 例句大全

煤文化,coal culture

1)coal culture煤文化

1.Cultural construction in coal institutions should continuously carry on and intensifycoal culture.煤炭院校文化建设应传承并不断深化煤文化,加强与煤炭行业合作,按照艰苦行业特点和企业现代化生产要求培养学生。

2)Study on the coal culture煤文化新谈

3)Coal Mine Safety Culture煤矿安全文化


1.People-oriented to strengthen the construction of mine safety cultur以人为本 加强煤矿安全文化建设

prehensive mine gas control technology for use in gassy longwall face working multiple coal seams浅谈煤矿安全文化的基本特征与实践

3.To Strengthen the Construction of Coal Mine Security Culture To Improve the Safety Management;加强煤矿安全文化建设 促进安全管理水平提高

4.Keep Sustainable Development,Building Security Culture of Coal Mine;坚持可持续发展理念 创建煤矿安全文化

5.The Problems and Suggestions Existing in the Construction of Safety Culture in coal mine Currently当前煤矿安全文化建设存在的问题及建议

6.Study on Coal Mine Safety Culture Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment and Application Based on AHP基于AHP的煤矿安全文化模糊综合评价与应用研究

7.Study on the Construction and Evaluation of Safety Culture System in China"s Coal Enterprises;我国煤矿企业安全文化体系的构建与评价研究

8.Cognition on Strengthening Safety Consciousness in Coal Mine Enterprises;加强煤矿企业安全文化建设的几点认识

9.Empirical Study on the Influencing Factors of Safety Culture in Coal Mining Enterprises煤矿企业安全文化影响因素的实证研究

10.The Study of Safety Culture in Modern Enterprise and Its Application in Coal Mine in China;现代企业安全文化及其在我国煤矿企业中的应用研究

11.Application of Quantification Theory in Mine Safety System数量化理论在煤矿安全系统中的应用

12.Reinforcing Fundamental Management and Improving Safety in Colliery强化基础管理 提升煤矿安全保障水平

13.Investigation on Mining Safety in Production and Management of Modern Mine;现代化煤矿安全生产与安全管理的探讨

14.Terms relating to coal mining--Mine safetyGB/T15663.8-1995煤矿科技术语煤矿安全

15.Study on Extraction Security of No.3 Coal Seam in West Wing of Baoan Coalmine保安煤矿西翼3煤层开采安全性研究

16.Research on Visualization System of Mine Safety Supplemented by Web Services;基于Web服务的煤矿安全可视化体系研究

17.Research on Information System of Mine Safety and Visualization Based on Grid;基于网格的煤矿安全信息系统及可视化研究

18.Probe into Financial and Tax Policies Guiding Coal Mine Enterprises to Strengthen Security at Work;引导煤矿企业强化安全生产的财税政策探讨


Study on the coal culture煤文化新谈

3)Coal Mine Safety Culture煤矿安全文化

4)Coal Mining Enterprise Culture煤炭企业文化

5)Mining Enterprises"safety culture煤炭企业安全文化

6)Probe into the Future Coal Market Culture煤炭营销文化初探


标准煤(见煤当量)标准煤(见煤当量)standard coal、~‘~1人、4《1工兀飞coal)见煤当等
